over 4 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by ikuwerepoosy2

Rune pouches will potentially become a lot more difficult to obtain. Make them tradeable and offer them for a reasonable price in the BH store

Because emblems were originally transferable through death and later made tradeable the rune pouch has been a buyable since release. Pre-rework a 6 killstreak was sufficient to get you one pouch so the new cost from the store should roughly reflect that. Even the most recent proposal of 75 points would make rune pouches far more time consuming to get than before either buff the rate of point gain or reduce the cost of the rewards.

Poll some new rewards with a target KC requirement down the line

So that people who do not like PvP will have to go out of their way to vote no.

This reworked BH is looking to be a lot less profitable than the original BH

I understand why you made it so that the other player requires an emblem of the same tier or higher to upgrade but that's just going to make it so it's almost impossible to upgrade them and with how dead BH is at the moment you really can't afford to be skipping targets just because they aren't risking an emblem.

Skipping your target also resets your kill streak. What happens if you're veng PKing and your target is hybridding and you're both on a high kill streak? One of you will be forced to skip and lose the streak or the situation will devolve into ragging. You should have 2 options for killstreak: legacy mode and regular mode. On legacy your kill streak will reset when it hits 10 but it will persist even if you log off. On regular mode your kill streak does not reset at 10 but it will reset on logout as well as death. Under no circumstances should your streak end just because you skipped a target or you end up with problematic situations like the one I described above.

Player bounties need to be reconsidered

The idea in general is fine but some of the bounties are horribly out of touch with the PK meta. Lets look at them individually:

  • Kill two targets without leaving, or going below level 1 Wilderness.

Luck dependent and abuse-able by using alts to give you supplies. I am not a fan.

  • Kill your target using Ranged/Melee/Magic on the last hit

This one is good as it encourages variety. The problem is the magic part. We have no viable magic KO weapons so the only way you're going to get a magic KO is by outlasting someone with teleblock.

  • Kill your target while risking 250,000 GP (in coins/platinum tokens only)

This one is also fine as it rewards players for risking more wealth.

  • Kill your target without using any prayers

Dead content. Only benefits account builds that do not have prayer because they don't have to forfeit a large chunk of their KO potential for no reason. Get rid of this, make it apply only to overheads or nerf it (see suggestions below).

  • Kill your target without using a special attack

Does GMaul to any weapon without a special attack bar count? If not then it's another one that requires you to outlast with TB.

  • Kill your target without using Protect Item

This would be a good one if it actually did what it's supposed to (encourage people to use different weapons). All it's going to do is encourage people to unskull PK with 3 items which is no fun.

  • Kill your target without any stat boosts

Like the "kill your target without prayer" but even more out of touch because virtually everyone uses potions. Get rid of this or nerf it so it's not as crippling (see below).

Some ideas for bounties

  • Kill your target without body/leg armour
  • Kill your target with a specific KO weapon (requiring the stats and quests to wield said weapon to get the bounty; obviously only include weapons that are viable for PvP so a dragon mace would be acceptable but a bronze dagger not so much)
  • Kill your target with the abyssal bludgeon special attack whilst skulled. Similar to the above except it would give more reward points due to the risk involved. Requires 70 attack and 25 prayer.
  • Kill your target while risking a specific barrows set. Requires 70 melees, ranged and magic.
  • Kill your target with residual damage. This would include vengeance, recoils and poison/venom.
  • Die to your target. This one challenges your ego rather than your skill.
  • Kill your target within 15 seconds of starting the fight. Toxic but it's an idea.
  • Kill your target without using super potions. This is like the no-potions bounty but not nearly as unfair. Since ranged does not have a super potion ranged boosting would be restricted to using wild pies (+4) instead. Magic boosting does not need to be restricted because no one does it.
  • Kill your target without using your best boosting prayers. This means eagle eye, mystic might, ultimate strength/incredible reflexes if you have all prayers unlocked. If you do not have rigour you have to use hawk eye. If you do not have augury, you have to use mystic lore. If you do not have piety you have to use ultimate strength, improved reflexes and rock skin.
  • Smite your target (requiring 52 prayer)


Do NOT release the reworked BH . It's currently WORSE than the previous BH and needs a lot of work before it even has a chance to achieve what it set out to do.

EDIT: This update reminds me a lot of the free trade and wilderness removal back in the day. Sure they crippled bot farms but they crippled legitimate players even more. This will put the final nail in the coffin for BH if it's implemented in its current state.

Awesome, thanks a ton for this feedback.

We'll consider making the Rune pouch a lot cheaper not just in BH, but the Slayer shop too (polled, of course).

I want to add more rewards to the shop, but the way we go about this is TBD. It's not clear that polling only to players that want something is a good idea - the team is having a meeting to discuss this later this week.

We'll look at either changing the curve for receiving points to feel more rewarding or increasing the value of the crates - or a combination of both.

We can tweak the tasks in the way you described and add some of the ones you suggested - things that require specific equipment to be used still aren't possible though.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by ikuwerepoosy2

We'll look at either changing the curve for receiving points to feel more rewarding or increasing the value of the crates - or a combination of both.

Please do. I went 25-0 in 3 hours of playing the beta and still couldn't buy a 60k dragon scimitar from the shop. That same KDR would have made me 5m in emblems alone pre-rework.

To be clear, those shop prices were just placeholder and not balanced yet! The balanced prices can be expected in this week's update.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by alizteya

Actual feedback about the beta from someone who played it.

Jagex, can you fix the incredibly dumb exploit where you can gear up in Bandos and then set your def to 1 and bully all the pures? Or 40 def with veng.

We're planning to fix that with this week's update.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by LewisMcLaren

Hey what the hell i spent hours stacking up points in the BH shop on my ironman so i would always have plenty in hand in case i ever lost my rune pouch and various other items and now you're going to be removing the old shop? not really fair is it i don't wanna spent 10s of hours building my points back up again only for them to be removed later on. Not cool.

How would you feel if we converted your existing points to the new ones when the time comes?