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To start this off, I want to say that I love that we get a new more active/skill-intensive way of training Agility, but there is some work to be done of Sepulchre to make it feel more consistent and less "nitpicky".

Firstly the traps:


The arrow hitbox is slightly misleading, you often get hit by the backside of the arrow if you try to enter the course too quickly after they've passed. You get used to it quick but it doesn't feel right when you start doing this course.

In addition, maybe glow up or outline the statues that are about to fire. Noticing the pose change of the statue is easy to miss sometimes.


These are just plain broken lol. They work as well as all other floor type traps in Runescape. You wait till the portals pop and then you click on the ground on the opposite side, doesn't matter if you run over a portal, it doesn't do anything.

Solution: make them do something or don't, as the combined arrow portal trap might become too punishing. Further balancing needed to make the trap combo still feel beatable and not RNG-fiesta.


My favorite trap, you can do it either by following the sword or quickly running after the backswing. The hitbox feels fair and haven't had much "bullsh*t" moments with these.


Learning these has been my favorite part of this course. There are many flame parts where you can do the whole thing by running once if you do it tick-perfectly. The visuals don't match the actual duration of the flame so you get some leeway if you know the timing. THIS BEING SAID.

The floor 3 arrow flame combo (you all know what I mean) feels... off? The time-window of this is so tight that sometimes I swear I've done it perfectly and I still just plank. Maybe it's my baboon brain, hallucinations or differences is server pings but giving this part of the area a tick or two of mercy could greatly reduce the amount of frustration people are facing.




My god the pathing in these things is abysmal. My character jerks left and right after clicking the grapple like he has some serious leg issues. Also, is it really necessary to have a few second fade-out every time I fail the grapple?

Bridge building:

PLEASE, just let us run through this normally after building it. There is no reason for us to waddle through it after we have been Indiana Jones'ing the whole course seconds before the bridge.

Portal enchanting:

Works well, really nothing to complain about.

Burning ashes holy-thing barrier:

Same as with the bridge, just let us walk through it. Please.

Also the shrines that restore your energy, leave them as the exit nodes but restore energy after switching floor (if wearing the god item).

This minigame is supposed to be fast-tempo and intense and lot of these changes that I've proposed would make it feel more fluid and less clunky. Not necessarily to buff the completion time.

And lastly, the mark amount/item prices, of which I'm sure Jmods are already aware. It is just toooooooo slow and illogical. Why the hell would I pay, what, 1500 marks to buy some items that slightly aid me in the area? That just puts me behind 1500 marks of whatever grind you are doing there. Let us pay in some weird currency like vampyre ashes or holy water or something to pay for the tools. Nobody outside of masochists who go for agi pet or 200m there will buy the tools.

Also few hundred hours for a pet recolor when compared to other skilling pet recolors is a bit steep.

Just my X amount of cents, something something English is not my first language, sorry for mistakes.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

I'd firstly like to say thanks for the feedback! Getting more opinions is always a good thing and this is why I wish we could've had a player visit to get more feedback early on. I'll do my best to answer each question!


Arrow Trap

I was aware of the issue with running behind the arrows and I figured that players would get used to it however I have noticed it being notably bad on the Tier 3 arrows (blue ones) moreso than I remember them being while playtesting. I plan to reduce the range at which they can detect you by removing 1 tile from the back of them for all tiers of arrow so hopefully this helps.

Portal Trap

I'm afraid I don't quite understand the feedback here, they do work and if you want to take them you have to try to step on them. One thing I have been considering is increasing the "immunity" you get after teleporting from 2 cycles to 1 cycle but I'd have to try that first to see if it feels too strong.


Awesome! I love the sword traps too, both graphically and mechanically!


I've noticed that too and I believe the issue is because the animation for the flames animating and the statue animating sometimes de-sync when the instance is created. I believe I know what the issue could be and unfortunately it's one which will very very rarely happen on our test worlds so I can only apologise that I didn't think of it during development but hopefully once I fix that they'll feel as good as they did to me during internal playtesting.

Treasure Encounters

Grapple Yeah... we noticed the jerking from left to right sometimes but by the time we noticed it it was too late to fix because we'd have to re-map the entire thing making the grapples 2 tiles shorter and then re-creating all the animations for it. If it helps, standing on the side of the pillar you click on means you only move once (to the middle point) so that is slightly faster!

As for the fade out, we definitely wanted failure to feel like it did something in this place but I agree the grapples are much more frustrating to deal with. The hallowed grapple does make that fade out/in happen quicker but I could see a world where we make it quicker regardless and just keep make the hallowed grapple a 100% chance to not fail it.

Bridge Building/Burning Ashes

I hear you but unfortunately with it being a multi-player instance there isn't a way we can let you run through it, the only thing stopping you reaching the coffin is the fact there is a physical blocker in the way and we can't have the blocker turn off for one person so we have to do it that way.

That being said, I may look to see if we can make the traversing through both of these slightly faster, particularly the bridge.

Portal enchanting

Awesome thanks!

Obelisks We wanted to have the obelisks be a way to recharge energy but cost you time to do so, that way if players wanted to save a bit of time they could take stamina potions in. We didn't want to obliterate the requirement for stamina potions in the activity but we also didn't want the player to have to be chugging them non-stop so I feel like this is a fair compromise and I don't currently have any plans to change it.

That being said I have noticed a bug where when exiting the Sepulchre through them your energy isn't restored sometimes as it should be so I expect that to be fixed.

Mark/Item Prices

We currently have no plans to change the prices of anything except perhaps the hallowed token (the extra time one). If anything I'd consider buffing the hallowed items to make you never fail so they are more worthwhile.

Players are not currently getting the marks/hr I was able to in playtesting because it's day 1 and I only balanced it around what I was able to get once I "got good". The shop was balanced around 30-40 marks/hr at around floor 3 and around 60-80 once you can consistently do floor 5 with enough time to do both the treasure encounter on 4 and both on floor 5. So it's more like 60-80 hours for the pet recolour at floor 5 if you're good, I'm also fine with the Squirrel recolour being a stretch goal.

If anything I would consider ever so slightly increasing the marks/hr for lower floors but again, I may leave it for a week or so to let players figure out optimal methods of getting marks because there are likely strategies which provide better marks if you choose not to go for the agility xp when completing floors.

Hope this all makes sense, any and all feedback is very much appreciated, there are a bunch of small things I'd like to do too not mentioned in your feedback, namely just making the bolts themselves bigger and more visible!

almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by astronomicalblimp

Any ideas what causes the visual dysnc with double arrows? I've had it multiple times at the end of floor 3 where one of the arrows is behind the other

As for the portal feedback, is it to say they only activate if you stop on them? I've had multiple instances when just ignoring them and running (floor 4 mostly) and going over an active one has done nothing.

Ooooh interesting. Yes that would make sense given that it's likely the same issue as the fire traps. I'll investigate that

almost 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by WeeLadJoe

Theres a huge imbalance currently between the diffuclty of the content and the rewards you get in terms of xp/gp. Im sure Jagex are aware, but in order for high difficulty content to get played lots, the players need to feel rewarded for their time, either in terms of xp rates, gold/item gain or a little of both. The xp rates seem to be marginally better than rooftops, for exponentially more effort required, so the xp rates rewarding players for their time and effort arent there, which means the content needs to have high rewards to get people to want to play it. Oh most the items are priced at over 40 hours of playtime based off your best marks/hr rates, and they only work in the minigame and have no use outside of the minigame, or are a recolor that is ridiculously high priced in terms of time to get compared to other equivalent recolors. So neither the xp rates nor the rewards are high enough to counterbalance the difficulty and time required, so whats the point.

Tldr: the xp rates/rewards are too low when compared to the difficulty, gonna be dead content

Yeah it was released intentionally like that with the assumption players would get significantly better rates than us.

Although I'd like to fix the actual playability issues first such as bolt hit boxes, bolt sizes and teleportation pads being too annoying before looking at the difficulty vs reward ratio.

I appreciate the feedback though!