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11 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by furr_sure

Honestly having this teleport locked behind avg of 1k rift searches is insane

I'm always conflicted on this.

The goal of the amulet was never to provide a means of teleporting to the content easier, it was to tell a story. Later on with development in GoTR I wanted add random things you can pull out of the abyssal rift as a thematic, rare drops that would make players go "Oh, what's this?"

The amulet has a story attached to it and adds some lore to the Lumbridge guide which I thought was kinda cool. Then we got some feedback that it'd be nice to offer some benefit to it so I thought a teleport was fairly harmless especially since we already have a fairy ring near the content.

Then I got feedback post-launch that players felt like this should be on the collection log, so now it's in this weird place. I even see feedback every so often asking for it to be an infinite binding necklace but if it was a genuine meta-relevant reward for the piece of content I would never have made it so rare.

As a developer, I generally like to sprinkle little secrets and mysteries through content I work on, I think it makes it more interesting and fun for the players but it does lead to interesting scenarios like this. Ultimately, there's probably no easy fix outside of just making things more common but I think that makes it less special when a strange item is found if you're expected to see it relatively frequently.

Anyway, just a small ramble by me, hopefully that better explains the intention and how it got to where it is

11 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Jaguaism

Hope you guys will be able to revisit GOTR QOL changes soon!

Soon (tm)

11 months ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by IvarRagnarssson

Hey, quick question if you can answer: how do you make sure the lore you’re bringing in, as small as it is, doesn’t conflict with existing lore/potential future lore?

We usually just ask around the team, check wiki, or if we miss things they can get picked up in team sprint reviews or playtesting.

Generally just having game knowledge can help with this too