over 5 years
ago -
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During August 21 - 25, members of the Might & Glory Club had the chance to play the release version of Pagan Online before official launch, and they created a ton of {LINK REMOVED}great content in a number of languages with it! We loved going through everyone's videos and streams, and we hope you did too.
Without further ado, the Legendary Heroes of the Might & Glory Club are...
{LINK REMOVED}VASERATI - a super creator and Pagan Online community legend who enjoys doing crazy challenges and regular giveaways on stream.
{LINK REMOVED}ONGLOR - a dedicated Guardian over on the Discord channel and a long-time content creator. His streams are full of build guides and helpful tips and info.
VULKAN - a pretty talented streamer we think is on his way to great things. Always expect to see quality coverage of games in his videos and streams.
Congratulations, folks! We will be in touch with you this week, and as for the mighty heroes featured in as Heroes of the Day, each of you will gain a place in the game credits of Pagan Online!
Thanks for joining us for the first Might & Glory Club activity, and we will be reaching out regularly with more initiatives.
Without further ado, the Legendary Heroes of the Might & Glory Club are...
{LINK REMOVED}VASERATI - a super creator and Pagan Online community legend who enjoys doing crazy challenges and regular giveaways on stream.
{LINK REMOVED}ONGLOR - a dedicated Guardian over on the Discord channel and a long-time content creator. His streams are full of build guides and helpful tips and info.
VULKAN - a pretty talented streamer we think is on his way to great things. Always expect to see quality coverage of games in his videos and streams.
Congratulations, folks! We will be in touch with you this week, and as for the mighty heroes featured in as Heroes of the Day, each of you will gain a place in the game credits of Pagan Online!
Thanks for joining us for the first Might & Glory Club activity, and we will be reaching out regularly with more initiatives.