Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello hello hello everybody and welcome
7s to today's stream today we're going to
10s be getting stuck into two things uh
13s first we're going to be talking about
14s the recent God alignments pitch that we
15s put out Monday and if you haven't seen
18s uh there is an update to that blog in
20s there which is the main thing we'll be
21s talking about uh and alongside that
23s we'll also be talking about some project
25s rebalance stuff uh especially from Mod
28s Kieran so you know what let's start off
30s mod how are you
32s doing I am fantastic it feels like it's
34s been a while since we've got on a twitch
36s stream like this remotely as well so
39s looking forward to it I always enjoy
40s doing
41s these good stuff good stuff yeah we have
44s been talking about doing some more in uh
46s Studio streams as well so hopefully you
49s can look forward to some more of that
50s and I'm sure Kieran will be more than
52s happy to join us on the sofa uh for
56s those so yeah all right and mod rice
59s how's it going with you
61s going well went to watch June PL 2 for
65s the second time yesterday was just as
68s good presumably June three you're saying
70s three times
71s then maybe that is the bit that I need
74s to commit to at this point
77s yeah feel like it's only worthwhile you
79s do that mod rice honestly I will e that
82s twice in cinemas so that's it's ruined
84s you've ruined it already there's no
86s point uh but yeah I will Echo very very
89s good very good we watch that on Saturday
92s good um good good stuff all right well
95s if you missed it uh we ran a Discord
97s stages call on Monday where we answered
99s your player questions uh submitted in
101s the server which was uh quite nice I
103s felt mod I don't know how you felt about
105s it but I I thly enjoy the
107s stages yeah and I think we'll definitely
110s be running more of those uh so not just
112s for wild Graphics leaks we're going to
113s try and do some more uh in the future so
115s make sure to keep an eye on when we have
117s the next one of those uh and there will
119s be a record of that call coming soon uh
122s but we only be sharing the link in the
124s official Discord so if you want to catch
125s on that make sure you join the Discord
128s not only for that and all the other ones
130s we were on a run you can type
131s exclamation mark Discord in the chat to
133s get the link and join in uh so if you
137s weren't aware we're here to talk about
138s the latest concept pitch God alignment
140s prayers which we're proposing to launch
142s as part of while Guff it sleeps uh
144s alongside some words from Mod Kiran
147s about project rebalance but first of
149s course I'm going to run through the
151s announcements really quick so first off
153s is exclamation mark prayers following
154s your feedback about God alignment
156s prayers we're back with what we're
157s changing our next steps and addressing
159s the reasons for our decisions so you can
161s find all of that uh while you're
163s watching the stream if you haven't
164s already because it' be good to have some
165s concept on uh what we're talking about
168s uh and the second part is exclamation
170s mark rebalance uh our first full length
173s project rebalance blog is here detailing
174s skill and twakes uh and you can find out
177s more by using that command and this is
179s one of one of many blogs to come with
181s project rebalance it's a big it's a big
183s project in itself so just uh stay tuned
185s for much much more uh and exclamation
188s mark survey if you want to let us know
190s your thoughts uh about project rebalance
192s especially the Skilling stuff we've got
193s a lovely survey uh that you can fill out
196s everything you want us to know uh about
198s everything we've pitched and of course
200s exclamation mark Discord join the
201s official Discord server uh to catch
203s future Discord stages calls and be a
205s part of the community consultation
207s around everything God alignments project
209s rebalance
210s all of it it's a good place uh it's good
213s vibes come in there and uh and and hang
215s out with us it's a good time all right
217s that's all that out the way I think we
218s should get on to some uh some some chat
221s and some talking about project rebalance
223s to start off with uh so before we kick
226s up the G alignments uh we've got some
227s updates want to share with you regarding
229s your feedback and the future project
232s rebalance so first off let's tackle the
234s biggest point of discussion from this
236s week's News Post agility Kieran what's
238s going on with the changes and what are
240s we doing moving
242s forward oh agility agility um it's
245s certainly been the dominant topic I
247s think in terms of the response to to
249s rebalance so we got most to say about
252s agility and how we how we respond to
254s that but firstly I just want to S thank
256s everybody for the amount of attention
258s rebalance has got I mean it started off
261s as a as a game Jam pitch by mod Arcane
264s largely it just look at what dead
266s content have we got in game that we can
267s just sort of use to help fix and improve
270s improve the experience right aely for
273s instance relica PA of n courses that
276s basically just no one ever used but
278s could help fill out some of the space
280s the skill has for example obviously it
283s goes into loads of other skills too um
285s but yeah hundreds of thousands of people
286s have read the news post there's been an
288s absolute ton of engagement on the Reddit
290s thread um it has been amazing to see
293s that it's 11,000 survey responses I
296s think it's mad given that it's such a
299s sort of Niche topic about about tweaking
301s XP numbers right this isn't the new raid
303s it's not the new skill like this is
305s something so different so right agility
309s which is what your question actually was
312s so I've got some notes to sort of keep
313s me on track with what we're actually
315s looking to do
317s so firstly we know agility is unpopular
319s and that's been a big topic that this is
321s obviously brought to brought to the
323s front and we've seen that in annual
325s surface as well it basically it used to
328s be Rune crafting Mining and agility
330s would Al always dominate surveys from
333s least like skills Rune crafting doesn't
336s anymore gens of the rift and so on sort
338s of helped that and now it's in a better
340s place but Mining and Agility still come
341s out top obviously both of which are
343s getting some attention in
345s rebalance um but we can't fix agility by
349s just tripling XP rits that's that's not
350s really a viable solution either um but
355s being slow does exacerbate the other
357s problems so it's boring right basic
360s basically every agility course is at the
363s end of the day it's it's nice to have
364s different scenery and they might play a
366s little bit differently but essentially
367s you're doing the same thing um but also
370s it's unrewarding why do I care about
373s getting 90 agility or whatever level
376s beyond the sake of it right it's nice to
378s get Max one day there's there's a
380s handful of things like achievement
381s Diaries you might care about but
383s otherwise it's pretty poor so we want to
385s try and fix some of the progression
387s issues um and this overall is a buff
390s like it's still getting a bit faster we
392s just can't go absurd with it um and
395s we're also trying to add to the
396s rewarding side of it so one of the
399s topics has been the fact that there's
402s one course which is obviously where a
404s lot of people spent their time in Sea
405s Village which has got a slight Nerf on
408s on the table and the reasoning for that
410s is really to create the space for relica
413s and pauln nich to have room to push the
416s experience higher and indeed U are do do
420s R whatever we should know this play now
422s it's Ardo but R will do the r course
425s obviously being the top end we don't
426s want to push that too much um in fact as
430s much as a lot of people obviously do
431s want it to be faster there's also plenty
433s of people concerned about it's pushing
435s it too far um an Ari's got a pretty
438s sizable buff in in the blog um but it's
441s all so that we can create room between
443s seers for relica for p each to get
446s buffed um that said maybe would' been a
449s slightly bit too heavy-handed seers
451s we're going to change the Nerf so it'll
454s go down to about 57,000 XP an hour
456s rather than 55 I mean I know we're only
459s talking a couple of thousand here but
460s that is a lot closer to where it was and
463s where it is today um to me I think this
466s reasoning was fairly well explained um
468s in a comment on Reddit by mod husky if
470s you can find that and dig it out but
472s there's been some commentary on Reddit
474s about how overall this is pretty big
477s buff like 1 to 99 the hours it will take
479s you is a fair amount less than what it
482s was before these
485s proposals um but yeah to compensate for
488s SE changing there will be a little bit
490s of there will be some other tweaks
491s around there as well again with that
493s emphasis of making sure that you feel
495s rewarded for going from seers to PA of
498s nich and so
499s on um another concern brought up about
502s Relic and pal of nich is that the
505s courses feel a bit rubbish and maybe
506s they don't produce enough marks of Grace
509s we will look to try improve that c is
511s pretty good for aling at the same time
514s uh for not having to move your camera a
516s whole bunch we'll see what we can do
518s about those although we don't have Exact
520s Solutions just yet marks of Grace should
522s be fairly easy um another thing that we
525s didn't go into a lot of detail on but
526s it's still in our on our radar and we're
528s looking to obviously do as brim Haven to
530s to us that seems to be the more High
532s effort alternative to rooftops for like
535s the 40 to 70ish range that should help
538s from getting from the early game to like
540s towards late game um we're not attached
543s to any of the features of this proposal
545s um so some of the ideas that were like
547s social like tag the XP post tag the post
550s first for extra XP like we're happy to
552s just ditch that sort of idea um we also
555s not too fussed about the sub pillars
558s idea the idea that you'd get a secondary
560s pillar to go to once you've tagged your
562s first one as a bonus extra like some of
564s these we might we might tweak on based
566s on the feedback the biggest piece we
569s want to balance the content
570s appropriately for that level range
573s essentially so that from 40 to 70 it's
576s actually worth doing because right now
578s it isn't even though brim Haven actually
579s ends up being pretty decent at the top
581s end and a lot of this is this obvious
584s things the the darts trap lowers your
587s agility level why it's just insanely
590s punishing um and because of that like
593s you often end up below the requirements
595s to do the dart trap again like these
596s sort of ideas just hurt the content and
599s really put off anybody at that level
601s range participating in it
604s um anyway that's all the training stuff
607s on the other side the reward stuff so
610s shortcuts I think one of the things
612s that's gone down really really well it's
614s been awesome to see the buy into this
616s because we were like to be honest I was
618s a bit worried about pitching this water
619s birth dungeon
621s idea uh when I spoke to Arcane and said
623s I think we should do this like I was
625s like second guessing myself like it's a
627s big change which is why our Instinct was
629s actually put it behind the throwing xes
631s and all that sort of stuff cuz we didn't
633s want to necessarily lose something that
634s was like the feeling of that dungeon so
637s on but it's I've seen feedback to the
641s contrary and it's fair enough 80 plus
644s agility should damn well be rewarded
647s with something that feels worth doing it
650s for most of your DK's grind isn't
652s happening post 80 odd agility anyway so
655s it's it's nice when you go back at a
656s high level that you can do that more
658s quickly um but this is highlighted that
661s we want to add more as well um this
663s obviously that wasn't the only one we're
664s pitching people Lov the the fossil
667s Island one there's been suggestions for
669s one in the mall there that cuts out some
671s of the having to run around the Rocks so
673s we might look at that one and we've got
674s a whole bunch of others that have been
676s suggested in the survey there's like
678s 3,000 odd comments suggesting different
680s agility shortcuts and we've got our own
681s ideas as well so we'll definitely look
684s at some of those um and also across the
687s whole range like if we wouldn't want to
688s just Target like 80s and 90s but make
691s agility feel meaningful all the way
693s through the skill as best as we can um
696s KQ one's obviously slightly
698s controversial people have asked for us
701s to remove the elite desert diary task
704s we're a bit back in back and forth on
706s that um just because the elite diary for
709s Desert would be quite lacking so we
712s might revisit that down the line but for
716s now we're probably unlikely to change
718s that until we come with the idea for
720s what desert diary should reward Instead
723s at the elite level but we'll keep it in
725s mind um we're also going to change Trum
728s Village the Trum stronghold sorry to be
732s level one still rather than level 10 so
735s anybody who would love starting there
736s can absolutely still do that and we'll
738s just have a bit more of a gap at level
740s 10 but that's not really a big issue you
741s fly through those levels anyway and most
744s people just do a go go do a quest and
745s it's not an issue this really is the
747s noob friendly I don't want to have to
749s run all the way a gnome stronghold to
751s get my first agility levels which is
753s absurd um sea actually this is the other
756s training element so sepa is a big piece
759s of agility content it's really high
761s intensity it's quite hard to learn and
765s we just feel like you're not really
767s fairly compensated for that XP wise like
771s especially at the earlier levels I think
772s post 92 is great and people feel
775s comfortable and a lot of people choose
777s to do it then people don't choose to do
779s it at 72 and 82 not much anyway
783s obviously I can't it's not everybody
785s some people will but by and large it's
788s just hard to justify why am I going to
790s go and do something that's so high
793s effort for a marginal amount of extra XP
796s which you probably won't get because you
798s might still be learning the content you
800s don't get the chance that the ring drop
801s because that's only post 92 so the the
804s incentives to do it are less so we want
806s to we want to up level three and level
808s four and we'll do that by removing a bit
811s of XP from level five and putting it
813s onto three and four that means if you're
816s doing it post 92 basically the XP rates
818s unchanged but we're just bringing up
820s three and four a little bit more so that
822s it's worth your
824s time so it doesn't change it at the end
827s game um the other complaint we've seen
830s about sea for a while is the in lack of
833s instancing so you might realize that the
836s timing of certain obstacles changes
838s because other people have before
840s you we are going to look at instances um
844s we're not sure exactly if it'll just be
846s a free thing that everyone get or if
848s it'll be an
849s unlock but we are going to look to do
851s this in some capacity we just don't know
853s the solution yet so better XP for earli
856s sea and probably easier to play because
859s of the timing stuff getting
861s solved um so loads of good stuff I think
864s that just about covers agility I mean
866s I've been on a probably a 10 minute 5
868s minute Tire ra at this point so we
870s should probably move fast it was good
872s it's great summary I just want to say
874s though on the um the mle shortcut I saw
877s that suggestion I was like that's genius
879s I should be like Pac-Man in there we
880s should have 20 of them should be going
881s from the left side of the screen to the
883s right um love that
885s one yeah I agree and Kieran I'm not
888s going to lie we we should just let you
890s continue the ramble honestly because
891s agility is just one of many things that
894s was in the project rebalance blog and I
896s think it's probably time to talk about
898s the other hotly uh debated topic which
901s was beathing what is going on with that
905s skill for feing we've been probably a
907s bit too heavy-handed on the top end
909s especially with zaric pocketing so we
912s will bring down the top end a bit so
913s it's more fair and doesn't invalidate
916s other methods like blackjacking pyramid
919s plunder efficient artifacts and so on
922s obviously we're still looking to buff it
923s and really help with the over exuberant
926s fail rates and those sort of things so
928s like we still want stuff like Zar and
931s heroes and so on to be an option we
934s don't want to be just totally dead as
936s some of them almost are right now so
939s we're still look to do that but it'll be
940s a bit less generous than we have been um
943s so hopefully that would be good and the
944s surveys do indicate that this is the
947s right thing to do as well players have
948s told us that um it's the feeling of it
951s that's that's good even doing ay kns
954s when you still fail it sucks man when
957s you're failing all the time um it's nice
959s to have a fair balance to that we'll
962s also pick a few NPCs to roll out some
963s higher tier of Clues to um th's quite
967s well known for Clues right ham the
969s guards that you can you get them from
971s pick pocketing guards or just killing
973s them either way ham certainly at the
974s easy level so let's roll out some of the
977s higher tier Clues to higher level NPCs
979s for thieving as well that'll be a nice
981s easy thing we can do um there's more we
985s can probably do with stores in the
986s future but we're not looking to go and
987s sort of go much further with them right
989s now now as much as people still point
991s out they're a bit lacking um I will also
995s think of like new reward space even um
997s for things like elves and VI but that's
999s definitely more of a future thing
1003s too um TR move on to
1006s slay I think so why not you're on a roll
1008s kieren you're on a roll you keep it up
1010s on a
1011s roll so there's a lot of tasks we propos
1014s removing from some of the lower level
1016s Masters and maybe some people thought we
1018s were going a bit too far with that we
1021s would say that those tasks lists on the
1023s early masss are so big like they're
1026s they're really bloated um but we are
1030s going to make a tweak um the main thing
1033s we'll be keeping in mind is that what if
1035s a task is on the master we will try and
1037s make sure it's a reasonable quantity
1039s like a lot of people might hate for
1041s example getting a signed metal dragons
1043s certainly early game when they're a pain
1045s to kill but if it's only a few of them
1047s rather than 20 odd that feels better you
1051s can still get the task done fairly
1052s quickly and get points which is also
1054s really valuable to an early level
1057s Slayer um sour Hogs we're going to move
1060s to be spr exclusive so they won't be on
1063s tal for people wanting a tal skip um
1066s we're going to look at the task storage
1069s system um and maybe make storing a task
1073s free it's already got a massive upfront
1075s task um unlock fee and so it feels
1078s appropriate that it doesn't cost much to
1080s use in of itself so that's that's really
1083s nice so if you do want to switch from
1085s having a task to go and do something
1086s else obviously that will be more
1088s welcoming now
1090s um and also things like the bug Basher
1093s some of the new items we were looking to
1095s introduce which ultimately something
1097s like the bug Basher is almost entirely
1099s placed a lowlevel Slayer G doing their
1102s you know historically rubbish cave bugs
1104s task might actually get something
1106s meaningful out of it that a high level
1107s player would want um but we're not
1110s attached to these we know there's some
1112s feedback around things like the ham
1114s joint and Swift blade does that just
1116s harm them is it annoying because it's
1118s charge based but realistically it needs
1121s to be charge based if we want it to hold
1122s a price and value for the people who
1124s would get it at the low end of the game
1126s so we'll do some more thinking on it but
1128s we might choose to just not move forward
1130s with some of those ideas at the minute
1133s um all right so that's the layer um and
1137s Mining is obviously the other skill
1139s we've put a decent amount of focus on um
1142s and these were also responded to really
1144s well there's a load of positive
1145s sentiment from the survey people seem
1147s quite happy with the proposed changes
1150s for mining um there's still some tweaks
1153s that we might want to make though based
1154s on what we said
1156s yesterday
1157s um so we are not really obviously
1160s handling a lot of the core mining stuff
1164s yet we know there's still a lot of
1166s improvements to just the general hitting
1168s rocks and the core skill there's the
1171s bigger issues connected to smithing
1172s about how you need like an absurdly high
1174s level to get runite F point is useless
1177s past the point is useful to you we're
1179s not looking to obviously fix all of that
1181s stuff now it's similar mindset we're
1183s looking at what have we got how can we
1185s make it better and make incremental
1187s improvements to the
1189s skill um blast mine there's a there's a
1192s list of there's more more changes there
1194s um so we're looking to increase the
1196s timer for the crumble or the despawn
1198s behavior
1199s will increase the capacity so that you
1201s can claim more ore at once with a bigger
1204s XP drop obviously with that which makes
1206s everyone feel good um we'll add a
1209s counter so you can see how much ore
1210s you've
1211s deposited um so yeah um there's lots of
1215s stuff happening there zalcano obviously
1217s maybe more people into
1219s zalcano um we're going to look at some
1222s of the feedback around that but it seems
1224s like most people are quite happy with
1226s the idea that they can use this as a
1227s Training Method the thematics exactly
1230s how the drops and XP are handled we
1233s we'll still de be debating that and
1234s looking for the ideal solution and how
1236s we handle it um essentially the long and
1240s short of it obviously is we cannot offer
1241s you all the loot and all the XP at the
1244s same time and we're also conscious of
1246s the fact everyone's well aware there's a
1248s lot of gold farming activity that
1250s happens at zalo so that's got to be
1252s taken into account into our design
1254s too and I think that's about it for all
1256s the rebalance things that we wanted to
1258s show talk about um obviously there will
1260s be another blog coming I believe s that
1263s covers this
1265s yes yeah we we'll make sure to have all
1268s of this information in a nice tidy place
1270s so you guys can get that easily so yeah
1273s thank you very much Kieran for the for
1275s the in
1277s depthy sorry my my two cents for Slayer
1281s uh I personally can't wait to corrupt my
1283s bug Basher I'm really looking forward to
1286s it there you go hot from Rice about the
1290s the bug Basher there excellent stuff but
1292s yeah I think that's honestly all of it
1295s some some good things and mostly that's
1298s down to all of your engagement uh like
1300s as as Kieran stressed at the start like
1302s we We Can't Stop recommending filling
1305s out these surveys which are including a
1306s more and more news post and it gives us
1309s a better way of collecting like
1311s collecting feedback in a way uh
1313s alongside all the other social channels
1315s so please fill them out when we have
1316s them there we're going to include them
1318s in a lot of things
1319s uh it really does give us a good idea of
1321s of of what's going on so you know make
1323s sure to to check those out when you do
1325s read the blogs it might take a little
1326s while you know I think the average I
1328s think for the project rebalance on the
1330s average uh fill out time is like 32
1333s minutes or something like that uh I'm
1335s sure it wouldn't take most of you that
1337s long but um they do really really help
1340s uh so yeah I I can't stress that enough
1343s honestly um awesome all right I think
1346s that is Project rebalance uh done again
1349s you can look forward to the update to
1350s the blog I think uh Goblin was in chat
1352s saying at some point next week um but I
1356s think we'll come away from Project
1357s rebalance for a bit and we will talk
1359s about uh one of the main reasons we're
1361s here and that is God alignment prayers
1364s so if you haven't seen Monday we
1366s released a uh a quite lengthy blog
1369s detailing uh our thematics for seven
1373s gods uh and then went into the details
1375s for three of those on the prayers that
1378s you can find in in the gfix alignment
1380s the rights of balance the zaros
1382s alignment the ruinous powers and finally
1385s the sarin alignment the covenants of
1386s light uh now we've see we saw a lot of
1389s feedback from these uh from these
1392s prayers and we again I can't stress
1394s enough saying just thank you uh for
1397s being so attentive and giving us as as
1399s much feedback you can across all the
1400s social platforms and the survey and
1402s everything um it's been honestly great
1404s to see and this won't be the last of it
1406s this is going to be an ongoing
1408s discussion we are very cautious and you
1412s know we want to make sure we're getting
1413s this right we're not going to rush it
1415s hence why as part of the uh as part of
1419s the updated blog if we end up going past
1422s the point of while graffic sleeps and we
1423s don't release them then we will do that
1426s if that is the case um so we have these
1429s in mind we want to be flexible to make
1430s sure that we are giving this the
1432s attention that it so deserves uh so if
1435s you did miss the update today I'm going
1437s to give you a little rundown of what
1438s we're we're proposing uh so following
1441s your feedback uh there is an update at
1443s the top of the uh usual blog which you
1445s can find with exclamation mark prayers I
1447s want to say I'm just going to scroll
1449s back up to the top Yes exclamation mark
1451s prayers uh so you can have a look at
1452s that but essentially to summarize we're
1455s removing sarin from the current roster
1457s uh as we want to make sure that we have
1459s some refined focus on those prayers uh
1461s and if all goes well we'll revisit them
1463s later so they're not gone gone they have
1465s just been moved out of this initial uh
1467s uh pitch and then we're going to go back
1469s to redesign both gfix and zaros and
1472s we'll tweak the designs with all the uh
1474s feedback we've seen to incorporate them
1476s inside of them uh and part of that is
1479s removing at least one prayer from each
1482s of them uh so in doing that we're
1484s trimming down the number of prayers uh
1486s by at least one uh and this is not a
1489s hard this is not a number we're hard
1490s stuck on this is something that we can
1491s be flexible upon uh but initially we're
1494s just going to take one off for now and
1496s then we're just going to see see how we
1498s go from there uh but we're definitely
1500s open to different alignments having the
1502s different numbers and Etc uh and then
1505s we're going to step further back and
1508s we're going to present you one pitch at
1509s a time so the first one is going to be
1511s the graphics alignment uh because and
1513s then once that consultation is wrapped
1516s up and if everything goes well we will
1518s then and only then move on to the zaros
1521s alignments because something that I
1522s mentioned in a couple of replies to
1524s today's Reddit Fred is that information
1526s overload is a very big big concern for
1529s us there is a lot being thrown at you
1531s especially recently and I'm sure
1533s there'll be more to come uh in the next
1535s few months of of information about uh
1537s different projects that we're working on
1539s and we want to make sure that you guys
1540s have time to process that and properly
1542s discuss that and and so that we are
1546s doing best for what you want essentially
1549s um so
1550s hopefully that should that should be
1553s good I think I've summed that up fairly
1554s well so yeah essentially it's oh gone
1557s gone right sorry I was just going to say
1559s to to give some context as well like
1561s part of the reason for for this like
1564s wanting to do this is there was again a
1567s ton of feedback which is really nice
1569s because you know it gives us an idea of
1571s where to go next the intention with with
1573s this was always to like okay here's a
1574s starting point where do we go from here
1577s um the problem is that like some people
1579s are talking about sarin some people are
1581s talking about one specific sarin prayer
1582s other people are talking about gothics
1584s other people are talking about this and
1586s it makes it really difficult to just
1587s like focus on one thing at time and have
1589s a conversation with the community that
1591s complicate conversations as well we we
1593s think this is really challenging to get
1595s right we acknowledge that um and so in
1598s order to have those clear conversations
1601s let's just take it one at a time and uh
1603s make sure we're doing the right
1606s things yeah I couldn't I couldn't agree
1608s more m r so essentially you'll be seeing
1611s from us soon I can't give you a date yet
1614s but a dedicated gothics alignment News
1616s Post with no more than three prayers
1618s alongside that there will be elements of
1620s community consultations there will be
1621s surveys we'll be doing live streams
1623s Discord stages and of course which we
1626s know is very important to a lot of you
1627s open baers to make sure that the prayers
1629s feel right not just only on paper but
1632s give you the time and the hands on
1633s experience to make sure that they are in
1636s the right place and then of course we'll
1637s end up doing some polls to make sure
1639s that they are good and they are going
1641s through and they go into the game so
1642s that is the the process I just want to
1646s say thank you for everyone that's been
1647s so understanding and giving us your
1649s patience and your trust like it is
1651s something that we are again being very
1653s cautious about what we want to make sure
1655s we're doing the best possible and we
1656s know there are there are players out
1658s there that don't like the idea of new
1660s prayers at all hopefully you can help us
1663s on the journey to make them as good as
1665s they can be for everybody because that's
1667s what we're here to do ultimately so help
1669s work with us to make them the best
1671s possible because that's what we want we
1673s just want the game to be in in a great
1675s place honestly um so alongside that that
1678s we have gathered up some questions which
1680s we've seen from uh your conversations
1682s over the last week and we're going to go
1684s through them today so I think we'll
1687s start straight away
1688s with question one some of these prayers
1691s are too complicated talk about the the
1693s ones we pitched how are you going to
1695s simplify
1697s them okay um well I think there's a
1699s multipronged approach here
1701s like there are many things that people
1704s are concerned about first is the
1706s keywords thing we thought we were being
1708s clever I don't think it worked out um
1710s this whole like vulnerability thing
1712s adaptation you know it makes it in our
1714s minds sound simpler but it doesn't
1717s actually work and it gives people the
1718s impression that it's like a status
1720s effect which is not what we were going
1721s for but definitely what we communicated
1724s um so it's been made clear those don't
1726s belong um we're going to completely
1728s remove those we'll find a different way
1730s of doing that um we're going to explore
1733s some variations on the existing Concepts
1735s again cutting the number of prayers down
1737s means that we can focus on getting good
1739s stuff um for what we do deliver uh
1742s cutting the number of alignments we're
1743s initially delivering also means that we
1745s can focus harder on getting the right
1747s stuff um presenting an interesting
1748s choice ideally uh between the two
1751s alignments like should be thinking
1754s before you go into an encounter a pvm
1756s encounter am I going to take my Gothic
1758s prayers or am I going to take my zaros
1760s prayers that's I think the ideal spot
1762s for us to be um yeah all of that should
1765s hopefully reduce the complexity quite a
1767s lot we'll also be exploring some of the
1769s suggestions that the community have come
1770s forward with uh different Avenues
1772s there's quite dramatic things that we
1774s could change there are smaller tweaks
1775s that we could make we'd like to explore
1778s both I would like to say when we pitch
1780s them forwards none of these things are
1782s final um nothing's final before it gets
1785s blogged um so when we suggest a simple
1788s one if you go wow this is really simple
1790s and boring um it shouldn't come into the
1792s game tell us that um or maybe we suggest
1795s something too complex and you're like
1796s this is too difficult to understand and
1798s and it's going to make playing the game
1800s annoying tell us that um we want to
1803s itate and we want to get it
1805s right Simplicity is important to old
1808s school as a whole and I think we've seen
1811s it go wrong in other content I think
1813s people use the term complexity around
1816s forestry um and that's not the only
1818s example and I think it's a it's a good
1820s to capture where things have gone too
1823s far and trying to find like a niche and
1824s some crazy utility and there's something
1827s to be said which TR to find the
1829s smoothest simplest solution that
1831s achieves a similar result we don't want
1832s to change the feeling of combat and the
1835s way you use prayers necessarily right we
1837s want to explore new
1840s ideas and get that right to me
1843s complexity um kind of comes through
1845s depth like each individual thing should
1846s be fairly simple um it's the way you
1849s utilize these different simple things
1851s that adds the depth um and that's where
1854s we want to try and capture it with
1855s prayers as
1857s well yeah to to Echo kieran's point I
1860s want to stress that obviously I feel
1862s like there's a lot of fear especially
1865s when it comes to something as classic as
1868s as as prayers are and that is completely
1871s understandable I think players have a
1873s very fair right to feel like that but
1876s we're hoping that you can give us the
1878s opportunity to make it as good as
1880s possible and if not then you tell us and
1882s we are very open to every single bit of
1885s feedback we are open to I I can't stress
1887s this enough especially me from a
1889s personal level and a players level I
1891s want these to work as well as as well as
1893s they can to make sure they fit so nicely
1895s into the current standing of prayers and
1898s what prayers mean and how Simplicity
1900s means for that and everything else so I
1902s think that the fear is rightly to be had
1906s it's just that we want something to we
1908s just want to we just want to make it
1909s work the best it can you know and I
1911s think the over complication aspect was a
1914s big part of of the feedback we saw and
1918s that is something we're definitely going
1919s to take away and learn
1922s from oh all right uh thank you guys for
1926s the answer on that we will move on to
1927s the next one uh which is how do you plan
1930s to tackle the balance between not making
1932s prayers over complicated but still
1934s making prayers interested and I know
1936s Kieran you touched briefly on that but
1937s rice do you have anything to follow up
1940s on um yeah I
1944s think ideally we'd want it to be in a
1946s spot where it's sort of more like gear
1950s like Scythe Fang they don't
1952s fundamentally change the way that you
1954s play the game they're just like a choice
1956s that you make before you go into combat
1958s like what am I bringing where am I
1960s bringing it um alignments should feel
1962s like that it should feel like a choice
1964s you're making about you know what and
1966s you know eventually people will optimize
1967s it they'll say this is the best prayer
1969s to bring here and this is the best thing
1971s to do there but we want there to be a
1972s little bit of Discovery at the start and
1974s we do want there to be variety across
1975s where you bring your alignment um so
1979s hopefully that is where most of the like
1981s interest can lie um and then when you're
1985s in combat um they are just adding on to
1987s what you're already doing they're
1988s supporting your you know uh movement
1991s your gear switching even maybe your
1993s prayer switching they're doing things
1995s that interact with existing systems I
1997s think we might touch on this a little
1999s bit later but I think like hard line
2003s we'd like to draw is um we're not adding
2006s any new buttons to press um or any new
2010s UI elements that sort of like you know
2012s you need to keep track of still going to
2014s be you're looking at the same elements
2016s that you've always had uh and all the
2018s addition tile markers that EHC and uh
2021s run light are providing
2025s you yeah yeah very well said rice um
2029s Kieran I don't know if you have anything
2030s else to to hop on to that but it's the
2033s crooks of the challenge this question is
2035s exactly the point of what we're trying
2037s to solve right um and that requires this
2039s back and forth of the community
2041s um the reason complexity is almost an
2044s instant answer is you've got all these
2047s different alignments we want to get to
2049s how do you find them they're all their
2050s use cases and and niches and it's easy
2053s to come up with an idea that's
2054s complicated it's hard to come up with an
2056s idea that is simple and still
2058s interesting so this is what we're trying
2060s to do exactly
2062s this yeah yeah big agree indeed okay uh
2066s the next question we have is is a lot of
2068s these prayers add status effects which
2071s are invisible or don't belong in Old
2073s School any plans on how to avoid this
2077s yeah on this yeah the first uh answer I
2082s was just going to say like it's very
2083s clear that those don't belong and I
2085s genuinely believe this was just like a
2087s bit of a communication mistake we we
2089s tried to heord things and then it was
2092s like oh are these status effect I think
2093s we do actually call it a status effect
2095s in one of the um images so you know that
2097s is definitely
2099s um but yeah we we would not want to add
2101s like uh invisible effects that are hard
2103s to keep track of um and and things like
2106s buff bars at the bottom of the screen
2108s Noni elements stuff like that if you
2110s want to go ahead Kieran got something to
2112s finish us off with but um yeah any
2115s additional
2116s points yeah it's just exactly that we
2119s don't want to add loads of things to
2120s keep track of we probably all play
2122s different games where you see a b b with
2124s 20 or different icons on it it's so much
2126s to learn and get to grips with old
2128s school simple you can sort of just look
2130s at the screen and play as much as we do
2133s have a buff bar on run light and there's
2135s a buff bar on the HC they're small
2137s they're focused you can easily play
2139s without it um we'd never want to get to
2141s the point where you feel like you need
2142s it and that's maybe that's a good line
2145s to sort of capture it yeah I think for
2148s me if you're if you're looking away from
2151s like the center of action your character
2153s and the enemies that you're fighting
2154s then maybe something's gone wrong there
2157s um we do have have a little video I
2159s Threw together a little prototype to
2160s suggest how we might have like short
2162s spanning effects um that do impact you
2166s immediately but don't require you to
2167s have some like crazy UI setup in order
2169s to keep track of don't know if we can
2171s get that up
2177s modd yes maybe M oh here it comes there
2180s we go there it is so keep in mind this
2183s is all like really bad de I took the
2186s Earth blast VFX
2188s and I rescaled them down played them on
2190s top of the player if we went to the art
2192s team with this I'm sure they'd do a
2193s cracking job and give us something good
2195s you can see there have a little effect
2196s play on my head I'm like oh next
2198s attack's empowered swap into my range
2200s gear then swap back because I want to be
2201s hitting an Ogo with my AR light for some
2204s reason I think I was going to capture
2205s this at demonic gorillas and I was like
2206s ah too much effort um yeah that's it you
2210s just see the little effect and you're
2211s like oh my next attack is going to do a
2213s bunch of extra damage if I switch now we
2215s don't want that to happen all the time
2216s cuz that'd be super annoying that's part
2219s of the motivation for only wanting it to
2221s happen sometimes and like show something
2223s to indicate like you should swap now um
2226s yeah like if it happens every 20 seconds
2229s then think that's maybe a good place
2231s maybe you don't agree maybe you think it
2233s should happen every minute maybe you
2234s don't think it should happen at all do
2236s now but that's sort of how I think we
2239s envision um it could be an effect on the
2243s player that isn't like a little icon at
2247s the bottom of your screen that you need
2248s to see like oh it's flashing red I've
2250s activated my ability now I've got to do
2252s this um it's just a simple effect on top
2255s of the character similar to like the
2257s goth and set effect when you heal plays
2259s a little like swirly animation in your
2262s character that's sort of thing I think I
2264s saw a suggestion to have it like be a
2266s little gothics icon floating above your
2267s head like you've been empowered by
2269s gothics that sound kind of cool but
2275s ultimately yeah yeah and yeah I think
2277s this wor ing the idea of the the sorry
2281s sorry S I think it's worth seing like
2283s the idea of the the prayer itself and
2285s the sort of encouragement to switch gear
2288s from the sort of UI implication as well
2291s of how how we might communicate certain
2293s things happening um and they're both
2295s sort of separate design philosophies
2297s right because we could change the prayer
2298s idea we could also use this method of
2301s showcasing things to you for other stuff
2303s as well so it's worth keeping that in
2306s mind in your in your feed back like it
2308s we don't obviously we want feedback on
2310s both um so if you don't like the ement
2313s tell us that if you don't like the idea
2314s of sort of things proing in this way
2316s tell us that but I could certainly
2318s understand why somebody might not want
2319s to switch gear regularly for a fight
2321s like this some people might like that um
2324s so we do want to understand which
2326s elements you like or
2329s dislike I think um it does move into
2331s talking about something we might touch
2333s on later but
2335s um it's sort of about finding the Bal B
2338s about how much active gameplay do we
2339s want to encourage right do we want to be
2341s giving people power for free we want to
2343s be giving people better pety for what
2345s reason you know um if we can encourage
2348s active gameplay people interacting then
2351s maybe that's a good thing the drop comes
2353s from somewhere suppose this came from
2355s was like a scroll from demonic gorillas
2357s by the time you finished getting it you
2358s might have killed 600 demonic gorillas
2361s You' swapped gear 177,000 times you're
2364s already good at swapping gear you know
2366s you're already used to it and this is
2367s like saying okay now that you mastered
2369s it here's a little power for when you
2371s when you get it right other pieces of
2373s content yeah the I I I really like the
2377s point you make of like you know is the
2380s VFX uh idea just misguided let us know
2384s is the VFX idea good but the prayer idea
2387s is misguided let us
2389s know separate that stuff up yeah we want
2393s we want to hear it all uh guys honestly
2396s like don't we want to hear it all
2398s because of these matter and I'm going to
2400s keep stressing this point this matter
2401s and we're going to take our time and go
2402s through all your feedback so if it's you
2404s like both you like one of them you like
2405s neither then let us know cuz that is
2409s important um all right thank you for the
2411s little video demonstration though rice
2413s appreciate that all right we will move
2415s on to I'm going to say a scary word now
2418s or a scary abbreviation I should say but
2421s it came up quite a lot in the
2422s discussions on on socials so how are you
2426s going to avoid the addition of new pray
2428s effects to move us towards
2433s EOC this this is this is how we avoid it
2436s we're doing it right now these aren't in
2438s game they're not in game because we're
2440s talking to the Community First and
2442s making sure that you're on board with
2443s the ideas and that you think it's a good
2446s direction for old school R skip to take
2449s this is the safe part of the journey
2451s right like we don't want to end up in
2453s that place nor do we believe the
2455s community do we'll work a to do it
2458s there's no pressure on us we don't have
2460s to put this in the game if ultimately we
2462s get to the point where we struggling to
2464s find a a design solution we just will do
2466s something else like it's it's not that
2469s big a deal the reason we're exploring
2471s this it's because the community told us
2474s to the suggestion for God alignment was
2476s so well received players loved that idea
2479s it seemed not everyone of course but
2480s plenty of people did and people also
2483s really liked us wanted us to do prayers
2485s with desert Treasure 2 originally they
2487s why we've explored these ideas um and
2490s pre is genuinely lacking post post post
2493s py and so on there's not a huge amount
2494s to unlock right
2497s so it's it's worth us looking at it
2500s doesn't mean we can necessarily
2501s guarantee we'll get to a great idea and
2503s and implement it but this is us trying
2505s to find that
2507s out yeah I mean let's be honest if if
2510s EOC happens or SRS dies I love osrs I
2513s also happen to work on making osrs
2515s that's pretty bad for me I'm I'm not not
2517s interested in that happening um I think
2520s from a strategy point of view there are
2523s a couple of hard lines in the sand that
2525s like I wouldn't want across the first is
2526s the thing before like new UI elements
2529s cluttering up the screen no um the UI is
2533s such an important part of how you
2534s interact with old school RuneScape you
2537s know where you where you click your
2538s prayers where you eat your food where
2540s you swap your gear it's such a crucial
2543s part um we don't want to be adding like
2545s new bars at the bottom on the left on
2547s the right it's you can see everything
2548s that's happening when you like see it so
2551s yeah um that's important another one is
2554s about how the uh prayers play um like
2559s fundamentally EOC was about adding
2562s active abilities into the game with like
2564s you'd use one ability and then rotate
2566s through the other abilities and then
2568s everything would come off cool down then
2569s you use the next if we introduce
2572s gameplay Loops that are like first you
2573s activate this prayer to break the
2576s opponent's armor then you activate your
2578s uh prayer that drains your health for
2580s extra damage in order to um get the to
2584s kill the enemy then you switch to your
2586s life drain prayer so that you can build
2587s your HP backup so that you can go
2589s through the cycle again we've gone wrong
2592s right no we don't want to do active
2594s rotations um uh we we want to keep
2597s things supporting existing elements of
2600s combat like the game is already fun we
2603s trust that I play the game I have fun
2606s playing it so um
2608s we want to support uh gear switching we
2610s want to support movement uh we want to
2612s support U damage formulas and uh the way
2616s that you you DPS things um those are the
2619s things that we want prayers to interact
2621s with I think there is some ambition to
2625s encourage some more active gameplay in
2627s exchange for the power that is coming
2628s from the prayers because the powers the
2630s prayers are introducing power uh but it
2632s doesn't have to be that way um there are
2634s many ways for us to introduce uh
2637s interesting prayers um that you know are
2641s worthy of the power that they
2644s deliver yeah and I'm going to keep
2647s saying this and it'll probably come up
2648s again in some later questions this is
2650s exactly why we're having these
2651s conversations now and this exactly why
2654s we are going to be taking our time with
2656s these conversations and making sure that
2658s we know exactly what you want from us
2661s and what you want from these alignments
2664s so please keep that in mind it might be
2667s you know this might be a long road we're
2668s taking but if it ends up getting it to
2671s the best place possible then I think
2673s that is is where it needs to be so
2676s hopefully yeah it's it's good stuff um
2680s speaking of uh how are you going to
2683s manage these prayers adding power creep
2686s to the
2689s game I think there's a few ways um one
2692s of them is baked into like while Gothic
2695s sleeps itself right it's behind a grand
2697s Master Quest you need to complete a
2699s Grand Master Quest typically that's not
2701s extremely hard um so maybe you don't get
2705s a great reward for that but you know
2707s we've had prayer Scrolls like augury and
2709s rigger um in the past I don't think it
2713s would be that ridiculous for us to if we
2715s think for example tormented demons also
2717s historically required a lot of gear
2718s swapping if we had a thing that like
2720s inter if we had a prayer that interacted
2721s with your gear swapping we could maybe
2723s look it behind that because also we
2725s don't want like brand new players is
2727s coming into the game and getting a
2729s prayer that's like encouraging them to
2731s to gear swap they're going to get
2733s completely overwhelmed like 2 minutes in
2735s but we're more okay with giving that to
2737s players who are like 1,700 hours into
2740s their journey and are like now doing
2743s eight-way switches flawlessly um you
2746s know at that point we're like okay
2747s you've learned how to do that let's push
2749s the bar let's let's see what more you
2751s can do um so yeah that that's um well
2756s going back to the power cre sorry um
2758s it's uh it's about locking things behind
2761s uh you know challenging pvm encounters
2763s so that when you unlock power you're not
2765s unlocking it for free you're having to
2766s earn it and you're having to earn it at
2768s a rate that is reasonable for the amount
2770s of power that you're receiving if you're
2772s getting a lot of power whatever you're
2773s doing should be really hard um if you're
2776s getting not a lot of power then maybe it
2778s can be a little bit easier um and that's
2780s a balance that we have to strike as
2784s well awesome awesome stuff all right
2787s thank you mod rice uh speaking of 1,700
2791s Plus hours of uh content constantly
2794s having to flick prayers can be unfun is
2797s there any alternative that doesn't
2798s require intense
2801s flicking yeah uh this one's a uh
2804s difficult one because flicking is just a
2805s part of the game now right um it's been
2807s used to do such creative things
2809s throughout the game's history people
2810s have pulled off like crazy achievements
2813s off of the back of it so changing it
2815s feels weird bad uh
2817s and it sort of makes it so that drain
2819s rate is a hard like tool for us to use
2822s to modulate like we could say like oh
2824s here's a really powerful prayer with a
2826s crazy drain rate cool that just means
2828s that every single grou player who is
2830s really good at the game now feels
2832s obligated to flick in order to make it
2833s last that's not fun um so it sort of
2837s Narrows the power level that we can give
2840s these prayers because they need to be
2841s like you know strong enough that you'd
2843s want to turn them on but not so strong
2845s that they need to be balanced out by an
2846s insane drain rate because at that point
2848s we are creating that unun game Loop um I
2852s think the goal is to have prayers that
2853s you feel comfortable leaving on because
2855s they provide you like a nice amount of
2857s power um so that you know you have a
2860s reason to turn them on um but that
2862s they're not so powerful that we have to
2863s put a huge drain rate and then you feel
2866s miserable either chugging through prayer
2868s pots or uh feeling obligated to
2872s flick yeah and we have tools in our
2875s locker if we need them as well do for
2877s for for any new prayer like people have
2880s always suggested what if you just
2882s consumed a point as soon as you turn a
2883s prayer on and stuff like that I mean
2885s frankly we can do that in an isolated
2887s prayer like if it really dides require
2889s it and we wanted to discourage it it's
2891s it's not something we have just proposed
2895s sorry the stream is the stream
2906s died
2909s it's still going on
2911s YouTube hi YouTube hello
2916s YouTube okay all right well YouTube
2918s you're gonna have to bear with us for a
2919s quick sec while we just make sure what
2921s what's going on
2923s uh we're
2925s back we are we back I see we're back
2930s we're back we're back we we know
2934s this I can tell it was uh this is not
2937s pre-recorded unless we planned in a a
2940s cut perfectly on time throwing off the
2943s scent yeah exactly um well well done
2947s YouTube viewers for staying staying on
2950s board don't know what happened with
2951s twitch but uh glad with that anyway I
2954s think we should just quickly recap the
2956s uh the the flicking prayers stuff rice
2959s if you could uh andir and just so was it
2962s anyone I think it was when Kieran
2964s started talking um I can recap I don't
2967s mind but um yeah sure so the idea is in
2971s summary um the prayers can't be super
2976s powerful and balanced out by high drain
2978s rates because if they are it means that
2980s good players are going to feel obligated
2982s to flick them and that's not fun um
2984s being obligated to flick something if
2986s you want to do some crazy stuff in
2987s Inferno um because you're a God at
2989s flicking great um but you shouldn't feel
2992s obligated uh to do it just to play the
2995s game optimally so sort of means that we
2997s have to create prayers that are within a
2999s certain Power Band so that they are
3000s satisfying to use um and don't need
3003s incredibly High drain rates to balance
3005s them out uh so you can just leave them
3007s on with the rest of your prayers pety um
3010s riger a to um yeah add an extra layer to
3015s your
3017s combat yeah and what what I was also
3019s saying is in theory the idea that you
3022s can remove a prayer point on activation
3025s has been a design idea that's thrown
3026s around for a long time we don't want to
3028s do that across the Press cuz we don't
3030s feel like we need to remove this it's
3032s fine we do see it as like it's a valid
3034s part of the game which exactly as you
3036s say it shouldn't be required but in
3038s theory if any of the new prayers we put
3040s forward we felt like it was over a line
3042s if people could flick it Theory we could
3044s play with that sort of idea on GI
3046s prayers though it might be weird if some
3048s prayers do it and some don't so there
3050s there's little considerations to make um
3053s but largely like I think the core idea
3055s that prayers are supposed to be largely
3057s quite a passive thing you turn them on
3059s and you can choose to just ignore it
3062s should be really how we think about the
3064s design of prayers themselves and so
3067s essentially our design shouldn't be done
3069s in such a way that encourage you to
3072s flick though flicking might be possible
3075s um generally the things that cause you
3077s to change prayer or the things happening
3079s in the game itself not the prayers
3082s themselves so to speak there's maybe
3084s some exceptions you can think of like
3086s Redemption like
3087s you activate Redemption as you're about
3089s to get hit for instance but aside from
3092s that largely you know you change your
3094s protection prayer based on what what's
3095s going on you change your offensive
3097s prayer based on what style you're using
3099s and so on we probably want some of these
3101s new prayers to be in the same sort of
3106s mindset yeah big agree big agree there
3108s Kieran on the on the caveat to that uh
3111s the next question is if a prayer is just
3113s good to turn on all the time what's the
3115s point of it
3117s yeah so this is like the opposite side
3119s of the coin and this is why the problem
3120s is so tricky and why we don't want to
3122s rush ahead with it um I think
3126s uh in a way they have to be sort of like
3131s good to always turn on because if not
3134s they are like the whole flicking thing
3137s um but where the real interesting
3139s decision can come in is uh in this whole
3144s like you know gearing up phase it's like
3146s what am I bringing and you know yes I'm
3147s going to leave my neutrality on perhaps
3152s um but you know neutrality actually
3154s going to help me here um maybe we can
3156s design it in such a way that it hinders
3158s you in some places and it helps you in
3159s others you're like you know what in when
3162s I go to this place I'm not going to
3163s bring neutrality I'm going to bring um
3166s uh those osian prayers because they're
3169s going to help me uh burst things out and
3171s I'm not looking for consistency I'm
3172s looking for big chunks of damage um
3174s that's something we can look at um
3177s yeah I think that is really the biggest
3179s tool that we have at our disposal I
3181s don't know if you have other ideas
3184s K I think you've covered
3188s it smashed it rice smashed it there you
3191s go easy peasy um all right the next
3194s question then and I can just take this
3196s one cuz it's very simple uh much like me
3199s uh are you planning a baa for God
3202s alignments yes yes we are uh maybe not
3206s one maybe this going to be multiple uh
3208s unsure on the amount yet but I will
3212s probably I'm I'm happy to say and I'm
3214s happy to stake myself on it these won't
3217s be going into the game until we have a
3218s beta at least one of them so CU we want
3221s to make sure that they
3222s are in your hands for a good amount of
3225s time and we get all of the best feedback
3229s we can from them and I think seeing
3231s everything on paper as one thing doing
3233s all the Cs on paper as one thing having
3235s them in your hands and doing the content
3237s yourselves is something entirely
3239s different so yes there will be a VOR uh
3242s we want to make sure of it so
3245s yes um cool all right the next one then
3248s quite a lengthy question but how do you
3251s envision these prayers exactly are these
3252s prayers meant to be used alongside
3254s priety rigor and augre or do you
3256s envision them being alternatives are
3257s they meant to be marginal in creps on
3259s DPS are they big impactful tier 80
3262s unlocks that really feel like
3264s progression something that enables new
3265s ways to play in entirely qu for existing
3269s strats there was a lot in there but
3271s essentially yeah any thoughts on where
3273s they sit at the
3274s moment I mean the whole point of this is
3277s to figure out where we where the
3279s community wants them to sit I I could
3282s see them being multiple things so for
3285s example if we released W Gothic sleeps
3288s and it had
3290s uh T oh sorry not T8 but it had like an
3295s initial um
3297s an initial prayer that came with the
3298s alignment maybe that could be like a
3301s more uh or a less impactful prayer one
3303s that just like for example improves
3305s consistency something like neutrality we
3307s are talking about maybe giving
3308s neutrality a little bit of power to
3310s avoid people having to flick it on and
3312s off so that might not be the best
3313s example but suppose we did um then yeah
3315s uh that that's a place where we'd have a
3317s less impactful prayer but if we wanted
3319s to have more impactful prayers then we
3320s do what ay and riger did to an extent
3323s piety but uh night training grounds is
3325s the biggest challenge in the the world
3327s um we can just yeah um lock it behind a
3332s piece of challenging pvm content because
3335s that is what the game is about it's
3337s about progression it's about doing
3339s things to make your account grow
3342s stronger much like getting a new weapon
3345s um affording a new prayer scroll might
3347s mean that you bump your power up just a
3349s little bit more um and yeah uh it can be
3352s anything it can be
3354s either uh but obviously do let us know
3358s what you'd like it to be or whether you
3359s agree and and you know we can have a
3361s mixture the
3365s two awesome awesome thank you very much
3368s okay this one again might be a very
3370s similar answer but I'll ask it anyway uh
3372s is there any sort of game plan for how
3374s the new prayers will be reworked if any
3375s of them are just slight tweaks or or is
3378s it's going to be complete reworks of of
3380s all of
3383s them we're not sure yet because are like
3387s there were a lot of specific con
3389s concerns with status effects and
3393s complication and when that a lot of that
3396s was mechanics um but for some of them it
3399s might have been like a communication
3401s issue we just wrote it in a really bad
3403s way um so I'd like to think that we're
3407s going to explore multiple Avenues we've
3409s also received you know Community
3410s suggestions we'll explore those I don't
3413s think it's a good time to answer this
3414s question we are just seeing what the
3418s community wants and we've had what a day
3421s to talk about it a day isn't going to
3423s cut it you know we're not going to come
3424s up with the golden egg in a day uh and
3427s that is kind of what these prayers need
3429s to be they need to be to sit in a really
3431s sort of narrow space where like they are
3435s interesting for high level players but
3436s not overwhelming for um uh newer players
3440s uh they need to be uh powerful so that
3443s it's it feels good to turn them on but
3445s they need to like not hugely disrupt any
3448s existing matters they exist in a narrow
3450s space and finding that space is going to
3451s be hard um so we're going to take the
3454s time to do
3457s it awesome stuff anything to add from
3460s you Karen
3462s or I think I don't know if we've really
3465s touched on it yet but there's a reason
3467s we didn't include the actual percentage
3469s values in a lot of the prayer designs
3471s we've put forward so far the main thing
3473s we're really wanting the feedback on is
3475s the ideas the concepts it's is this
3477s going to feel right are these are these
3479s mechanics you'd want to see in old
3480s school and so on because we don't want
3482s people to be distracted by The Balancing
3484s sides of it too much yet the time
3487s that'll come um how powerful should on
3491s that as well yeah yeah I I would imagine
3494s none of them will be Earth shattering we
3497s don't want to go that scale of impact
3498s probably with with power creep it's one
3501s of the reasons we pedal back from doing
3503s the original the original um
3507s prayers with desert Treasure 2 is
3509s because we were worried about how much
3510s power GP that would bring to the game
3511s and the alignments idea solves some of
3515s the issues we were having with
3518s that I think as
3521s well no I was going to say with the
3523s alignments um we can also like you know
3526s sort of direct that power a little bit
3528s rather than it being just like a flat
3530s you do 7% more damage everywhere it's
3532s like okay well you do 5% more damage
3534s when you um commit to this style play or
3537s you do 5% more damage in these sorts of
3539s situations so it's good on these bosses
3541s but it doesn't completely replace or or
3543s like Al to the The Meta of the entire
3546s game like having them be slightly Niche
3548s is going to be you know tool and
3549s directing that
3553s power awesome awesome thank you very
3555s much for uh the answers guys I think
3558s we'll just do this last question I know
3560s we have a couple of chat questions um
3563s which I might touch upon one of them but
3565s I want to go over this one cuz it was
3567s there was a lot of uh a lot more of this
3569s than I I expected honestly when when we
3571s put this first blog out uh but this
3573s final question is understand why there
3575s are no skill in prayers right now
3577s because it's a hard decideing space to
3578s work with but are there any plans to
3580s consider them in the future uh short
3583s answer yes there are potentially areas
3588s we could include Skilling prayers but it
3592s is a complex space we're not afraid of
3595s the ambition of skill in prayers and we
3598s know that there are players out there
3599s that want them so please send us your
3601s ideas but we feel for the ones we're
3604s presenting in gaic and zeros it's not
3607s the right time to do it it is a complex
3610s matter because it's a lot more it's got
3613s a lot more intricacies than something
3614s like pvm or PVP in terms of like and I
3618s think I I said this to to someone on the
3621s Discord stages the other day but do you
3623s really want to bring your best prayer
3627s bonus gear and a bunch of prayer pots
3630s along to your Skilling activities with
3632s you I I highly doubt there would be a
3634s lot of players that would want to do
3636s that uh and it's one of the reasons why
3639s forestry the campfires and tees from
3641s forestry were
3642s so hotly debated is because it was
3645s another layer of complexity to something
3648s that is essentially very easy going and
3651s chill
3652s comparatively uh so yes essentially the
3656s potential is there to do them but now
3658s isn't the right time but if if if anyone
3661s has any ideas and there are some good
3662s ones send them our way like put them on
3665s socials at me or I'm sure rice will
3667s kierum would love to hear them as well
3668s on on Twitter or X or whatever you want
3671s to call it um and yeah we'll we'll look
3675s into them but right now we're just going
3676s to focus on on nonkilling prayers um
3679s Kieran I don't know if you wanted to add
3681s anything extra but oh
3683s sorry I I was just going to say like
3685s forget prays right like going to come go
3688s fishing in full proelite with your ring
3689s of the Gods and your Holy wrench like
3691s it's just a bit weird um doesn't feel
3694s right but you know there might be an
3696s idea out there that does work so we're
3699s open to it it's just not right
3701s now yeah we know what the issues are
3704s like like you've both summarized like
3707s but we also hear that a lot of people do
3709s want them so we're we're obviously in a
3712s bit of a rock in a hard place there we
3713s see the design problems and many people
3715s are pointing them out too it's not like
3716s everybody wants them it's just we need
3719s the right idea and we haven't really
3721s came up with the idea that does work um
3725s so we'll hold off on them until we come
3726s up with that idea we're not going to
3728s force it because I don't think it'll be
3729s good like what do you do you actually
3732s had a prayer that gives you 10% more
3733s resources and now you've just got to
3735s have a few prayer pots in your inventory
3736s so you get extra logs when you're wood
3739s wood wood cutting like what what do you
3741s want them to do that's that's the
3744s challenge and they're just we just can't
3746s make can't come up with the right idea
3748s that suits um but yeah I guess we'll see
3752s we'll see what ideas we get um and we
3754s can always it's not like we're ruling
3756s them out forever
3758s but yeah especially in terms of the the
3761s drain angle like if it's too fast then
3762s you got to bring loads of goods if it's
3764s if it's too slow then is it even a
3766s prayer at that point is is it worth
3768s calling it a prayer like you know you
3770s might as well have that slapped onto a
3771s piece of gear that you you can equip
3773s instead so it's um yeah pres Preserve
3776s the one thing that sees some use at the
3779s minute and that's because of exactly
3781s what you say this the low low drain rate
3783s that enables it to be suitable when
3785s you're boosting your stats but it's not
3787s the Crux of anything right it's not the
3788s end of the world if it runs out you just
3790s move
3792s on yeah exactly exactly that uh okay
3796s yeah I think we should wrap it up and
3798s know we had a little bit of a a scary
3800s moment there on on Twitch especially
3802s when it cut out but we've covered all
3804s the the big big topic I think for both
3807s uh project rebalance and for um the god
3811s alignment prayers so again before we go
3814s over to the commands and stuff I do just
3815s want to stress thank you all so much and
3818s this is like very sincere thank you all
3820s so much for like just the time and the
3822s patience and all the discussions of the
3824s feedback you're having it generally does
3826s mean a lot uh especially you know
3828s someone working as a CM trolling through
3831s all your comments and feedback it really
3832s does make a difference so please keep
3834s keep giving us that you
3837s are the ones that are helping us make
3838s this game the best possible for you uh
3841s and that's what we want to continue to
3843s do so yeah thank you thank you all um
3846s yeah all right we will rapid fire some
3849s of these questions these twitch track
3850s questions that we've corelated I think I
3852s can get through them super quick two
3853s minutes if if kieran's good to stick
3855s around I'm good if if druid's good to
3858s stick around I'm good with
3860s it speedrun time I'll just do it how
3863s will we switch alignments um possibly in
3865s your p and uh definitely somewhere in
3868s the world there'll be play places I mean
3870s I'm I'm not going to spoil the quest but
3871s you know what's at the end of well
3872s Gothic sleeps so maybe there um what's
3875s the target prayer level for these for
3877s Gothic and zaros it's definitely going
3878s to be very high but at the beginning we
3880s can see like maybe a saradomin god
3882s alignment being targeted at lower level
3884s players to make their Journey a little
3885s bit easier will these prayers be Paul
3887s yes um how are you going to balance them
3889s in PvP combat that's a huge question um
3892s but the short answer is a lot of Min
3894s hits and also maybe you have to carry
3897s something on you a little symbol of your
3899s God that costs a lot of money so that
3901s you're not getting riskless power um you
3903s should be taking risk uh in order to get
3905s power that's
3908s it awesome all right thank you for the
3910s ra I like that bonus I think we should
3912s try and do that every stream just a
3913s bonus quick F around I like that a lot
3917s um awesome all right thank you very much
3919s mod rice all right uh going back to the
3921s announcements then exclamation mark
3923s prayers following your feedback about
3925s God alment prayers wouldn't you know it
3927s uh we're back with what we're changing
3929s our next steps and addressing the
3930s reasons for the decision so exclamation
3932s mark prayers to find that out right at
3934s the top of the page uh you can see
3936s everything else we talked about uh
3937s further down exclamation mark rebalance
3939s if you missed it at the start uh Kieran
3941s gave a a great breakdown of uh some
3943s feedback that we've got some changes
3945s we're making there will be an updated
3947s version to this blog but to see
3949s everything uh to do with the Skilling
3951s tweaks for project rebalance you can use
3953s exclamation mark rebalance to find out
3954s more uh and alongside IDE that there
3956s also a great surveys surveys bloody
3958s brilliant go and fill them out they help
3961s they're massive they're they're amazing
3962s what more can I say exclamation mark
3964s survey to give us your thoughts on the
3966s Skilling survey uh for project rebalance
3969s and finally uh exclamation mark Discord
3971s join our official Discord server to
3973s catch future Discord stages calls like
3975s we did for God alignment prayers uh and
3978s be part of the community conversation
3979s around God alignments project rebalance
3981s game updates whatever you like we're
3983s going to be doing some more Discord
3985s stages and utilizing that uh a lot more
3987s so uh look out in the future for that
3990s thank you both very much for joining me
3994s uh Kieran have you got any final
3997s words no I don't think so nothing that
4000s isn't what you've said thank you for all
4002s the great feedback um we'll give these
4004s prayers our best shot to come up with
4006s something that works for old school um
4008s and we'll keep on tweaking the project
4010s rebalance to to to suit to suit your
4013s feedback as
4015s well indeed indeed thank you and mo any
4018s final words from
4019s you just echoing that keep the feedback
4022s coming um love to hear it love that
4026s people are so passionate about it do
4028s love the game and uh do want to see
4030s people continuing to love
4033s it that's all we want all of us I can
4036s probably speak for that whole Dev team
4037s at this point is like we all want the
4039s same thing it's like a healthy Friday
4041s great
4042s game so someone in chat with a great
4045s Shout
4046s Vore is next
4048s week Vore is next week you know what I
4052s had this in the back of my mind blame me
4054s on Twitter if it's bad yet another
4058s reason all right I'm gonna take a moment
4060s I know we're expanding the stream but
4062s I'm going to take a moment because I had
4063s this in the back of my mind ready for
4064s this stream and because of the
4066s conversation and my silly engent brain
4068s that only thinks about one thing at a
4069s time it obviously got lost of the
4072s Wayside bore it's next week it's next
4075s week guys it's happening and we're
4076s finally here we spoke about it ages ago
4079s and this is only part one we've got more
4081s parts to come but we have got so much
4083s content for you to have a have a look at
4085s we' got the fors Coliseum we got
4087s perilous moons from the lovely uh mod
4089s rice we have you know uh and we've got
4092s uh the hunters Guild we've got Quest so
4095s many new eras to explore loads of new it
4097s looks beautiful so many things just
4100s wander around and take in new rewards so
4103s much I can't Gess up V enough honestly
4107s next Wednesday is coming out just the
4109s caveat there will be an earlier game
4112s update and a bit longer downtime just so
4114s we can make sure everything's
4115s implemented correctly before you all
4116s rush to to take on all its Glory uh but
4120s we'll we'll give you more information
4121s about that uh in the following days but
4124s yeah get excited it's hype we'll have a
4125s live stream next weekend next week
4127s probably for for the valmore and we'll
4129s we'll go for everything yeah not the
4131s weekend
4133s weekend the world map on our website is
4135s is updated you can actually go and look
4137s at it and see what V was looking like
4139s I've seen some conversation on Reddit it
4140s is exciting it is Big there's a lot of
4143s stuff I can't wait to see people's
4146s response I'm hyped it's my first piece
4148s of content that's going out there and I
4150s really want to see um you know how it
4152s resonates WEA
4154s resonates yeah I'll I'll probably do
4157s some perilous moons uh maybe we'll
4159s stream some perilous moons uh and do it
4161s with some some players so you can come
4163s join us and we won't ruin your loot
4165s potential that's best bit your loot
4167s potential doesn't get affected by us so
4169s you can do as well as you want and we'll
4170s and I'll probably do really badly but
4172s I'll enjoy myself um so yeah just just
4176s enjoy it I think I think we're good
4178s we're doing a new thing now where we're
4179s raiding people so if you got anyone you
4181s want us to raid hit us up in chat we're
4183s going to we're going to decide who we're
4185s going to jump over to uh probably now I
4188s remembered this time
4190s jid the first time I think since we
4192s started doing this which I'm happy about
4195s so yeah I hope you've all had fun
4197s watching honestly yeah I hope you've all
4200s had fun watching
4202s um and yeah it's been a blast thank you
4204s all so much again for everything it's
4206s been it's been it's been a very busy
4208s week but a very uh productive and
4210s eventful week so it's good I think mod
4214s Goblin suggestion in our in our chat uh
4216s Druid is a very very good shout because
4219s I know it's quite a special Stream So I
4223s think we will hit up I think we'll hit
4226s up
4227s potato uh as as a little little happy
4231s birthday so yeah I think we'll go to
4234s them are we doing that now D is that a
4240s we a quick goodbye goodbye okay thank
4245s you very very much everyone for watching
4247s I I generally can't say thank you enough
4250s for all the feedback and everything I
4251s hope you have a wonderful weekend uh go
4254s and send some love to potato when we go
4255s over there wish her the happiest of
4257s birthdays uh and we will see you next
4260s week for Vore it's coming it's happening
4264s let's
4268s go