over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by gitanas_nauseda

whats the pets name? i wasnt on the blog!

I just asked the devs. It's called Nexling I believe! I think you can see it already if you rush to the Menagerie. They're now joking about all the alternative names we could've used :P It's very cute haha.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by AndyPresti

Hyped! Gonna be a shit show day 1 I imagine hope everyone is ready for masses all around lol

Oh boy here we gooo! :D

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by KreaHS

Monster Examine is not currently powerful enough to examine Nex’s stats.

My favorite part of this update. It's gonna be just like old times for the first few weeks, where people are speculating on what's BiS. We won't know whether DWH lowers its stats or how quickly it's stats refresh. We won't know defensive values, so won't know what weapons are BiS.

It's gonna be trial and error and I can't wait.

Glad to hear that! Thanks so much. :) Mod Arcane put that bit in there.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by gitanas_nauseda

Any reason it wasn't called nexling jr, since all the other godwars pets are called this way?

I'd assume because the actual boss is called Nex. So it'd either have to be "Nex Jr" or "Nexling". :3

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by mazrrim

Was it intentional and not a bug/feature due to a nex form change or something?

To me at least, it sounds intentional.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Iron-lar

Anyone else underwhelmed by the boss? Watching woox stream and everyone already knows how to kill nex, so there's not really any learning involved. Haven't seen any deaths, no huge hits.. seems pretty boring tbh

Since it's just released, there's a lot of players in big groups of 80 players or so. We think it'll be even more interesting to watch smaller groups try to take her on. There will be a lot more pressure and she'll probably hit harder!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Kaneland96

They might have explained this in a previous blog, but what are Ecumenical key shards, and where do you get them? Are they a replacement for getting full keys at the Wildy GWD, or are they dropped by minions in the Ancient Prison?

You can bypass the KC requirement with an Ecumenical Key.
They're dropped from Nex only.
Ecumenical Key Shards are untradeable.
50 shards can be converted into one key.
If you’re capped out on Ecumenical Keys, you won’t be able to forge a new one

over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by KreaHS

Monster Examine is not currently powerful enough to examine Nex’s stats.

My favorite part of this update. It's gonna be just like old times for the first few weeks, where people are speculating on what's BiS. We won't know whether DWH lowers its stats or how quickly it's stats refresh. We won't know defensive values, so won't know what weapons are BiS.

It's gonna be trial and error and I can't wait.

Just to confirm this is intentional, we were discussing it only in last week about adding this mystery back. If popular it may be something we do with future bosses too.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Athoughtspace

Not sure that this is the right place but where can I put in suggestions or qol/bug notes like the slayer task bit. Is there an official place for players to put these that is actually reviewed?

I'd suggest putting that on one of our Q&A posts where we ask for questions for our weekly Q&A. Even if it's not asked on the Q&A, I'll go through the post and put the suggestions into our internal docs.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Originally posted by reddit_user53

What was the reason behind leaving out deflect range and magic for the first 4 phases, and do melee last phase only? Makes ranged almost a necessity when nex always used to be a hybrid boss

The original Nex design never used prayers during the first 4 phases and we wanted to stay closerf to the 2011 original design.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

/u/Mod_kieren was tbow hotfixed vs nex? it was slapping first few kills, now its not. getting large exp drops but dmg is not anywhere near what it should be

Nothing has been changed in this regard. It might be to do with the different phases?

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by examinerocks

Hi Team - are you aware that the Nex pet has not been added to the "All Pets" section of the collection log? Might be worth fixing for consistency with every other pet!

Thanks I'll be sure to raise this.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by MyBirthdaysMyCakeDay

Anyone else not getting drops that show in their name?

Hi there, I've seen a couple of reports of this. At present the team believe that it might just be down to a couple things:

- Number of players in the instance. If many players' loot drops in a single tile, the tile can only hold a certain amount of items, so the lowest value items will start to get deleted.- If there's a small amount of people in the instance, loot drops underneath the boss. If there's a large amount of players, loot drops underneath the player instead.- Loot being under the player isn't what most players are used to so they might struggle to see it.- Particularly the value of Ecu Key Shards is quite low so they may get deleted first. This is something we'll look into. We can't adjust the GE price because they're untradeable, and so we're discussing alternatives.

However if it's still the case that loot is bugged, we will be interested to fix it. I'm still monitoring the situation and number of reports about it, so please let me know if it persists.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Legal_Evil

How are the boss mechanics for Nex different from pre-EoC RS2 or even RS3?

AWESOME QUESTION! :) I've added it for consideration for tomorrow's livestream! We have the Nex team on our Twitch Q&A tomorrow so hopefully can give some insight there.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Blue_Dew

Can regular Ironman kill Nex with others and still get loot?

Yep! That is correct. :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by OldSodaHunter

"Have you ever tried attaching a pair of boots to a chestplate? You'd look ridiculous!"

I love these sort of little quips in these posts.

Mod Errol ftw!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

To help improve the overall Nex encounter whilst player activity levels are high, we've made a small tweak.

When wearing either a Gas mask, Facemask or Slayer helm, the duration of the *cough* effect as part of her smoke mechanic will be reduced slightly.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by UsagiHakushaku

Why do I see some people wear Ancestral at Nex? maging is viable?

Hey guys! We've made a change to allow masks to slightly reduce the oppressiveness of the *cough* phase at Nex - especially in masses. Players were wearing full mage gear in order to offset the cough mechanic, which is absolutely fine, but we'd also like to allow the player more agency in how they deal with this phase should they wish. So when wearing either a gas mask, facemask or slayer helm, the duration of the *cough* effect as part of her smoke mechanic is reduced slightly. We hope that this will allow players to switch gear if they wish. The previous method of using full mage gear still works though if you prefer that way.