Demon Lord Reinhardt (Legendary) by Previous Lead Concept Artist, Qiu Fang🤩
Rogue Kiriko (Epic) by Associate Artist, Grace Kim 🤩
Honeycomb Wrecking Ball (Epic) by Associate Artist, Grace Kim 🤩
Alchemist Mei (Legendary) by Lead Character Artist, Daryl Tan 🤩
Royal Guard Genji (Legendary) by Concept Artist, @emirriart 🤩
Slime Queen Echo (Epic) by Senior Concept Artist, @kejun66 🤩
Royal Astronomer Zenyatta (Legendary) by Artist, @Ebi_Draw 🤩
Gr-iffon Orisa (Legendary) by Previous Senior Concept Artist, Kim-Seang Hong 🤩
We want to see your art featuring Heroes in their Questwatch skins ✨
We'll kick things off with the concept art for Mythic Adventurer Tracer by Sr. Concept Artist, @KaiChangOZ8068 👇🧵
New Shop Drop 🚨 🛍️
Grab the Legendary Plague Doctor Moira Bundle before it cycles out of the Shop July 3 ✌️
Cassidy's Magnetic Grenade will have a slightly lower seeking radius and homing duration.
Have a good amount of changes planned for Season 5 Midseason, excited to share those with y'all soon.
Mei and Cassidy adjustments are both in response to how their kits have been playing since S5 changes. We're pulling back a bit here on their CC additions and will continue to monitor.
Finding more of a middle ground for Mei, damage going up on primary and slow going down.
Small hotfix going out later this week with adjustments for Lifeweaver, Mei, and Cassidy.
Lifeweaver to receive small Thorn Volley buffs. Latest changes provided a much better baseline (in acceptable range), but still have some more improvements in store for him down the road.
@Spex_J “And I will buy you a GOLDEN trophy” is a phrase I will use more cautiously in the future.
@SrslyPaladin: In case you missed it, last week we put out a new blog about Competitive, including the much-awaited distribution of rank…
Solid Sunday night listening to some preeeeetty good music.
We’re in the homestretch 🏃💨
Race over to the Shop and claim your FREE Sprinter Tracer (Legendary) skin before June 26 ✨
Shhhhhhhhh 🤫🤫🤫🤫
Ulting Ramattra is asleep 😴
Scroll quietly so do you don’t wake him and get your whole team annihilated 🫣