almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Hey Reddit! I've been seeing some Q&A Summaries posted here after our streams, and thought they were great to help increase information sharing and accessibility, especially for those who can't tune in live.
Let us know if you find these blogs useful, or if there's anything else you'd like to see in these types of blogs! :)

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by elvarg92

Hello 2nd.


almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ZezimasCumStain

We've intentionally split our development team into smaller teams so that we can have more smaller and medium sized releases at once.

What falls into the category of small and medium sized releases?

I'd assume that small would be regular QoL fixes; medium would be something like a new Skilling Update or perhaps a new Quest. Large would then be something like a new Boss or something that involves a complete overhaul of systems like Clans or GIM.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Pidjesus

Any plans for more PVP community events? Maybe a Clan Wars tournament or a new Dead Man Mode style event ? They are insanely popular on youtube and twitch and I feel like there could be much more put on

It would be great, but the reason why deadman reborn is being re-run is because of server lag, which impacted competitive play. We need to be assured that our servers can run these kinds of tournaments first before comitting to this in future. I think we'll be in a better place to know the answer to that once we've done the DMM re-run. :)

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ah_12

They’re just gonna ignore this like they have since it passed a poll. I haven’t seen this comment be addressed once by a jmod.

I've asked in our QA channel about it. Some members of the team are off due to the holidays so it might take longer than expected. I'll give you guys an update when I know more.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

Predator vs Prey may be a legitimate part of PvP that we want

f**k that. You guys can keep your dead ass Wilderness, I'm trying to have fun. Being a pinata isn't fun.

I totally get what you mean, but it also seems the devs agree with you - they think that we can change that dynamic to encourage more players into PvP.

Q&A Summaries won't work well if people only cherrypick the sentences that they want to hear, so please do read the full answer if possible :D

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

Not to also be rude, but I read the whole answer. It's pretty vague on how it's going to change the dynamic (unless the intended result is just have more people try anti-PKing). Seems like the goal is to just try to get more people into the wild. Which is fine, but I don't see how you're trying to reinvent the wheel or anything.

But if you'd like a bit more feedback I disagree with "two types of players - PvP enthusiasts and people that have never tried PvP". You said you were simplying things, but thats an over simplification that hurts the discussion imo. Plenty of people casually PK, and plenty of other people have tried to get into it only to he shut down by the insane skill ceiling (not skull tricking or whatever). I think LMS is an already existing way to ease players into actual PvP, and you would have far more people willing to learn with it if it wasn't plagued with tick perfect bots.

Thanks for explaining, I enjoy the constructive discussion on this even though I don't do a lot of PvP myself and I'm not great on the subject. Overall I still feel like we're on the same page with it. If you break down what Kieren said, he's pretty much confirmed that the surveys we ran about PvP told us exactly what you're saying. Players don't enjoy unequal fights, getting piled on by clans, and then they don't want to fight back as a result. Meaning, it's not fun to be a pinata for most people.

He then goes on to talk about the Wildy changes we made recently (the anti-Skulltricking measures and changes to the PJ Timers as an example), being an example of trying to get more disengaged players willing enter into the Wildy on their terms. And hopefully in future we'll get them wanting to fight back. That is intentionally vague because it's going to have a PvP team working on it closely and working with the community on feedback - we don't have all the answers right now.

The other solution in this situation, which we haven't gone with, would be to throw more money into the Wilderness. In theory that would bolster activitity but we think that could actually create more of a pinata dynamic because new players would be like loot pinatas for experienced PKers. Ayiza goes on to talk about the whole ecosystem of PvP and states that there's probably an appropriate place for that (the food chain), but states that the main goal for us right now is to get more people participating and address the issues.

The LMS stuff is also going to be addressed, there's a question about it towards the end. It's a constant battle to keep banning these accounts but we'll do our best.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Spixican

I was wondering if we would see any other skills given the same Q.O.L. that you are going to give Runecrafting.

Yep! There's a "Skilling Update" planned which should involve a Skilling team that looks into QoL or improving a Skill/Piece of content focused on a Skill.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

Believe me, I hear you guys. This blog isn't the first time I've seen it acknowledged that predator vs prey mechanics being short term gain to the Wilderness and long term resentment- I can't express enough how refreshing it is to hear that.

I feel the need to be vocal when I hear predator vs prey being tossed around, it's a slipperly slope and other games with worse predator vs prey mechanics have killed the fun for me. There's a fine line between feeling incentive and feeling pressured to do content in the Wilderness. I feel incentvised to hunt Black Chins or Salamanders because it’s better xp and I don't feel I'm missing out on anything if I want to hunt Red Chins. The Chaos Alter is better xp with insane value, but PoH house parties are chill and social. I feel pressured to do MA2 for a BiS. Yes it's totally optional and you can easily do it during off hours, but I still feel somewhat pressured into doing so to progress my account.

And I'm glad to hear you guys are going to address LMS. Bots are a problem with ever changing solutions, always have been. From my own experience, what the overall goal of these reworks is (increasing activity and more importantly PvP participation in the Wilderness) and from seeing what gets posed to the sub - I genuinely think LMS or something like it is absolutely integral to what you guys are trying to do long term. It provides players the perfect environment to learn, practice, and build confidence in PvP.

Thank you for the feedback and taking the time to discuss this topic, it can be a difficult one so thanks for sharing.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by A_Lakers

Can you show me the update because the wiki doesn’t list it in the Changes section. Only the update where the chance of blood spawns appearing were halved and that was a year before Poll 75. TOB wiki page also doesn’t show it updated

Quick update.

We had the Blood Spawn changes noted down in this newspost so they should've been out already.
However, the Nylos giving MVP points in certain rooms were supposed to be going out in this newspost but I can't see it written in the newspost. So I'll ask the team to confirm what's happened and update you when I know more.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by psychoffs

180 billion GP taken in tax after just six days.

How does this compare to the Duel Arena tax?

it's around 7,000 items that were taken out of the game in the first six days.

So the total is 180B + 7000 items? Do we have a rough total figure of the item amount in GP? And could we see a full list of items? Seems like a big deal to lightly gloss over for those items that have were added.

An answer from Question #11:

We know there are longer term issues and a lot of underlying things we need to address.

So address them? Why do you continuously hang the PvP world out to dry? There are thousands of players across a huge range of PvP clans dying for any attention and all they ever get is half-baked updates and the promise that Jagex will one day try "working with leaders and figureheads in the pvp space to improve it." Currently it seems like you'd just as soon remove PvP as you would give it any sort of meaningful attention.

3 hours in no response :D

Hey there! I believe more stats will be shared as they come available in a Gazette or a more dedicated blog. Our data team is still building out the dashboard of data and we need to decide what will be player facing from that information.

The full list of items being sunk should be available on the Wiki:

As for the second question, we now have a dedicated PvP team that will be looking at updates for the next year specifically catered to PvP. These things will take time to get right though because there’s a lot of complexity to it.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by SilencioPseudonymous

You as players know there are PvMers, Quests, people who love - we can't just give content to one of those categories, it has to be the right balance across all of those players and we have to make sure we're adding content for everybody.

Finally someone is looking out for the people who love.

😂 oops. Will fix this lol

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Haz606

not sure if the question answers are meant to be verbatim from the stream as I haven't watched it but there's a grammatical issue in the reply to Q1 (2nd paragraph): "less" should be "fewer" and there's a missing word after "updates" in the same sentence

Thanks for pointing this out! We've put this together ourselves so probably a few typos and issues here and there. I've corrected what I can see! :) <3

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Baruu

I agree with you, but there is also a point to be made by what that person said.

This particular live stream was 63 mins long and had 25 topics. 8 of those minutes were into, out to and nex trailer. The longest discussion any topic got was 7 minutes about the wilderness being safer, etc. In total all PvP questions added up to 17 minutes.

Does Jagex feel this short of a time, and 25 topics in an hour gives the ability to express the point/answers adequately?

The obvious answer then is dev blogs, but we all know that isn't the same. We all know text is much harder to parse than speech. Everyone has sent or received an email where the intent or direction was misunderstood.

Further, an example issue is the "Nex is weak to crossbows" from one blog. The only reference players have for that is "Corp is weak to spears" or "Nightmare is weak to crush". The obvious implication is Nex will take reduced damage from all but crossbows. Then Husky clarified in a livestream in a 3-4 minute blurb that "weak to crossbows" essentially means "you're going to want a shield". This then raises more questions. What about Ely and Tbow flicking? Is there a damage cap like at old Nex, because Husky said hit 110 with a ruby bolt spec, which isn't how old Nex worked. If there is a damage cap, is it a reroll like Zulrah, or something else?

I for one think the answer is more long form discussion. Make a post asking for PvP questions, pick 1-3 topics and then talk about that topic for 20 mins to an hour. A lot of benefit has come from content like mods on the saebae cast or mods on the ricecup/mintmadcow/raiksy podcast.

I would love longer form, in depth content where a mod doesnt have to fire off an answer in 2 mins, or there is dead air when the mods on the live stream don't know an answer.

The players of osrs are generally dedicated, invested and highly interested/engaged. I believe there is an appetite and good use for longer form, in depth content.

Agree that podcasts would be huge value. I think the team would also be up for it. However, it is yet to be decided whether this is something we can do on stream or if it requires us to be in the studio (for good/better microphones etc). Maybe something we can try to achieve in the new year but I can’t promise it until we have a plan sorted for how it would work and what work is involved :)