Sorry to hear what you've been through, let's get your game account sorted.
OK so you need to submit a manual recovery request to us, the form will ask you for some information, including a new email address you want to set to the account.
Provided everything checks out, we will then send a link to the NEW email address and you'll be good to go.
So (if you can) use the device and ISP you usually use to access your game account, then ...
Head to the email is inaccessible article
1. Scroll down and hit 'change registered email'
2. Scroll down and hit 'update registered email'
3. Type in your log in username when prompted and submit
4. Click the text line 'I don't have access to that email address'
5. In the free text box presented put an email address that is secure and you can access - this will become your new account recovery email. It helps a little if the email you give is the first email used when you created the account, but it can be any address, provided it is secure and you can access it
6. Complete the rest of the form, stick to factual information, the older the information the better
7. Hit 'send recovery request'
We will then compare the info on your form to the details we hold on the account, we'll send an email to the new address you supplied with a link to reset your password or an explanation of why your request has been denied.
Player Support are busy right now but we should get back to you within 24 hours, often much quicker.