about 5 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Originally posted by Shadiochao

Is the 1 in 200 chance of getting a crystal tool seed from Zalcano per drop or per kill? If it's per kill, is it still most likely to go to the person who's done the most damage?

It is per kill. The chance of getting it goes up with contribution. Hope that helps!

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Originally posted by Pops_rustafied

Nice work Acorn :)

Happy birthday everyone!

Thank you! Hope you enjoy the birthday event!

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Originally posted by superfire444

Happy cake day!

I've asked this before but since the merch-shop is now updated is it possible that older merch (like the zilyana t-shirt or zuk shirt) will have the option to buy XL-shirts again? Currently you can only buy small/medium/large. Other shirts do have the option to buy XL (and even XXL and XXXL).

I'll pop that query down and give it to the store manager :)

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Originally posted by Neefycane

Finally! The DFS Pin! Can’t wait to flex with this bad boy in the club.

Just in the club? I flex mine everywhere.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Originally posted by Patrick_Reddit

What about rotating the member lms world?

The only lms world for members is USA right now. And since f2p lms gives less points now, it would be a viable option to rotate these aswell. I can't pk on usa, 300+ ping.

I'll ask the devs about LMS world rotations but I can't promise any changes.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Darkrain273

So onyx became even rarer after today update? 1/200 for drop table and 1/8k when landing on that drop table? So the chance of getting an onyx there is 1/very small, right?

Yeah this is correct. 1/200 chance to land on the "Tool Seed" table and then a 1/8000 for that tool seed to instead be an onyx.

It essentially makes the onyx a 1/1,600,000 drop

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Originally posted by Vysys

Huge fan of the Paths system being expanded with the Gatherer path as well as the currently existing combat path. I started playing in December last year and the guidance on combat, plus the rewards, were a really big boost at the start of the game. Hopefully this is the start of more expansions to cover other skills, as once I became a member I just relied on the wiki to tell me what in earth all these other skills were and how to get started, which is not ideal game design, although is working as I iust hit 1000 skill total last week!

Really glad you liked the Adventure Paths and you found that it helped you. Grats on the 1k total! Bring on 1.5k!

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

Any reason for the quick change? Im sure like 2 days ago, a Jmod (might have been yourself) on twitter said there were no plans to change the drop rate in the near future as you wanted to see the price changes or something along them lines?

Personally i think 1:200 roll is perfect. The upgrade wasnt good enough for a 300 hour grind :P

I wasn't responsible for the changes and I was cautious on twitter of promising exactly when we'd change it.

Turns out Ed agreed and decided to make the change a week later. Sorry for the confusion!

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Originally posted by _FAPPLE_JACKS_

Hi Acorn! Wood you happen to have any tree puns for us today?

I'm afraid I need to branch out a bit more in the pun department.