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over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by Jamiea88

Seems silly to release it a day after Shadowlands drops.

Don't tell me you're going to leave us for Shadowlands? (;へ: )

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by bigblagdig

Isn't it a weird decision to market the game (to brand new players) via a time-limited/seasonal game mode? What I mean is: the real game is actually slow and grindy for nostalgic/staying true to 2007-ish purposes which is the main appeal for most people.

In contrast, leagues are expedited experience rates, contain unique gameplay mechanics, and have cut content from time to time (e.g. no Zeah access for Trailblazer).

I'm not saying leagues are bad by any means (love them), but thinking from the perspective of someone who knows nothing about the game, proceeding to begin by playing leagues, and then learning that it isn't the main game is probably frustrating.

Did this come across to you as directed at new players, as in new to OSRS? I was the lead on briefing and direction of this asset with Mod Archie in charge of production and Mod Surma handling audio. Would be good to hear your impressions on the asset. Generally what I was going for was keeping it quite accessible but mostly towards people who may not know what the whole Leagues business was about but still had an understanding of OSRS in general.

There were some folks internally who thought we needed a bit more focus on explaining OSRS overall but I felt it would be redundant to the majority of watchers, plus I wanted to keep it shortish and upbeat, which I think we managed.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by BalieltheLiar

RS is my favorite game ever but the biannual pull to WoW is strong.

I'm shocked. SHOCKED I tell you. Gotta at least second screen OSRS, or third with mobile if you've got Netflix up!

Nah for real, we are the game that will live forever so if you need a little break I feel you. Trailblazer runs for 2 months, whilst I want to see as many of you in there on day 1 as possible, starting a little later doesn't mean you can't hit most of your personal goals and get most if not all the rewards.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by bigblagdig

Oh no I only replied assuming that /u/anticommon 's comment was suggesting that leagues would be a fine marketable introduction to OSRS to brand new players via leagues. The video is quality and I had no problems with it :)

Yeah, I realised just after I hit send. But figured I'd let it ride so the rest of you can see a JMod smoothbrain in the wild.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

it was a really good summary of what's up for the people who haven't read or kept up with the text updates. Great to show friends to quickly explain to them what it's about while trying to convince them to play!

Wasn't as hype as potentially could've been for people who've read up on everything but I doubt they need much convincing to play the mode. The ending where he opens the map and runs off was really well done/hyphie IMO.

great job on it :)

That warms my cold, shrivelled heart, great to hear!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by flickerstop

But will OSRS get RTX support? Because this new WOW update is getting it!

Absolutely. As a passive unlock everyone has infinite run energy meaning you kids can Run To X on your clues without delay!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by stewiiii

its more because shadowlands you're committed to a group osrs is solo. i want to go hard on next league but that won't be possible due to its release date.

Completely understand. Though the marketer in me does want need to point out that Trailblazer is time limited but Shadowlands will still be there in January.

I know that's not how it works in the real world but once you've worked in sales once that old hard sell never quite leaves you...

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by stewiiii

Trailblazer is time limited but Shadowlands will still be there in January.

theres just to much to do in wow during an xpac release or a new raid tier. the people who play both but are interested in raiding will never drop raiding for a runescape league but will desperately want to play both.

Yup. Wish it wasn't the case and people are going to have to make choices. It's a real glass houses situation because I've blown off IRL engagements for raids in the past. Heck I've woken up at 2am to go raid with the absolute meanest people in the world because that's the slot my too-serious-for-their-own-good guild assigned us... less gifted players.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by stewiiii

I'm sorry you experienced that. I'm not going to sit here and pretend decent raiding guilds have a PMA and growth mentality but its usually not as bad as you described.

i love both games and im a little crushed by this news. but life goes on as we know :)

Not gonna lie, I stayed mostly because they had a cool name.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by Tweakler

Curious why you would release this knowing shadowlands releases the previous day. Both of these games have huge incentives to put in large amounts of time on release. I'm now forced to choose one or the other instead of both. Seems like a poor decision to me.

Wish it were otherwise, Jagex isn't like other games companies. Ultimate decision on launch dates aren't owned by marketing, the best we can do is advise. I can say the date was locked in well before the Shadowlands date was announced but that doesn't really change the situation much for those caught in the middle.

All I can really hope for is that people like you will find a way to balance both games and at least give Trailblazer a fair shake.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKandosii - Direct link

Originally posted by Wimzer

Is your name mando'a?

Su cuy'gar ner vod! Where I have a character name that needs a surname I'll often toss Skirata in there.

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexFlippy - Direct link

Originally posted by Hipnog

Blog post: "You'll have access to 5 unlockable areas"

This video: "You only get access to 3 other regions, and Karamja is a free unlock"

That's not a free unlock, that's a forced unlock.

I see how it sounds misleading going from "5 unlockable areas" to "You can pick 3 regions". Sorry about the confusion!

However, originally we were going to give you Misthalin + 3 areas. We later on realized Karamja really couldn't compete with the rest of the areas in terms on content and rewards, so we figured it'd be better to offer it for free, with the added bonus that nobody has to sacrifice an area to participate in competing for fire/infernal cape.

You'll get some more background to this decision in the upcoming weeks, but that's about all I can say right now!

TL;DR: You were always going to "be limited to" 3 areas to pick, we simply added Karamja for free.