about 2 months ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello hello hello everybody and welcome
7s to this very special live stream we have
9s this week I am joined by some of our
12s lovely friends at steam Forge games
14s today uh Mr Jamie Perkins the board game
18s product lead at stee Forge and Richard
21s August the lead writer of the TTR
25s RPG uh so welcome to both of you how is
27s it going should we start with you uh
29s first Jamie how's it going
31s doing very well thank you love it to be
32s here I've been on with you I think once
34s before it's been a while so lovely to be
37s back it's lovely to have you back yeah
39s it has been a while since the the one we
41s did before maybe a year and a half maybe
44s I want to say maybe a bit Yeah well
47s about about around the time the
47s kickstarter would have been so yeah
49s about
50s then what what Journey it's been e
54s absolutely yeah yeah I all right and
56s Richard how are you doing first time on
59s the stream welcome welcome chat be nice
61s say hello lots of love hearts please
63s yeah yeah always yeah shower me with
65s compliments if you could that would be
67s great isn't he handsome isn't he witty
69s anything like that is Grand yeah always
71s lovely to be here and uh and always
74s happy to talk uh nerd games of any
78s variety excellent that's exactly what I
80s feel like me and chat want to hear H
83s yeah it's a pleasure to have both of you
84s today uh and thank you so much for
86s joining forces with us to bring
88s RuneScape to the tabletop uh providing
90s some new ways to explore the game we
92s know and love uh so just a quick just
96s you know warm-up question for you both
98s have you been playing anything lately uh
100s Richard we'll start with you anything
103s specifically well I play a lot of games
107s so I I've recently got bu into Star Wars
110s unlimited I was at the pre-release day
114s for that uh at my uh friendly local
116s gaming store I'm in a regular Warhammer
119s fantasy roleplay game we had a game with
122s that this Tuesday I was playing Lords of
124s Water Deep last night uh and this
127s weekend I've got no it's next weekend
131s Jamie is hosting everybody for an epic
134s of Twilight Imperium
136s so endless Endless Gaming opportunities
139s oh very nice very nice is that something
142s you've done before Jamie or it is once
145s yeah so it's it's a game I I bought
146s during lockdown but uh but I've only
148s been able to open it once since then
149s it's one of those because it takes about
151s 8 to 12 hours to play It's one where you
153s can sort of I'm going to play this
154s probably once a year if I'm lucky it's
156s just aligning the stars get everyone
159s together yeah not quite the same as
160s Monopoly at Christmas but you know it's
162s still still quite an event I imagine
166s very much so very much so anything
168s anything on your plate Jamie at the
170s moment then well yeah I mean as Richard
172s mentioned organizing a game of T
173s Imperium which takes a while U also um
176s I'm quite into my Euro games as a class
178s of sort of board games so I've been
180s playing um brass Birmingham got
181s recommended to me quite a while ago and
183s finally managed to pick it up really
184s enjoyed it don't be shaking your head I
186s know you're not as much I can see
188s shaking your head what's what's up
189s Richard you're not a big fan you're not
190s a big fan of that
192s genre uh I don't basically unless I get
196s to be some kind of ancient alien god
199s space Warrior I Industrial Revolution
203s Britain nah not for me not for me it's
206s fine you're more or less steampunk you
208s can put on a top hat where a monacle and
209s that's close enough looks
211s cool I'm sure they're somewhere in your
213s wardrobe somewhere Richard hasn't
214s everyone got a steam steampunk themed
217s monor Top Hat
218s somewhere in Manchester they are yeah we
221s are obliged to wear them at least once a
224s week y excellent excellent first a Top
227s Hat Club I like that um all right well
230s thank you for that little uh little
232s warm-up question session guys uh if you
234s haven't guessed for those of you in chat
237s uh you've probably already seen it but
238s we have collaborated with the wonderful
240s for steam Forge games to create not just
242s one but two RuneScape kingdoms products
246s uh a board game version and a tabletop
248s roleplaying game version of RuneScape
250s and we're going to throw some images on
252s the screen for you now and yeah the
254s board game is called a shadow of elvar
257s it's got old school's classic bosses and
260s quests being reinvented for the tabletop
262s loving scapers who want to play on their
264s own or with up to four friends it's a
267s whole new way to experience uh the world
269s of runes
270s you can type exclamation mark steam
272s Forge in chat for a link to the store
274s for the whole runes escapes Kingdom
276s range uh not only is there the base game
278s but there will be a few expansions as
281s well uh as you can see there there's
282s there's four in there um they'll look so
285s cool I haven't delved into any of the
287s expansions yet but I've done plenty of
289s play testing of the uh the main game and
291s it's very very enjoyable I can I can
294s only recommend um yeah and some of them
298s uh we we did recently uh Jamie isn't
300s that right yeah we did I was uh lucky
303s enough to to come down to well to you
305s actually to the the Jag Studios and we
306s filmed a playthrough video I think it's
307s up on YouTube now at this point people
308s can go and watch a full playthrough of
310s the game that we did it was uh it was
312s great with myself and and yourself and
314s and mod Doom I believe wasn't it indeed
316s indeed is a very very good experience uh
318s all them ones I rolled don't regret a
320s thing definitely don't regret kissing
323s that frog so you know it's all good if
324s you want to see all that and more uh all
327s the shenanigans you can type exclamation
329s mark in video in chat to get a link of
332s the full playthrough is a very fun very
334s fun time uh we only do one of the quests
336s and I think there are four quests Jamie
339s in the in the main Bo that's it you've
342s got it there's four campaign quests uh
343s in the main game they're kind of like
345s your big chapters that you go through uh
347s and then there's one there's one extra
348s campaign quest in each of the expansion
349s is at year that you can take as well if
350s you want to so seven big ones and then a
352s load of extra sort of extra little bonus
354s side quest and stuff in the in the col
355s aroman expansion to round out you go
357s indeed indeed new side quest events
360s Vault cards bosses and items uh and we
363s did have a deluxe edition but that is
364s now actually sold out so well done to
368s those who grabbed it it's a lovely
369s looking box I will say lovely lovely
371s looking um and from the tabletop uh the
375s board game I should say to the tabletop
377s we've got the TTR RPG uh this one is
381s played on the tabletop well but unlike
382s the board game which has a more defined
385s structure to it with predesigned boards
386s and cards and everything else you want
388s there to play it this is just the core
391s book and all you need are the rules
394s inside the book to explore the world a
396s pen some paper uh and some dice and and
399s you're good to go of course you you
401s probably need a game master to run the
402s game uh could be you you know if you
405s feel like you're you're up to the
406s challenge uh and some friends to form an
409s adventuring party uh but what's nice
411s about this you can even play it solo uh
414s so you can see on the screen we've got
416s the Collector's Edition on the left
418s there uh which is wrapped in a lever
420s effect cover and embossed with gold
423s guilt text with a ribbon bookmark uh
426s which looks fantastic and I know
428s Richard's been hard at work working with
430s the team on this so uh just a a random
434s question to to throw into here for both
436s of you how's it feel being at this stage
438s now obviously it's been quite a long
440s journey how's it feel being here and
442s seeing the products like live on here
443s we'll start with uh we'll start with you
445s first
447s Richard uh any any role play game is a
451s huge undertaking there is so much cross
454s referencing
456s writing thought design work play testing
458s editing so when they when they come out
462s um there is uh there is always a feeling
465s of satisfaction and then
469s um then panic because there's always a
473s few time that have slipped through
475s doesn't matter I've read this book
477s conservatively 70 times cover to cover
481s and uh we've had my a wonderful editor
484s jinny and we put it out for we had a
487s couple of people proof read it in the
489s office we had it we had a I had a friend
491s proofread it we put it out for for
493s people to look at and there's still half
495s a dozen that's C through and they're
497s keeping me up at night um but mainly
499s it's a sense of great satisfaction
501s because it's a it's a really I think
503s it's a really good game it's a really
504s great introductory game it's very easy
507s to get started with even if you are kind
509s of completely new to ttrpgs so tabletop
512s role playing games and if you if you
515s love G gillor I think you will get an
518s enormous amount out of this and if you
520s like RPGs I think you'll get an enormous
522s amount out of this um it's a really fun
524s simple fast to play Fast to learn game
528s um of exactly the kind of fantasy RPG
531s that I
532s love yeah I know one of our mods I mod
536s rice a resident ttrpg lover has been
539s enamored with the world that that's been
541s created in the book from everything
543s RuneScape and mixing the the gameplay
546s decisions that you put in there so uh
547s it's highly recommend highly recommend I
550s know this this whole stream is highly
551s recommending the the games but genuinely
553s from a place of as a player rather than
556s a mod I'm generally like super hyped
558s about both of these um Jamie what about
561s yourself ining the board game and
562s everything how's that how's that feel oh
564s it's a it's a it's a pleasure to finally
566s see it in the flesh because I mean um so
568s obviously it's as Richard was saying
569s about it's a huge amount of work to put
570s an RPG look together it's it's a very
572s different amount of sort of huge work to
573s put a board game together and the the
575s kind the thing that's sort of
576s interesting for us is we get just as
577s excited to see the final the final game
579s in the flesh um as we were to just to
581s start the work because we were doing all
583s of our play testing it's all done via
585s sort of spreadsheets and then just just
587s printed out bits of cutup card and paper
590s and it looks nothing like the finished
591s game because we've got little standies
592s or we just have a little token that's
594s that's meant to be Jad um that you have
596s finally seeing the Miniatures in your
597s hand it's like oh this is so much to
599s cool than just playing with the sort of
600s the the the blank black and white that
602s we played with beforehand um yeah and
604s then sort of as sort Richard was saying
606s as well seen that Journey go from start
608s to finish all the conversation we had
609s along the way with the law Council and
611s other mods uh who've come and play
612s tested the game got to come down to to
614s Jag xhq and play test a game with you
617s lovely self and a number of other people
618s as well that that oned the time it's
621s going through that journey to then come
622s to the side and have this game a
623s people's hands and and just seeing that
625s uh those the first few comments come
626s through people being excited to open it
628s and play it for themselves it's very
630s rewarding very
631s rewarding I can I can only imagine it's
634s rewarding to see it come to life from
636s our end but to see like the people that
638s have made it like see it all the way
640s through must be crazy crazy um right so
644s let's go through some announcements
645s before we dump jump into this uh Q&A we
647s got a ton of questions both uh ones that
649s we thought would be good to answer as
651s well as uh quite a few player uh
652s suggested questions as well so first off
655s exclamation Market game update you can
657s check out the quality of life
658s improvements released this this week uh
660s new collection Log search functionality
662s broadcast customization options and Last
664s Man Standing fog changes and more and
667s you can find out all of that and more
669s with exclamation mark game update uh
671s exclamation mark steam Forge RuneScape
673s kingdoms board game and the TTR RPG are
676s both out now so secure yours before they
678s are sold out and you can do that with
680s exclamation mark steam forged and
682s finally exclamation mark poll the
684s in-game poll for Undead pirate rewards
686s and Wilderness changes ends tomorrow
689s Friday March 8th so head to your nearest
691s pole Booth or use the community section
693s in the account management tab to vote
696s now all right that's some announcements
698s out the way I know we've got the video
700s and uh stuff as well so uh just keep an
702s eye out in chat for some uh other
703s commands that crop up I'm sure we'll
705s mentions them as we go through uh so
708s first up I think it feels uh it feels
710s appropriate to do a little introduction
712s I know we jumped into the questions a
713s bit uhit bit early but why not we we're
717s free flow in this so it's good so uh
719s Jamie why don't you go about introducing
721s yourself first certainly so uh yeah my
724s name is Jamie as you said as uh I've
726s been working at steam Forge games for
727s eight years now um so I'm one of the
730s first game developers that was hired by
731s the companies we started off I've I've
733s had a hand in on almost every single
734s game that we've made in somewh shape or
736s form apart from any of the RPGs um
740s that's nothing I've got really got much
741s skill in using at all but um but yeah so
743s I've been a gamer for all my life really
744s since I was sort of 10 years old picked
746s up um my first miniature games played
748s family board both for then and and
750s finally getting to work in the gaming
752s industry sort of in my mid-20s was was a
754s dream comeing true because I've been
755s been wanting to do that forever and now
757s that I've been working in the industry I
758s wouldn't want to do anything else so um
760s yeah worked on on board games smch games
762s different card games that we've made um
764s also as someone who was as a video game
766s player playing RuneScape when I was sort
768s of like 12 13 years old that version of
770s Jamie would look up at me now and think
771s wow that's really cool g be able to make
773s a board game version of the game you
774s really spent so many hundreds of hours
776s playing through and um endlessly just
778s like um Mak armor because I was one of
780s the people that just just decided to
781s really want to do Mining and smithing
782s even though back in the days we took a
784s huge amount of time to to get that stuff
786s leveled up um but yeah really really
788s enjoyed myself so um yeah um so been a
791s temp to game forever and uh now that I'm
793s here this is what I want to do
794s forever awesome I feel you're on that
797s front little little s back in the day
799s would be looking up for me and now be
800s like you f for rcap wow that's amazing
803s like yeah you know you know don't worry
804s you'll get there bro um Richard yourself
807s how about you
810s I mean and Jamie and I come from very
814s close to each other and I suspect our
817s stories are virtually interchangeable in
819s the when I was about nine or 10 I saw
822s the stock por branch of Games Workshop
825s uh and I saw what was in the window and
827s I was like well I mean that's the
829s greatest thing I've ever seen how do I
830s do that um and so I played um Warhammer
835s for a couple of years until I discovered
837s that uh tabletop up RPGs mean you didn't
840s have to paint anything and after that I
842s was sold so I bought myself Dungeons and
845s Dragons Third Edition which it just come
847s out and um I played a lot of that and
851s then I I kind of had a bit of deep
854s freeze from um uh nerd games for a
857s little while uh and and tried to be cool
860s but that didn't take so uh I got back
863s into it and then uh when I was about
866s 26 27 I started doing some RPG
869s freelancing and I did that for about
871s three in a bit years and i' always kept
872s an eye on what steam Forge were doing
875s because there aren't many tabletop game
877s companies full stop and there certainly
879s aren't many in Manchester so I I always
880s had job alerts on and a um a a post of a
885s game developer came up uh and and Jamie
887s in fact interviewed me um and at the
891s time uh we weren't really doing RPGs and
894s the job went to my uh esteemed and and
897s beloved colleague Fraser because um he's
900s more a kind of Miniatures game developer
903s which obviously we did a lot of the time
904s but the very next day as uh chance would
907s have it um our dark Overlord and master
911s Matt Hart announced we were going to
913s start doing some RPG stuff and Jamie uh
916s which I will eternally thank him for
918s said there's somebody you need to meet
920s uh and so uh and and I well I've been
923s there ever since and as Jamie says I
925s don't ever want to do anything
928s else awesome awesome amazing stuff yeah
931s very similar stories but also yeah very
933s very intertwined like you said and look
935s at look at you both now look at where
937s you're at so good job good job um I feel
940s like we sort of went over the interest
942s in playing board games already in the
944s sort of like uh Preamble on on
947s yourselves uh and the steam Forge
949s journey I suppose so we can we can just
951s skip into RuneScape itself and do you
955s play Go on Richard we'll put you on the
956s spot first do you play if so when you
958s get into it what' you
960s do I had played a very little bit back
964s in the day um but my dad was not a big
969s fan of anybody using uh the bandwidth
973s which he decided was his for uh and he
976s won't be watching this so I will Dr it
978s in him highly illegally streaming music
981s and downloading Bob and bootle
984s concerts in just huge numbers like
987s hundreds of them he was basic basically
989s a Onan Hull um it was outrageous but so
993s so I played a little bit and I had a lot
995s of friends who played a lot and would
996s talk about it a lot and I always felt on
999s the outside so I knew kind of I knew all
1003s the jargon but not really what it was
1006s like so obviously when we we started
1007s talking with jets I did put quite a bit
1009s of time into it um I mainly liked
1012s killing things uh because that's as as
1015s Jamie will tell you if I'm in a game I'm
1017s going to be doing something aggressive
1019s towards some innocent species of troll
1023s Goblin anything like that so yeah person
1027s if if it has to be so I I enjoyed a lot
1030s of time um with the Imperial Guard
1033s fighting the endless W
1035s trolls um and I quite enjoyed the goblin
1039s events running around finding nearest
1041s goblins and killing them so basically
1044s that's my main my main Pastime in Gillan
1047s is attempt to rid it of sensient
1051s species excellent excellent stuff I
1053s really hope your dad is watching I
1055s really hope is he C your expectations
1058s and he's watching this now
1062s man awesome stuff boot
1066s bit Jam what about yourself how's how's
1069s your history of
1071s RuneScape yeah so so I mentioned I
1073s played it in my in my teens whenever I
1075s could whenever I could get any time on
1076s the on the family computer I uh like an
1078s hour here here or there I have an older
1080s brother and a younger sister um my
1082s younger sister played RuneScape as well
1083s so it was it was like I'd probably get
1085s an hour here or there to just go and uh
1087s m a load of alls and then she'd come and
1089s take the computer off me and she' she
1090s definitely know when it was her turn to
1092s play um sadly so I never got to sort
1094s sneak any extra time um but I basically
1097s spent every moment I could when I was on
1098s the computer as a as a kid plan trying
1100s to play that if I didn't need to do
1101s anything else for school um and then
1103s yeah so uh then when obviously took
1105s quite a big gap playing a lot of
1106s different video games and then playing a
1108s lot of different top games as well uh so
1110s as obviously as Richard said reconnected
1112s with the game once we'd um once we knew
1114s that we're going to be working on on
1116s RuneScape um so I think I figured I I
1118s needed to sort of round out my
1119s experience I know there going be
1120s controversial thing to say but sort of
1121s played the old school version in
1123s initially when I was a kid so relied on
1124s my experience there and then played
1126s RuneScape the more mod RuneScape when I
1128s was uh do my research there just so I
1129s could have experience of both side
1131s because the board game needed to sort of
1132s reflect both both versions of the game
1134s so to
1135s speak very fair very fair take yeah I I
1138s feel I feel like hearing you guys
1140s stories like I feel very lucky cuz I
1142s managed to get my dad into playing
1144s rescape when I started so he was like oh
1147s okay yeah you know what let's let's do
1149s this together and he still plays now
1152s he I know I know exactly and he still
1155s plays now so uh you know he's probably
1157s watching this So Gone dad his levels are
1160s pretty pretty decent as well for a
1161s completely casual player like very
1163s impressive um so go on then favorite
1166s skill Jamie where where you at oh
1169s smithing I don't I don't know why I just
1171s decided I just was like fighting armor
1173s is cool but fighting armor that I have
1174s made is just the coolest thing and I'm
1176s not sure I can't really describe why
1178s that is but I decided I was just going
1179s to be able to make every piece of armor
1180s I thought in which took me ages to
1182s therefore level up combat skills because
1183s I needed it I needed my smithing to
1185s catch up and and make sure I could sort
1186s of Smith it X bit of armor but yeah um
1189s yeah and then yeah that
1192s basically so WR yourself Richard where
1195s where you where did you
1196s sit yeah of course I could
1201s things of course of course all right I
1205s can I can I can picture both of your
1207s players very clearly right now like just
1209s just from these last like few minutes of
1211s uh of delving into your past um
1215s excellent all right then in ter we sort
1217s of touched on this already with uh
1218s Richard's uh slaying habits but where's
1221s your alignment sit normally in role
1223s playing games
1226s Richard uh uh yeah I
1231s am well I'm chaotic neutral I think I am
1234s the worst of everything saying
1236s that yeah I know I know you think that
1240s yeah yeah chaotic neutral unfortunately
1243s uh which I apologize to all the people
1245s who who've Run games for me in the past
1248s um and I've
1250s I've been a awful but in a fun
1255s way always a fun way always a fun way of
1257s course all right Jamie where did you sit
1259s where did you sit I was I was going to
1261s put Richard on the spot and get him to
1263s describe me I I this is where Richard
1265s could overrule me on this definitely
1266s this is your Arena but I would have said
1267s I'm of either depending on the day
1269s lawful good or lawful
1271s evil I think that's it Richard and I I
1274s would argue mate that makes you lawful
1276s neutral that's fair that is fair there
1279s is the middle option for that reason
1280s actually almost if it was created isn't
1282s there that's fa yeah
1284s yeah straight in there Jamie yeah I feel
1288s like I'm definitely more of a chaotic
1290s good I love any bit of chaos but as long
1293s as it's like as Richard was saying fun
1294s chaos I'm there for it if I can spark
1296s some some chaotic inspiration for the
1300s rest of my party I will do it um right
1304s and then uh this last question uh what
1307s is the most memorable in-game decision
1309s you've made and what were your
1312s consequences oh that probably the the
1315s one and only time I walked into the
1317s Wilderness got immediate mediately
1318s killed lost all my stuff and then never
1320s did it again just decided that's not for
1321s me I didn't I didn't do that very well
1323s um that's I've learned that one that
1324s electric fence is not being touched
1326s again I'm gonna go back to Smith
1331s in anything that comes to
1334s mind I don't know that's very
1339s difficult because I've I've died a
1343s lot and I've never I've never learned
1346s the lesson of don't fight that thing
1348s because that's just not not how I play
1351s games so I I feel like to have made the
1355s decision I have to have grown from it in
1357s some way because for instance Jamie he
1360s wandered Into the Wilderness Faithfully
1363s immediately merked didn't do it again I
1367s I just keep going back in anywhere I'll
1369s keep fighting that monster until it dies
1372s so
1374s um I'm going to say my most faithful
1378s decision is just to be a legend probably
1381s probably that
1382s be probably that one yeah just taking
1385s that box no no pressure at all just
1388s there you go all right I feel like
1391s consequence wise because uh younger me
1395s was a bit more chaotic uh evil than
1398s chaotic good I would say luring all
1401s those poor fellow players into the chaos
1404s order north of fador and trapping them
1407s in after they took the the wine of zamak
1409s and get smited by the uh by the monks uh
1413s yeah so not my proudest moment but it
1415s was fun back in the day we're all we're
1417s all just like mucking around didn't know
1418s what was going on it was a good it was a
1420s good time I would do that
1422s now yeah I promise I promise I only do
1424s that to the Bots now that's on the
1425s streams that's that's
1427s all um all right cool so thank you very
1430s much guys for for giving us a little
1432s insight into you as individuals uh we're
1435s just going to go through some sort of
1436s like little collaboration question cuz I
1439s know a lot of people have been asking
1441s like what teams on the RuneScape side
1443s were involved in the process uh of
1445s creating the RuneScape kingdoms games uh
1447s were both teams involved was there only
1449s one was there a couple of people I will
1451s say it's probably been quite a big
1454s effort considering collaboration from
1456s both teams and even people in the middle
1459s uh that don't represent sort of like
1460s either Runescape or old schools and IP
1462s and just represent sort of the brand uh
1465s it's been like a
1466s nice there hit a nice sweet spot I think
1469s what Jamie saying earlier that mirrors
1471s both games because we didn't want to go
1473s down the route of either representing
1475s one too much or or the other two much
1477s because it's it's a shared gameing world
1479s this the board game so it feels only
1482s natural that we take inspiration from
1483s both things um so I know from the osrs
1486s side specifically especially when it
1488s comes to law you've also got mod Ed
1490s coming onto the scene for both the uh
1492s the board game and the TTR RPG um who
1496s else are you going to have from the old
1497s school team when when it comes to
1499s everything uh related to gillan's
1501s history and ongoing events than the man
1503s himself uh and I know that mod Jack from
1506s uh the heads up the law Council actually
1508s uh started uh chipping into the ball
1510s game and uh I believe the ttrpg as well
1514s uh and then with stuff like the play
1516s testing there was a bunch of J mods like
1518s Jamie mentioned earlier uh that I was
1521s very fortunate to be part of maybe like
1522s three or four play tests from those
1524s early initial uh paper like cardboard
1528s cutouts of uh cards and random tokens
1531s being bosses and stuff like that so
1533s seeing it develop all this way has been
1536s amazing and just a a very big privilege
1538s to be there like right from the start um
1541s and there's been a bunch of other J mods
1543s as well including stuff that's like b
1545s games and minis we've got mod stead uh
1547s the RS art director oversaw uh bits and
1550s pieces uh for that and then even the Jag
1553s creative Services team hopped on to do a
1555s bunch of uh graphic design and brand and
1558s reviewing all those pits and pieces
1560s collaborating with steam Forge and
1561s getting together um I don't know if
1563s there's anyone I've missed guys unless
1566s this is the one I'm really
1568s over the video and course of course of
1573s course did some great stuff and I would
1576s I would call out um the the the
1578s contribution of mod Stu particularly to
1581s the tcpg who was um who was both
1585s invaluable with the law and checking
1586s details but also as a
1589s as a longtime uh gamer um gen
1592s contributed some really nice little uh
1595s touches just to to help the rule system
1600s capture some gillor goodness um and also
1604s named a couple of the
1606s um if there the names of the monster
1609s attacks in the besty all have names and
1612s the most egregious puns were stew mod
1615s stew um of course they were count one
1619s which is genuinely still hurts me to
1621s this day that I I kept it in but it was
1624s it was too bad good not to keep in but
1628s that that was him so yeah I should call
1630s I should give him his his due the
1633s essence of RuneScape right there is bad
1635s cow puns so like already off to fly and
1638s start um I know just from my my roster
1641s of notes Here uh I know that Terrence
1644s Abbott and Mark montigue uh specifically
1647s from JAG XCS team uh were helped a lot
1650s with the concept Arch archives uh for
1653s the ttrpg which is fantastic and I've
1656s I've flicked through that book and it
1657s looks fantastic uh just just taking it
1660s on that so and then Jet creative
1663s Services did the cover for the standard
1665s edition actually um which is so we has
1669s this lovely kind of um cohesive feel to
1671s the style because it really does feel
1673s true to the various different um
1676s Roomscape art styles uh so I think we
1679s have managed to kind of bring that
1680s together I think it really forms like a
1682s an aesthetic
1685s hole Yeah agreed agreed how how do you
1688s feel the collaboration went actually
1690s from your sides just in general Jamie um
1693s with the ball game
1694s itself really really great I mean you
1696s you've already mentioned a lot of people
1698s that uh that came and contributed I mean
1699s it was also great to have some some test
1701s sessions with modm Mark as well who who
1704s came and really stress tested the system
1705s by sitting down and going I'm going to
1706s collect the most cabbages possibly can
1708s in a session and I want hopefully the
1709s game will let me do that that was his
1711s first interaction with the game and he
1713s was really happy about the M cages he
1714s managed to pick up and still be relevant
1715s to what was going on with the game so as
1716s far as he's concerned that was
1718s pass and then some other really really
1720s great advice in terms of what different
1721s sort of fan nods we could make from
1723s different events have happened over the
1724s years and different things to mention
1725s Etc it's wonderful and then also uh mod
1728s William as well um as as uh from the
1731s from the law count at the time and as
1733s mention all the people you you've s
1734s talked about already as well but um and
1737s then I think um this is a statistic for
1739s steam Forge which relevant to mention it
1740s which is that I think for run for us for
1741s RuneScape it has um the most of unique
1744s pieces of artwork that we've ever
1745s created for a board game um is in is in
1748s the board game and um so therefore
1751s getting all the reference material
1752s together for that to make sure we could
1753s we could make all those bits and pieces
1754s and then the the sort experienced handed
1756s back and forth of how this should look
1757s and and all that kind of stuff was
1759s really really great to make sure that we
1760s got the look and feel of the game
1761s correct and and just moving away from
1763s the art sty for a second the thing that
1764s we really needed to make sure that we
1765s nailed with the board game was that it
1767s felt like you were playing RuneScape
1769s when see when you're making these small
1770s decisions you deciding whether to go and
1772s get a cabbage whether to go and fight
1773s this mini boss pick up a sword G Smith
1774s something and whether that felt like you
1776s were making RuneScape style decisions or
1778s you're you're sort of searching carry
1780s style quests Etc that kind of thing and
1781s and and it felt like from the various
1783s different test sessions that we had the
1785s main reaction that we got was this feels
1787s like RuneScape which was the exact thing
1788s we needed to hear so um yeah really
1790s really great
1793s collaboration awesome awesome I'm sure
1795s you felt the same Richard when it comes
1796s to the ttrpg
1798s specifically oh absolutely um yeah I had
1802s a I had a really good time actually I
1803s had a couple of kind of good meetings in
1806s in Jack X and getting to sit and talk
1808s with um mod Jack and mod Stu and mod Ed
1811s and run through the different ideas and
1814s what um when I was putting together the
1816s system ideas why I'd worked in such
1818s certain way and then they could come
1820s back with their ideas about you know how
1823s that does or doesn't reflect gillor so
1825s we could kind of refine it and make sure
1827s that it it worked in the way we wanted
1829s it to
1830s and uh and it felt authentic to
1833s RuneScape um as a as a whole brand
1835s rather than as you know either osrs or
1839s um RS3 or um was was a really um
1846s interesting design challenge both in
1849s terms of how we
1851s approached creating the the the gazeteer
1855s which you know went through a lot of
1856s drafts then to the kind of the the rule
1858s system what could be included what we
1861s wanted to take
1862s out all of these were kind of
1866s interesting decisions that were taken
1868s with jagex and I think that's the thing
1870s is that it's a game very much
1872s designed in Partnership which is not
1875s always the case when you're working with
1876s a a licenser of and you're kind of you
1879s know um you create the thing they
1881s approve it this was very much something
1883s created as
1884s a hopefully hopefully harmoniously with
1888s j x and I think that I think that uh
1890s adds to the quality of the
1892s games yeah greate I mean it's a big
1895s undertaking for anyone to try and uh I
1899s don't want to say merge but like try to
1900s tell the story of RuneScape as a whole
1904s uh rather than focusing on one of the
1906s the two games like especially when it
1908s comes to law that's where one of the big
1910s differentiators comes in in terms of
1912s like how present the gods are
1914s specifically uh was that quite
1916s challenging for you guys Richard
1919s probably is more specific um with the
1921s how much law there is in the
1924s ttrpg it was uh but not I I think in a
1930s productive way
1931s because what's really interesting about
1934s trying to thread that needle is finding
1937s not just tone is so important to to to
1940s Roomscape you you can't be too epic and
1944s you can't be too irreverent and it's
1948s finding that right balance is uh with
1951s that was felt like a key moment for the
1953s game then also you know what is the game
1958s about is is surprisingly difficult to
1961s answer uh and and and was something we
1964s discussed a lot because it means so many
1966s different things to so many different
1967s people kind of distilling it into a
1969s quintessential experience is um is
1973s complex so I mean there are things that
1975s I love about runscape that we couldn't
1980s really include because I think the Elder
1982s gods are awesome and I'd love to have
1985s like some some of that epic stuff in
1987s there but it feels really alien to Old
1989s School Roomscape and that flavor of kind
1992s of of more gritty I suppose kind of
1995s dungeon elements that you get in Old
1997s School Roomscape is also something I
1998s love because I'm a big fan of the um of
2001s early Dungeons and Dragons and and the
2003s old school Renaissance in in role
2005s playing games so I didn't want to lose
2007s that either and that I think it's um
2010s it's a creative friction I think it I
2012s think it creates something really
2014s um profitable and and and productive
2017s when when you can make it work right
2019s which hopefully hopefully the ttrpg does
2021s and having played through the board game
2023s I know it
2024s does health healthy tension I think
2026s that's a phrase we sort of band around
2027s sometimes isn't it between the two
2029s things that's a good that's a very good
2031s uh very good paraphrase I think Jamie is
2034s that is that how you felt as well uh
2036s making the the ball game
2038s yeah yeah definitely that that element
2040s that Rich has been talking about but
2041s also something more specifically for the
2043s board game we um what we really wanted
2045s to do because we had this sort of more
2046s linear progression from the start of the
2048s game to the end and you're playing
2049s through campaigns one to four um each of
2052s those campaign quests so at least three
2053s of them are based on sort of big key
2056s early games narrative quests from from
2058s RuneScape um so obviously like you know
2060s Vampire Slayer um Demon Slayer and
2062s dragon slayer but we needed to one pull
2064s together a Third campaign uh that really
2066s really want to include Jad who doesn't
2068s really have a huge amount of story
2069s around him so creates a story that
2071s includes Jad for the Third campaign and
2073s then also pull a string through all of
2075s those elements together to sort of tell
2076s a cohesive story through the game so
2078s that's where we worked very closely with
2080s the law Council to come up with an
2081s element of story that is unique to board
2083s game and that's where this idea of the I
2085s won't go into too much detail about it
2087s for spoilers but it's the it's the fire
2088s cult is the idea of what's pulling all
2089s this together and it's the fire cult
2091s that are sort of um empowering and
2092s emboldening elvar to be this bigger bad
2094s boss because there were things much
2096s bigger and bad more dangerous than elvar
2098s in the video games um so we needed to
2100s sort of give a law and a story reason
2102s for why elvar was s suddenly this big
2104s threat for the board game uh and then as
2106s well as tying all those different
2107s elements of story together so you'll
2109s you'll notice um they're not present in
2111s all of the campaigns uh heavily but
2113s you'll notice them sort of from the
2114s beginning you'll see like a side quest
2115s where you'll see how the hooded robed
2117s figure just runs around a corner and you
2118s don't really know what it is but you'll
2119s find out more about it later and it ends
2120s up S of finding out about the fire cult
2122s and how they're involved in this sort of
2124s big overarching story to do with
2126s alog
2128s awesome awesome stuff uh yeah thank you
2131s thank you guys the the breakdowns of
2133s this has been amazing is it even giving
2134s me more insight than what I knew which
2137s has been lovely to hear honestly um were
2140s there any other like unique challenges
2142s that you found uh Richard with the ttrpg
2144s specifically aside from like trying to
2147s find the healthy healthy
2150s tension uh
2152s the distilling is I think the the major
2156s process of the the RPG the the RPG when
2160s it comes to working out what feels
2164s necessary for a core book because
2166s obviously there
2168s are thousands of items thousands of
2171s things you can craft hundreds and
2174s hundreds of monsters working out what
2177s goes in a in a 200 Page book which isn't
2181s going to
2183s overwhelm new people who've never played
2186s Roomscape the video
2188s game and is also going to be
2191s recognizable and interesting and um
2195s engaging for those who are extremely
2198s experienced in the video game is was
2201s really difficult and you know I think um
2205s uh I so far the the response from the
2208s the community has been really really
2210s positive and the the the um the
2213s RuneScape fans who are in our Discord
2215s and who I'm talking to and we with
2217s chatting have been really positive um
2220s but there are you know there a lot of
2222s stuff that we weren't able to include
2225s people are saying why didn't you include
2227s this and a lot of it comes down to well
2229s it just didn't feel right A lot of it is
2231s you know or not didn't feel right it
2233s didn't feel as essential as something
2235s else uh and that those were really hard
2238s decisions um and I I in fact realize
2241s today that um I had we we did cut the St
2247s of of zamak and um and saramin and
2254s Gothic and the gothic staff was left in
2256s really really late because it was going
2258s to be in there and it was going to be
2259s this one staff um but in the end we cut
2263s it and I went back and found it in the
2264s draft I was like I'm sad we lost that uh
2267s so I'm I'm hoping you know if we get to
2269s do more books um TCH wood if the the
2272s line is successful people like it we'll
2274s be able to bring more of that stuff in
2276s but yeah that I I think that was the the
2279s most difficult thing is deciding what
2283s stays and what goes when you've got such
2284s a wealth of of story details of um cool
2289s items of all this kind of iconic
2292s elements what can stay what can go was
2295s was extremely difficult to to to work
2299s out yeah again big big task I don't envy
2302s you guys for taking on these God canu
2304s tasks but uh from everything I've seen
2306s and play you've smashed it honestly so
2309s so big big gc's um Jamie what about like
2312s what was the biggest creative influence
2314s when it comes to making the ball
2316s games biggest creative influence War um
2320s I suppose that's that's was going to be
2321s choosing selecting which well two things
2324s selecting which quests that were going
2325s to be our sort of a big main campaign
2327s quests because we needed to decide what
2328s are going to be our overarching stories
2329s you know we went with vampire SL in the
2331s end for the first campaign but really
2333s when you're play the video games it's
2334s not it's not it's an early quest that
2336s you can do it's not that big piece of
2337s Story by comparison to what we sort of
2339s Ed up to be so making sure we chose the
2341s correct quests to be our campaign quests
2344s um and then obviously making sure that
2345s we could represent other quests um
2347s appropriately uh and thematically in the
2349s side quest element so to make sure
2351s you've got that element of sort of
2352s distraction go do side quest and spend
2354s too much time on it oh know the the main
2355s quest of have gotten more difficult for
2357s us um and uh the second one was actually
2360s to do with the Miniatures so we spent a
2362s huge amount of time making sure that
2364s both the the starting characters and the
2365s leveled up versions of the character the
2367s upgraded ones were wearing sort of
2369s recognizable uh iconic U pieces of gear
2372s I've never said the word iconic run
2375s iconic and RuneScape words together in a
2377s sentence more often than when we were
2378s talking about what we should equip these
2379s characters with so when you pick up the
2381s Miniatures hopefully you be able to
2382s identify most if not everything that's
2384s on the miniature and it should feel
2385s appropriate like when you're picking up
2387s that first night miniature and you look
2388s at it and go yep that is exactly what a
2390s RuneScape night is supposed to look like
2391s at your early starting levels Etc and
2392s then the the Dragon Knight for later on
2394s Etc that kind of thing um again just to
2397s although the caveat there again is some
2398s of those piece of equipment taken from
2400s osrs and some are taken from from
2401s RuneScape so uh yeah so but but between
2404s those two you should be able to name
2404s everything it's on the Miniatures and
2405s that was yeah that was um a fun process
2408s to come through on the other end but it
2409s it took a that was a huge amount of time
2410s devel it to making sure we got those
2412s right I will say big fan of the Skiller
2414s minig the upgraded Skiller my personally
2417s so big big fan of that uh not biased at
2420s all not biased at all um I was biased
2424s all
2425s right cool all right let's go I'm going
2428s to jump around a bit I'm glad we haven't
2429s got the Ticker on this stream because uh
2431s I know mod Drew behind the scenes would
2432s be like I'd be jumping between question
2434s to question I'm gonna jump in with a
2436s chat question here for you Jamie uh okay
2441s can you can you explain why of the 162
2446s Vault cards 40 of them do not share the
2448s same card backs that they State the
2451s Vault cards are absolutely yeah yeah so
2454s so uh the vault is a place where you can
2456s store all the manner of sort of cards
2458s that are meant to be hidden from the
2459s players um to begin with and you're
2461s going to need those sometime later on as
2463s the game evolves as you're playing and
2464s making choices so you have these 10
2466s event cards that are meant to represent
2468s random things that happen as you're
2469s exploring the kingdom where you might
2471s come across an element of story that
2473s goes oh you've triggered this thing
2474s you've talk to a person shuffled in a
2476s brand new event card now to go in the
2477s event card deck it has to have the event
2479s card card back otherwise when you're
2481s shuffling that deck and you're seeing it
2482s come to the top it's going to have the
2483s Vault card back and you know oh that's
2484s the car from the Vault you wouldn't you
2486s would know exactly what card it is it's
2487s it's less of a surprise and it's the
2489s same thing about whenever the game tells
2490s you to shuffle in additional exploration
2492s cards they have to go into the
2493s exploration decks and therefore when
2495s you're drawing cards in the deck if you
2497s see that Vault card card back come up
2498s you'll go oh that's a vault card I know
2500s I could probably know what what
2501s expiration card that is and it sort of
2502s ruins the surprise so it's to do with
2504s them being shuffled into the proper
2505s decks and making sure that it's keeping
2507s the S the secrecy of what random card is
2509s coming
2510s out yeah it's nice especially having a
2512s random event pop up and you're like oh
2514s what's going on here oh I remember this
2516s this and then like just the gamepl just
2519s flows from there it's a nice nice
2521s progression part uh awesome all right
2524s thank you we can cross that one off the
2525s list because I know it's been hotly
2527s requested in the chat we are we are
2529s watching and listening guys so don't
2530s worry you know what let's go for another
2532s chat question while we're while we're
2533s here uh are the figures
2536s paintable they look really absolutely
2539s this question says so so so they they
2542s yeah well it's kind of meant to be for
2543s both it's meant to be we we choose the
2545s colors very specifically um want to try
2547s and represent the miniature properly um
2549s and like for example we would very
2550s rarely color the plastic of a miniature
2553s black unless it was supposed to be that
2554s way why the king black dragon's plastic
2555s is black because it kind of kind of
2557s hides the detail a little bit um so but
2560s so you've got these blues and these Reds
2561s and these greens because they're really
2562s short to detail the miniature very well
2563s but also the the material that they've
2565s brought in is one it's a hard board game
2567s plastic so um they'll be quite um you
2570s know resistant to any sort of accidents
2571s dropping them on the floor they should
2572s be fine for that most of the time um
2574s don't step on them and um but at the
2576s same time it's a really good material to
2577s paint in so we've already seen a lot of
2579s pictures shown in thrown in our Discord
2580s and on the Facebook groups Etc about
2582s these painted minates people seen and
2584s put out them and they're really
2584s wonderful we're actually intending to
2586s publish a uh there's a there's a jod I
2588s think it's can't remember the J Mod's
2590s title but um the um I think mod Alex and
2593s they're supposed he's um writing up a
2595s painting guide for um how to paint the
2597s different RuneScape manes so once we've
2599s had those painting guides in we'll
2600s publish them and you can see how to
2601s paint them for
2603s yourselves nice nice stuff all right
2606s thank you very much I'm going to come
2607s into uh one to ask for both of you and
2609s we'll start with uh with Richard first
2611s how easily could a non RS player play
2615s and understand this game uh did you have
2617s did you have any non RS players play
2619s tests if so how did it
2622s go oh absolutely my main play test group
2627s are um how can I put this in a way
2629s that's not going to dreadfully offend
2631s them really old um and I L them deeply
2636s but they are a little pre rcap um they
2641s they've heard of it because they're
2642s massive nerds but um they they haven't
2645s played it so um they were one of the
2648s first groups to play it
2651s and I think it well they enjoyed it it
2654s went well um they didn't I mean they
2657s they didn't spend as much time as I
2659s think a lot of RuneScape players
2661s probably would have done crafting or or
2664s mining or smithing they they were very
2666s much kind of straight in and and and
2669s heading for the story um but it you know
2674s I introduced some classic quests we run
2677s through well we ran through dragon
2679s slayer um in you know tweak for tabletop
2683s um pretty much that was like the main
2684s quest thread and I improvised a lot of
2686s stuff around that which is what I tend
2688s to do um and then it it went really well
2691s they
2692s um only two of them died which was a bit
2696s disappointing pointing in the end
2697s because I was hoping to kind of tpk them
2700s but
2702s um I let them off I I I went gently in
2705s the end but it was it was it was a
2707s really good game they uh I I don't know
2708s if I've managed to convert them uh they
2711s wouldn't tell me if I had but yeah it
2714s was it's it's meant to be uh a very
2718s easily accessible game if you are a new
2721s role player
2724s and if you are new to R gape that's one
2728s of the key design goals I had that this
2731s had to be something that was accessible
2733s irrespective of your level of expertise
2735s if you were a hardened roomescape player
2738s but have never played tabletop
2741s games I wanted this to be something you
2744s could pick up and be pretty confident
2747s with getting to the table quickly and at
2749s the same time I wanted it to be if you
2750s were a a role player but didn't know
2753s Gillan or this would be a really great
2754s introduction to you
2758s amazing stuff and Jamie I imagine the
2760s answer is very similar for the board
2762s game but I'll let you uh I'll let you
2765s speak oh I was I was being rude there I
2767s was actually just looking at the mod's
2768s name before it was mod Alex who had
2769s painted who was going to do the painting
2770s guides for us um and he actually did a
2773s number of the I think we you've seen uh
2775s some painted examples of mitches I did
2776s think he put them on on what on formally
2778s called Twitter Etc and other places so
2780s you could see some examples and he's
2781s going to be do the painting guide but
2783s because of that I apologize you have to
2784s re repeat the question sorry uh I was
2787s just saying did you have any non RS uh
2789s players playing uh or play testing the
2791s ball game and how easy it was them for
2793s that to understand and process it gotcha
2796s yeah uh so yes we did um because it's
2798s always important to us that when we do
2800s two things when we're working on a a
2801s board game for a license such as
2802s RuneScape is that we make sure the game
2804s feels RuneScape appropriately but is
2806s also not completely inaccessible to
2808s folks who who don't understand the The
2810s Source material so um we have to get
2812s those two perspectives together and it
2813s still works as a compined board game so
2815s um it was mostly sort of um sfg staff
2818s and volunteers who we specifically had
2820s mixtures of groups of players who had
2821s played RuneScape video games and those
2823s that had not and and made sure we tested
2825s those uh so perspectives accordingly to
2828s make sure it was people having fun all
2829s around and the answer thankfully was
2831s yes awesome stuff I've Just Seen I've
2833s just seen a question in chat is it fun
2836s I'm not going to lie this is completely
2838s from a a non-biased place I would I
2841s don't think I would have come on the
2842s stream or would have been able to come
2844s on the stream if I didn't think these
2845s were fun and I I can speak for mod rice
2848s on behalf of the ttrpg specifically that
2850s he had a blast running through that and
2853s I've had the massive amount of fun with
2855s the uh with the ball game from the early
2858s play test to now like me and Goblin are
2860s waiting on our our order to come in
2862s soonish and we're going to get hot on
2863s that once I drop Final Fantasy 7 and
2866s finish that so so yes it is fun uh
2869s highly recommend it so yeah go out and
2872s grab them they're great um speaking of
2875s the T RPG Richard uh is there any plans
2879s to bring it to a virtual tabletop
2882s program like Foundry I know there's a
2883s lot of people that would love to play it
2885s in a group format but getting uh I know
2888s especially nowadays getting in person is
2890s quite
2891s difficult yes well I I mean I play most
2894s of my games online nowadays
2898s um there are no
2901s so there is no firm plan currently but
2904s it is something we are discussing
2906s extensively because um we are looking to
2910s expand our VT capabilities at sfg and
2914s our Partnerships um across all our lines
2918s and obviously RuneScape kingdoms is is a
2921s big deal to us so it is something we are
2924s um currently working on I think is
2927s probably the best and most politic way
2929s of saying that so we I don't have any
2931s firm details but it's is something we
2933s are we are definitely looking at and
2935s hoping to be able to to announce
2936s something um in the nearish
2941s future awesome and Jamie I suppose I'll
2943s ask you at the same point are there any
2944s plans to do a sort of a virtual version
2947s of the board game for any uh board game
2949s simulator type programs out there so we
2953s we did a a digital demo of the game for
2955s the kickstarter but it's at this point
2956s it's quite out of date it had uh had
2958s some really early versions of What the
2959s game off looked like and we're hoping to
2961s be able to update that to sort of show
2963s off either just the tutorial or the the
2965s early of the first campaign of the game
2967s so you can have a taster of the game um
2969s something we're still working on but
2970s it's something we'd really like to do
2971s but we've not we've not achieved it
2973s yet awesome awesome thank you very much
2976s uh I got another chat question coming in
2978s hot off the presses will you be
2979s producing more of the deluxe all in game
2983s package for the board game or is it
2984s limited edition only uh the the chatter
2987s said uh is currently sold out and they
2989s want
2991s one so that's a slightly complicated
2994s question and I believe the best answer
2995s to that is is when you've got sort of
2996s exclusive items like deluxe sets um we
2999s will sometimes create limited print runs
3001s for a very specific reason for special
3002s promotions so we've did something before
3004s called the steam Forge games vault which
3005s was meant to be solver reward for
3007s anybody that's backed a steam Forge
3009s games Kickstarter and what we did in
3010s that instance was we opened up a very
3012s limited amount of Kickstarter exclusives
3014s we did special print runs for anybody
3015s that came and joined the Vault um and
3017s that they could get access to those that
3018s were otherwise inacessible so it is
3021s possible to do so but they're generally
3022s for special promotions and for for
3024s things like
3024s that
3026s awesome awesome thank you very much I
3028s think we will hit up uh one more chat
3031s question and then maybe we'll go back to
3032s some of the other ones I know we haven't
3033s got too much time left so we have tons
3036s of questions on here it's a shame I
3037s can't get through all of these with with
3039s both of you uh but uh let's go back to
3042s the ttrpg uh Richard regarding it uh
3046s it's interesting to see a D6 system when
3048s a lot of systems are D20 is there a
3050s specific reason you went with D6 over
3054s D20 uh yeah there is um d6s were easier
3059s to get um and I I don't know if if
3063s people who are watching know the the
3065s game tunnels and trolls and it's
3066s designer Ken Andre but he designed
3070s tunnels and trolls is basically the
3071s second F RPG and he designed that with a
3074s D6 system because he figured who knows
3077s where to get d20s if you're not already
3080s a big tabletop gamer and while they're
3083s much easier to get these days the
3086s easiest dies to get is still a D6
3088s they're the cheapest to get you've got
3090s them in your Monopoly sets if you're not
3092s a you know hardened nerd like me um and
3096s I basically wanted this to be a game
3098s that if you
3100s [Music]
3101s um you basically didn't need to really
3105s have a a nerd store nearby or it would
3108s be very easy to
3110s play um with just mainly d6s um I I also
3115s wanted um because it's a 3d6 system um
3118s so it gives a and this is a kind of
3121s mathematical reason you get a very nice
3123s B curve on the 3d6 um roll uh means it's
3126s easier to control the numbers which
3128s means um you kind of start off quite bad
3132s but you get you reach a a level of
3134s competence quite quickly and but you
3136s stay in that that little bell curve for
3139s quite a while um and you don't you don't
3143s get too good too quick quickly um so
3146s there's a there's a kind of design
3148s reason and
3150s also an accessibility
3153s um and
3155s so awesome thank you very much I think
3157s that's a nice way to make it like very
3159s accessible for anyone that even know
3161s knows doesn't know the RuneScape uh IP
3164s or what involves or plays a lot or
3166s doesn't play a lot of board games so
3167s there's that a whole like roster of
3170s different people in there uh I think
3172s before we go on to like one more
3173s question Cons considering we spoke about
3175s Minis and stuff I think we should show
3177s some ugc quickly uh mod Druid just to
3180s Showcase like some players that have had
3181s them because I've seen some awesome uh
3184s Minis on there uh that have been painted
3187s so if we could get that up modid that
3189s would be amazing here we go this is the
3191s first one just like you can see a sort
3193s more unboxed version of that's a crazy
3196s cool collection on the back as well like
3198s um um that whole picture I'm sort of
3201s enamored by I'm not going to lie but you
3203s can sort of get a bit more of a break
3205s down of what's in the game and all the
3207s goodies that are there uh which is
3209s lovely to see I'm sure for you guys it
3211s must be really nice seeing uh seeing all
3213s the pictures and social play come
3216s through yeah yeah really is it's uh as
3218s we s mentioned before it's super
3219s rewarding to see the game finally get
3221s into people's hands and then just being
3223s able to play it and and most of the time
3224s they sort of come back say really
3226s thrilled to have this I'm really
3227s enjoying playing with it and it's just
3229s it's after working on for so long uh
3231s it's it's just really great to
3233s see awesome awesome stuff all right and
3236s the next one is from the seam Forge
3237s Discord and you can actually if you want
3239s to go there and chat some uh board games
3241s or TTR RPG stuff or anything in there uh
3244s exclamation mark SF Discord uh you can
3248s go and join and hop in and and speak to
3250s all the lovely individuals that are in
3251s there we got these lovely painted minis
3254s in there which look they look so cool
3256s man so cool uh you see my favorite there
3261s on the bottom left of that uh again not
3263s bias in the slightest uh but you know
3267s big fan and I think we got
3270s some Richard great job on J the lad in
3274s that one oh in sfg J the lad is our
3279s favorite I think that's fair to say
3281s Jamie y yeah that definitely was a name
3283s that stuck yeah yeah yeah honestly all
3286s of them even even bringing out Zach's
3289s toes there in the uh in the big the big
3291s mini of Zak there like very well played
3293s very well played we got some different
3295s min next that are painted slightly
3296s differently but really really cool um
3299s from uh oh I love that firework on there
3302s that's
3303s great yeah gorgeous
3307s fira just looks just so cool the amount
3309s of potential that you guys have put in
3311s to like making sure the mini figs of uh
3313s you
3314s know easily paintable by all these
3317s fantastic and talented individuals that
3319s can do a whole lot better than I could
3322s uh for sure and then I think from the
3326s same Facebook page we've got a whole
3329s little like mini area with them in which
3332s is
3335s awesome full grain or Village oh some
3338s lovely dwarf and Forge terrain there
3341s exactly this is this is awesome stuff um
3345s and then finally we have the Vampire
3347s Slayer campaign in all its Glory so you
3350s can sort of get a get a sense of the
3352s game in action uh with our final piece
3355s of
3358s ugc oh apparently we don't have that one
3361s in
3362s but it's in it's in we are we are
3365s getting it uploaded as we
3368s apparently um drain's man control for it
3371s is exactly exactly we we know what we're
3374s doing here there it is there we go but
3378s you can sort of see the sort of like a
3380s more indepth look at what your your
3383s table should be looking like so I hope
3384s you've got some room uh when you're
3386s playing the board game cuz you'll
3388s probably need a little bit um awesome
3392s all right I'm going to ask you guys one
3394s more question and then we will round up
3396s the stream I think I'm trying to pick
3397s like a good a good one to end on um
3401s let's have a look
3403s at here we go I know RuneScape is more
3406s of a masteral trade sort of game but in
3408s the TT RPG Is it feasible to be more of
3411s a specialist Warrior dedicates some
3413s specific skills as opposed to more
3414s optimal in MMO good at Magic melee range
3418s Etc this is for you
3420s Richard absolutely there are there's 21
3424s skills and you can dedicate yourself to
3428s leveling up just a few of them you
3430s really could quite easily not bother
3434s with your combat skills at all and it
3436s would be very easy to make this kind of
3438s a a game where you just uh explored and
3443s dug up cool or and Smith it into
3445s something nice it would be very easy to
3447s play this in a jamy way in fact just to
3450s go back to Perkins preferred uh gaming
3452s methods you could you could spend a lot
3454s of time Mining and smithing and be very
3457s very helpful ah um I was very curious to
3460s where that was
3461s going yeah yeah know it's it's a it's a
3464s comp it's a compliment um that I wanted
3466s this game to be something where you
3468s didn't have
3470s to fight if you didn't want to and you
3473s know you really can spend it's not to
3475s say there AR you know pretty fleshed out
3477s combat rules with different options and
3479s different possibilities and lots of
3480s things you can fight but you can also
3484s spend a lot of time Skilling up in other
3486s areas um and I think that's an entirely
3489s legitimate and and really enjoyable way
3491s to play the game and I hope if we get to
3493s do more books we'll be able to do some
3496s kind of more stuff around um emphasizing
3500s the area maybe with an adventure where
3502s you you know you do just make things and
3504s and deliver them
3505s live your best nonviolent life basically
3509s play like Jamie and not like
3513s me is that still chaotic neutral as a as
3516s a complete Skiller I don't know how you
3518s can I'm wonder if you can be a chaotic
3520s neutral Skiller um um I think yeah I
3523s think you're going you're getting
3525s dangerously into like neutral good loser
3529s territory yeah I said it there it is
3533s there I was waiting I was waiting for it
3534s there it is is you heard it here first
3537s um all right thank you very much Richard
3539s uh Jamie for you finally uh what
3542s features have been implemented in the
3544s board game to ensure a high replay value
3547s uh how variable are the game scenarios
3549s and
3550s quests yeah absolutely so um this is
3553s where that Vault deck we were talking
3554s about before is going to really come
3555s into play here because there are
3557s definitely some elements of the game
3558s that you're going to see each time you
3559s each time you play um but there are a
3561s lot of other elements that are hidden in
3562s that Vault deck that are only going to
3563s come out if you trigger specific events
3565s that happen um so if you say when you're
3568s playing through a campaign um if you're
3570s playing through uh if you spend too long
3572s doing a campaign then you raise the
3573s escalation track too high if you ignore
3575s that main campaign Quest the game is
3577s going to S raise the escalation level
3578s and make the environment around you much
3580s more dangerous and more cards going to
3581s come out of that Vault deck so you might
3583s play first time around and not see a lot
3584s of those next time you play you might be
3585s skting right close to the edge of danger
3588s and have lots of cards coming out of the
3589s the Vault deck to make things more
3590s difficult for you um and then some of
3592s random instances where I mentioned you
3593s can trigger sort of Random event cards
3595s that might come out might there might be
3597s event cards that you haven't seen the
3599s first playr at all where you see the
3600s next time you walk into the to meet the
3602s sandwich lady or you meet a random Noob
3604s and all bits and pieces so and um and
3606s lastly if you uh if you that's just the
3608s core game honestly and then if you also
3610s happen to add an expansions they will
3611s change up your game um add more
3613s replayability and then specifically the
3614s color AR moner expansion actually adds
3616s new features to all of the core game so
3618s you'll add more exploration cards event
3620s cards side quests lots of other
3623s different bits and pieces to do um the
3625s game is sort of trying to challenge you
3626s as to whether you want to uh go straight
3629s for the campaign Quest and go through
3631s the main story or how much you're going
3632s to sort of allow yourself to be
3634s distracted by the game it's going to
3635s very often try to distract you and oh do
3637s you want this shiny thing that's over
3638s here but it's going to take you a little
3639s bit more time uh spoilers that's
3641s something we definitely got a little bit
3642s caught up in in our playthrough and um
3645s not all of our choices were the most um
3648s efficient but we definitely had an
3649s interesting time showing off what was
3650s going on there I think I don't know what
3653s you mean mate I don't know what you mean
3654s I was focused at all times rolling ones
3658s and having a grand old time doing the
3659s main story
3661s surely um I just I saw all these dark
3664s dark Wizards being just going all over
3666s the board and I was like guys I'm I'm
3667s just I'm just G to spend the next few
3669s turns just killing dark Wizards and then
3671s like you'll join me eventually it's fine
3673s I just wanted to make me pie mate I just
3675s wanted to give me make me pie give it to
3677s my friend down down uh down a mud skip a
3681s point that's all I wanted to do I I just
3683s can do it so you know um all right
3686s awesome thank you both so so much uh for
3689s joining me today it's been an absolute
3691s pleasure I will say before we get onto
3693s the commands and say bye-bye uh if you
3695s want some uh extra uh frequently asked
3698s questions about the ball game or even
3700s the rule book for the ball game
3702s character sheets for both the ball game
3703s and the role playing game you can use
3705s exclamation mark uh resources to head to
3708s the steam Forge website and get all that
3710s good stuff um so yeah honestly big big
3713s thank you to to both of you you for for
3715s joining me on the section and thank you
3717s to steam Forge games as a whole for
3718s taking on the gantu task of making some
3722s uh table toop uh glory in terms of the
3726s RuneScape uh the universe so hope
3729s hopefully you guys have had a good time
3730s not only making it but on the
3733s stream it's been great thanks for yes
3737s awesome you're more than welcome all
3740s right let's go over the announcements
3741s before we fully wrap up uh first off
3744s exclamation Market game update check out
3746s the quality of life improvements
3748s released this week you've got new
3749s collection Log search functionality
3751s broadcast customization options last
3752s manst standing fog and more uh and you
3756s can find out all of the latest uh with
3758s exclamation mark game update uh
3760s exclamation mark steam Forge of course
3762s the reason why we're doing this stream
3763s in the first place Rus gate kingdoms
3765s ball game and the TTR RPG are both out
3768s now uh so make sure you secure yours
3770s before they sold out they are selling
3772s quick and fast uh I'd highly recommend
3775s them as a nonbiased player not as a jod
3778s but I would also endorse it as a jod so
3781s you know that's why I'm here uh
3783s exclamation mark poll uh the in-game
3786s poll for Undead pirate rewards and
3788s Wilderness changes ends tomorrow Friday
3790s March 8th so head to your nearest pole
3792s Booth uh or use the community section in
3794s the account management tab to vote uh
3797s finally that is it from us here today uh
3800s Richard you got any final words for the
3802s stream uh or anything at all
3805s all I I hope if you play the game you
3808s enjoy it please let us know um and uh
3811s well thank you for being such a a
3813s passionate and War
3815s Community that's lovely that's lovely I
3818s I bet see my hearts in the in the chat
3820s guys I I bet see them not not a threet
3823s just a just a a want you know there we
3826s go and Jamie finally any any FAL words
3828s from
3829s yourself yeah um Echo Richard saying I
3832s love the community of been to us it's
3833s been really welcoming and uh I mean come
3835s and join us in the conversation on the
3836s steam Force Discord as we mentioned um
3838s if you use Board Game Geek or BGG leave
3840s us a review of the games please tell us
3842s what you think we'd love to know um
3843s otherwise thank
3845s you yeah and of course if you want some
3847s more goodness you can exclamation mark
3848s video to see uh myself jamy and mod dun
3851s take on RuneScape Kingdom's ball game
3853s also uh I know we don't have a command
3855s for it but high rollers did do a special
3857s episode with Mod AA himself uh doing the
3860s TTR RPG which was a fantastic watch
3862s highly recommend it uh and yeah if want
3864s to jump into the scene Forge Discord
3866s exclamation mark SF Discord for more uh
3869s that has been it I've been your host
3871s modani I hope you have a lovely weekend
3873s and uh we will see you in the next one I
3876s know uh I won't speak too much we've got
3878s something exciting to talk about next
3880s week so uh we'll see you then
3885s goodbye