Original Post — Direct link
over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Hey all! Starting to get a better understanding of things so I'll be using this comment and editing with any updates we've got.

As a heads-up, some elements of our website are also impacted by the current issues, so we're unable to update Game Status page at the moment.

Apologies for the inconvenience, hopefully we're able to get you all back and making gains soon!


Update: 6:07pm GMT

We are now undergoing the restoration of services at our Data Centres, and the game will be restored as it was moments prior to services going down. However, our focus is on preserving game data and progress, so we want to be prudent about the time it may take to get things back up and running safely.

We estimate that all services will be functional by November 23rd at 12:00pm GMT. If normal functionality resumes before then, we'll be sure to let you know.

We're discussing appropriate Make Good options for you since we know this will have impacted your in-game gains.

For a more thorough update please visit: https://osrs.game/downtime-psa


Update 4:19pm GMT

We've made good progress on understanding when we'll be able to resume game and web services, but we need a little more time to flesh out the details.

We hope to update you again by 5:30 GMT.

Thanks again for your continued patience whilst we work to resolve the issues at hand!


Update 2:55pm GMT

We believe we'll be able to provide a better indication on when to expect Old School RuneScape services to return within the next hour.

While our news pages remain unavailable, we'll continue to provide updates via our social channels as we're able to.


Update: 12pm GMT

No major updates in the past hour. We're continuing to work with our Data Centre providers to establish a clearer timeline on the issue. Additionally, we're working on alternative/Plan B solutions to restore our services if the need arises.

We really appreciate your patience while we work to get the game (and all of you!) back online.


Update: 11am GMT

Our engineers are arriving on-site, we hope to have some more movement and more to update you on soon. There is an active issue at the Data Centre which is currently being assessed.

Thanks so much for bearing with us.


Update: 10:40am GMT Our team are working hard to get our services back online, but we have no key updates to share at the moment.

The issue is related to the availability of one of our London Data Centres. We've got a team of engineers working remotely and more headed on-site to make sure this is addressed as soon as possible.


over 1 year ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by arcadianrs

As a heads-up, some elements of our website are also impacted by the current issues, so we're unable to update Game Status page at the moment.

Same ol' nonesense as usual. This is a botnet scaled ddos attack. You not having the ability to update your own page tells us this.

As someone who works within the hosting industry, I almost cringe into a stroke when I see posts like these. Please just be transparent.

"We have had out london datacentre which houses our login servers massively ddosed

How hard was that?

Sometimes, not posting is better than a mistruth.

As far as we're aware it is not related to a network attack, else we would have said it was, much like we have in the past.

I understand the frustration, but please don't presume we're posting lies when we're just trying to communicate what we can as best as we can. Hopefully it'll all be resolved soon and we can all get back to scaping :)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Tried to point it out in the original post but just to reiterate: we're also being impacted by the issues, we're unable to use the modules we'd ordinarily use to update news, post newsposts, add forum posts etc.