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So, this happened with guns too. Was missing one gun, and thought it was the reaper. My 3rd Deathsheild dropped and I got the accolade. I was literally holding a Deathsheild and an anemoi with fortress on my back when that gun dropped. Now as I'm close to the end on my accolades, I'm missing 3 on mods and 3 on legendary gear 92/95. Pyro and trickster have every mod unlocked. Techno is missing the one you get from grim inventory helm. My devastator is missing the mod from seismic helm, it lets you impale 3 enemies. I'm wearing that on my build.

Any suggestions? How do I even find out what the 3rd mod is? Or the other two 2 items the game thinks I am missing?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

Originally posted by Tokimori

It's the second bit. The accolades don't do a very good job at counting everything. I'm in a similar boat as the OP. My accolade is showing that once I get all the gear and dismantle I'll still be missing two mods.

Also my final Progression accolade is stuck at 36/37 and it's the one that's supposed to complete the other progression accolades which I did.

From what /u/thearcan said to me in the last update thread in order to fix this you'll have to contact Square Enix support.

Our support is currently the best way to resolve this, but I'll try and add it to our known list of issues on the next thread update and I'll see if we can manually bundle-fix the players who are in this situation while we wait for a patch to fix it properly.