almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by surprisedropbears

Zulrah is now less likely to flicker when attacked with certain weapons.

Also god damn, thank you. That bug was annoying, not sure how many times I've reported it since Sanguestis release.

It was one that required a chunk of investigation. We now know the cause and usefully can add it to other creatures if it happens again :)

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by Eggbrow

Are the current clue bottle colours going to be changed to fit with the new scroll colours?


almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by surprisedropbears

Curious, if you can share - what was the cause? I always like hearing a Jmod nerd out and talk about whats going on behind the scenes.

A combination of the height of the model/animation (It's very tall as it also sinks into the ground) and amount of polys.

It was an extremely inefficient spot anim for something as simple as a blood trail.

Trimming the polys and slightly lowering the height of it stopped the issue occurring. Only reason it was in this build was because it happened to the mimic too which helped determine the cause.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by FyrsaRS

Which tier is the Fremennik Kilt being added to? It's showing in image for the beginner tier items, but doesn't seem to be described anywhere in the lists - It'd be nice to be certain to know exactly where it comes from.


I'd recommend looking at your collection log on log in to check everything.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by CrimsonIrises

Did we get to see the stats of the staff of the bob cat?

It's a magic staff.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by fitmedcook

From which implings can beginner clues be obtained?

Baby and Young.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by surprisedropbears

Also curious, why is there nothing in the Dev blog about handing in Master Scroll Books for teleports? Is that not in this update?

Ah, it is.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I think so too

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Watch_Plebbit_Die

Quick! Everyone look for bugs!


almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by robertzon

Theiving bag


almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Fietsopa-MF

What about the watson teleport?

Added :)

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditRandom9000

No kilt?


almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by FyrsaRS

Which tier is the Fremennik Kilt being added to? It's showing in image for the beginner tier items, but doesn't seem to be described anywhere in the lists - It'd be nice to be certain to know exactly where it comes from.

I've fixed the post - it's an item from the Elite rewards

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by iitalian_ago

Do we know if the 2 new boots in the medium are on the same roll as the rangers? If so, will the rangers then be harder to get?

The tables have been balanced so that the new items will minimally affect the rarity of existing items

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by carder163

i don't see the runes cape (cape with all the runes on it) included anywhere on the list or in game so curious what happened to that because it was the item i was most looking forward to.

The Runes cape was pulled following feedback on the design

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Eggbrow

Think its just to stop u getting a geode, bottle and clue of same tier simultaenously. shouldnt affect the juggling thingy. not 100% sure

This is correct :) it just means you can't have two or more of the same tier clue in your inventory at a time through Geodes or the other skill equivalents.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by poisonvein777

Someone else mentioned this in the thread, but you can get unlimited beginner clues from veos for the quest reward. Probably not intended Wolf.

Yes, that was fixed quite quickly. Didn't see the need to highlight it more.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

Originally posted by poisonvein777

Its still letting me obtain more of them actually. If i drop it or complete it i can still go back and he will give me another. literally jjust did it. i can drop the clue though as to not abuse it.

I don't think you could have just done it.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Throwaway54390

Hey u/JagexGambit the clue scroll expansion is amazing and great job to the team, but can we get a use for spare god pages? They don't have a use (that i know of) past filling the god books and then they just become deadweight for ironmen and an eyeroll "I could have gotten something else" for normal accounts.

Thanks for all your hard work

Good idea - this was brought up on a recent Q&A. We could allow you to burn god pages for a random number of Burnt pages.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by nahmate77

Out of curiosity was the feed back a few random Reddit it’s not liking it? Or was it feedback from around the office or what

There were concerns over the appearance when we showed it internally as well as on our social channels.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Pinuzzo

Were the list of idea contributors added to Watson's house yet?
