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Right now the Amulet of the Eye is a pretty weak reward, despite being somewhat rare. Minigame teleports make this amulet almost worthless. And right now, crafting combination runes in Guardians of the Rift can be quite annoying, since you can run out of Binding Necklace charges rather quickly. Exiting the game area to retrieve more necklaces also means you can lose your spot in a populated world. To remedy these annoyances, I think it would be fair to let players store Binding Necklace charges in their Amulet of the Eye. As for how many charges, that's not for me to decide. Personally, I think letting us store 50 necklaces (or at least 25) would be nice. This change would be highly appreciated among Runecrafting enthusiasts.

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8 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

I'm not opposed to an eternal binding necklace existing as an item, or some variant increasing charges which is where I think the heart of this suggestion is coming from due to the frustrations with using the existing one but I am strongly against it being the amulet of the eye.

I understand the thought process though, this content rewards an amulet item, it's on the log, let's use this item but the rarity of that item was not set for it to be something meta-defining and more of a nice way to tell a little story and to create that exciting experience of getting something strange and rare from the abyssal rift, it also provides a collection log stretch goal. I really am a big fan of being able to include these rare niche rewards without worrying about the sentiment that it needs to be useful.

Honestly I wish we hadn't even included the teleport on the amulet and just left it as a neat cosmetic. I'm also hopeful that if the scaling changes pass the current poll it'll alleviate the frustrations of losing your spot on a mass world.

Anyway, just a little dev insight since I worked on it and I see this suggestion come up a lot

8 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by reed501

Thanks Husky. I really appreciate your thoughts on collection log "stretch goals." Luckily the minigame tele exists so the amulet tele doesn't really matter.

Do you think an imbued binding necklace could be retrofit into GOTR rewards or would you think new reward from something else? Maybe Varlamore? Sailing?

Ultimately, it's a game, we could go either way with it. I think I'm always cautious of retrofitting rewards into content that players might already feel like they've completed but that doesn't mean that's a hard and fast rule either, just something to be, well, cautious of.

In general when it comes to game design I'm usually a fan of having the problem and the solution come from two different pieces of content but I'm aware that can be difficult when content releases can be so far apart, I will say, I'm not aware of any plans for this reward imminently so perhaps that's another way of answering your question.

I will re-iterate though, I do think that the biggest pain point is the need to get more amulets coupled with losing your spot because the game filled up more so than the number of charges being a problem.