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Mod Ayiza, you mentioned on Q&A stream today that the new bow doesn't have to be a bow - it could easily be another range weapon like a ballista or a thrown weapon (boomerang). This is not a small change, and has severe balance implications.

The biggest one being it massively changes the availability of ammo and how severe ammo affects damage. The gap of damage from rune to amethyst to dragon for arrows (bows) and javelins (ballistae) are not consistent when adjusted for attack speed, and there are also severe ammo availability concerns for Irons if you switch from arrows to javelins as ammo.

These combined the accuracy changes between the classes of weapon are significant enough to warrant repolling the weapon entirely, as well as completely redoing the dps graphs provided.

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over 1 year ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

I mentioned on stream that we'd likely do follow-up polls depending on the outcome of the question.

There would be little value in us trying to design multiple versions of a Ranged weapon that might not even make it through the initial poll. The plan is to see what players want first, and use that to dictate the design.