I dont know how many of you that are following the Discord channel, but just in case, this popped up in the News/Announcements a few minutes ago
Crusaders! An important announcement: We are now working on an issue that turned out to be really serious and the fix deeply affected the internal structure of the game. Please note that if you saved after using respec in Act II or further, your saved game may remain corrupted, potentially blocking your playthrough. Mythic Demon and Lich are the most affected by this problem. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused, and strongly recommend to revert back to a save made before respeccing. Please stay away of the respec function up until the next patch. The problem will be gone then.
I dont know when that patch will arrive. The way I read it, I am not sure if the patch will be able to fix existing issues from respecs or not, so please keep it in mind
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