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Basically the reality is Yes you can play without fortress on AP builds and still do ok both solo and in group if you have a decent min/max slightly meta build on and know the game mechanics very well and arnt doing carries.

But when you dont have fortress on you can really feel the power loss. Its more or less a must have on an AP build and i hate it.

Many of the other Tier 3 weapon mods or their tier 2 or tier 1 varients are pretty fun to use even though many of them are weak in general atleast they do some cool effect or something....

I would much rather not have to put fortress on everything and have this mod slot open to be used for actual other fun mods.

For example id like to run on "Heir to the Desert" Sandstorm which is its default Tier 3 mod and maybe "Claymore torrent" which is another tier 3 mod.

or On "Roaring Umbra" comes with "Kinetic Stomp" for its default tier 3 mod and i would like to add "Strings of Gauss".

But the reality is you cant, because you have to use fortress if you want to use that weapon for that "ONE" mod. Or your other option if you dont like the weapon that this mod comes on you have to put it on the deathshield and play with that.

Some of the cool mods come on weapon that just dont fit what they do. IMO So in order to play with those mods on a AP build you have to play with those weapons that their tier 3 mod doesnt make much sense and if we try to take that tier 3 mod and put it on another weapon we lose fortress. and that my point.

I wish PCF can just build in fortress to all our builds at this point. The game seems to be balanced anyway to having best in slot mods. So having it built into our builds we can finally start using other mods. its not like any of the other tier 3 mods that do some effect are OP. most of them as i said are weak af.

I'm not saying fortress is OP and needs to be nerfed. Like i said the game is clearly balanced in having those mods. What im asking is there some way that we can keep fortress on AP builds and allow us to free up the slot and use these other more fun mods that actually do something cool rather then just up your damage.

I dont think running say Ultimate storm wipe and say wrath of moloch is going to be game breaking op with built in fortress. LOL Lets be real. Most of the Tier 3 effect mods on CT15 on an AP build at best do 5-25M total damage. With most actually doing ~10M. "With fortress buffing" Half that if you remove fortress. and thats part of my point.

Past few days ive been literally trying out on my deathshield running all the other tier 1, 2 and 3 mods out. Like i mention the fun ones that do some effect. its not even the matter of buffing them to fix this.

I just want to be able to run 2 of them over pretty much forced to run only 1 + fortress. Ive tried it and its alot more entertaining and fun to play. but that damage you lose is too great. Especially when playing in Pub groups when majority of the playerbase now dont have good builds on or are fairly new to the game. So you are stuck playing more meta.

Wanted to try out Anomaly mutation on a status build but it comes on a sniper. So if i want to keep fortress i have to play with the sniper or deathshield. But i really wanted to play it with Time Ripper or Absolute Zero.

AP builds i feel get locked down because of fortress. They would be so much cooler if we dint have to use fortress and fortress was built into say based on your AP power and was no longer a mod in the game for AP builds.

IDK. What do you all think? Am i the only one that would rather use some other mods instead of fortress on every AP build? Even further being forced to use the deathshield if you want to play with that 1 other mod if it comes on a weapon that doesn't fit the AP playstyle.

These Increase your damage mods are ok and all and i get it, but i really prefer the cooler effect mods that actually do something visually in the game.


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over 2 years ago - /u/thearcan - Direct link

There's another similar balancing related thread on reddit here where I've replied (here).

As mentioned there, I need to head off on annual leave (so I won't be able to reply further today), but I did want to let you know that we're aware of the issue.

Fortress was never meant to have the effect it does (much like Moaning Winds). Both were designed with very different playstyles and scenarios in mind but have, for whatever reason, come to dominate the build meta. I'll likely talk about that dev history when I open a formal discussion around these mods, probably in an upcoming Dev News Thursday.

Below is a past of what I wrote in the other thread:

I've touched on it in a few other threads, but the biggest contender for "something done to them" are Fortress and Moaning Winds. According to our data, those are far more in need of a rethink than the Borealis set. That sh*t gets where dirt can't.

However, even given the issue that Fortress and Moaning Winds are currently causing (being a forced staple of most builds and leading to under-utilization of the wider mod pool, and yes we're very aware that this is also down to a DPS-timer endgame), we are still considering the best ways to tackle them. As a very brief example, rather than nerfing the fairly un-interactive Fortress damage boost, we'd prefer (if possible) to rework it in a certain way that will allow players to be just as powerful, but that will create more of a more compelling gameplay cycle. That ideally would make Fortress become part of an optional build, rather than the go to meta build.

We're still determining what to do here, but it's an example of how we're considering things.

PS: There have been some great discussions regarding these mods here.