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almost 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Hands up we got that wrong, the phrase you used isn't one in common use in the UK but that is no excuse, clearly you were having an innocent conversation. I've let the staff involved in this know about the error so they can be mindful in future.

I can see your account was incorrectly muted for 25 hours, I've quashed that mute and bolted 3 days of free membership to your account in recognition of the inconvenience caused.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by Jmaster570

What do you call it in the uk?

Gearbox, although 'transmission' can be used it isn't common, and to then shorten it is even more unusual.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by GoreonVHS

would you of said this if it didnt get 2k upvotes and he only contacted you via the website support?

the answer is probably not

Contrary to popular belief, posts don't need to hit the front page of the subreddit to be noticed. This was picked up quite early into being posted - Sween actually posted it in our internal chat channels around midnight UK time. At that time there are few people in the office so unless it's critical, things usually get picked up in the morning when there are more resources to investigate further.

We don't always reply to the threads, but we see them and pass on what we can :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by ImWhiteTrash

The appeal was denied though, so if OP didn't post this to Reddit then the mute would've never have been undone? What about people who don't post to reddit when stuff like this happens? Do they just have to wait out the 25 hour mute?

Saying that someone doesn't have to hit the front page to get their support concern answered isn't reassuring at all when you still have to post to reddit in the first place. It still shows that even after years of Jagex acknowledging the problems with their support system it's still a trainwreck.

I wasn't trying to offer reassurance that it's a good situation to be in, just responding to the fact that posts don't need to hit the front page to be noticed which is what the OP I replied to was suggesting.

If this post wasn't made then yes, if the appeal was denied at the time they'd likely have to wait out their mute. Thankfully I'm told its not that common though, and with feedback being given (as Steve mentioned) it'll hopefully not happen again.

almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by IDKoksec

Don’t smile at us
