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2 months ago - - Direct link
We're speeding into the New Year with the long-awaited Run Energy changes!
2 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Drain rate is drastically lowered at 99 so you'll still notice a huge impact, keep scrolling!

2 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Shadiochao

All my homies hate graceful

Imagine Graceful's passive effect will still make it useful in a bunch of the same places as before, but hopefully fewer people will feel baited into rushing it on an account and realising it's not that great and not worth burning out your new player pals at Canifis rooftops for!

2 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Straightbanana2

is that not a massive nerf for my boy dharok

It's just fixing a bug that popped up with Leagues release!

2 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by HugoNikanor

The left-click/tap option on Runecrafting Pouches will now dynamically swap between “Fill” and “Empty”, depending on their status and what you have in your Inventory. If you were using the Menu Entry Swapper for these pouches, you may need to set "Fill" as the left-click option for the dynamic effect to start working.

I've been using the plugin which makes rune pouches left click to fill, except at when next to an altar, when it's left click to empty. Will this new system work like that? The wording is unclear.

If pouch empty, then left-click fill.

If pouch not empty, then left-click empty. Meaning it applies to partially full pouches (largely only an issue with the Colossal pouch) and will still left-click empty on your second use.

2 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by chofol

I wonder how these changes affect different agility courses. Dorgesh-Kaan was very slow without stams (~40k/h instead of 60 with) but stuff like brimhaven or falador shouldn't be any different.

Also keen to see how Dorg feels with it, underrated course (I'm just a big fan of Dorgesh-Kaan in general, think it's such a neat area for its time and it's a shame that there's not all that much to do there!)

2 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by ljievens

Would this mean you can do solo cox without needing a stamina/purple sweets in the olm room?

You'd have to check with your individual setup and Agility level. I think you might be able to get away with it if you're doing 3:0 Mage hand and walking where possible (rather than 12:0/8:1) and walking from pinky to thumb for 4:1, but I'm not sure. Unlucky head phase might also make it tough to do without a stam, but I'd imagine you'd probably get through fewer doses.

2 months ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by plO_Olo

I am confused what the point of this change was for.

If its partially full is there a reason why you would want it to be "Empty" wouldn't you want it to be "Fill", feel like this wasn't thought out well for situations where you need to "Fill" multiple times because you have extra items in your inventory like in GotR.

I think this was primarily a change for mobile users, since the disparity between using pouches on desktop (Runelite in particular) and mobile is pretty large. Broadly the 'partially full' comes up with the Colossal Pouch, which would want a right-click (or RuneLite MES shift-click 'fill' in the bank window) for the second fill, but becomes much easier to empty and craft quickly.

I'd be curious to see what you're running into at GOTR with other pouches that's leading to partial filling, thought most people grouped small/giant and medium/large for two sets of 15, where you'll always have ample space.