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I pked hard and often back in the day, and there was one particular event that killed pking for me in pre-eoc, and it wasn't all the OP sh*t, it wasn't the skill locked potions, it wasn't even the removal of free trade (you could still pk, just in a sh*ttier way)

It was the mechanics of the items you got from dungeoneering that made zero sense in the pvp world. Tier 70 weapon (whip) was a 2-3M risk, but if you were to smite someone for their chaotic rapier (which was vastly superior Tier 80), you would get 200K cash.

Flash forward to OSRS, there's 2 weapons that give this same exact broken feeling and they both involve the whip.

  1. Kraken Whip - You combine a whip (2.7m) with a kraken tentacle (400K), to make a superior whip, that when you lose, the other person gets 1/6th of what they would've got from a normal whip. You know pking back in the day, getting someones whip was an iconic moment, now you kill someone for a stronger variation of a whip and you get a joke of a reward in comparison, its not unlike a slightly nerfed version of the chaotic rapier. People have to put up with stronger weapons and they get less reward.
  2. Lava/Frost Whips - This sh*t is just broken, nothing this OP ever existed in rs3. You can just drop these whips when you're about to die, and they are considered untradable so you can run back to grab it. I see 2 very obvious ways to fix this, since the whip is tradable and the dye is tradable, why the hell isn't the dyed whip tradable? If you didn't want to do that, just make the lava/frost whips break back into dye/whip when you drop it.

This sh*t needs to go....all of it....makes me feel like I'm pking in broken ass 2010.

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about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Archie - Direct link

We hear you here. Would like to bring this up as a discussion point for the Q&A this week to see if we can improve things. Your suggestion for Lava/Frost Whips makes sense, but what about the Abyssal Tentacle?