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I dont know how many of you that are following the Discord channel, but just in case, this popped up in the News/Announcements a few minutes ago

Crusaders! An important announcement: We are now working on an issue that turned out to be really serious and the fix deeply affected the internal structure of the game. Please note that if you saved after using respec in Act II or further, your saved game may remain corrupted, potentially blocking your playthrough. Mythic Demon and Lich are the most affected by this problem. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused, and strongly recommend to revert back to a save made before respeccing. Please stay away of the respec function up until the next patch. The problem will be gone then.

I dont know when that patch will arrive. The way I read it, I am not sure if the patch will be able to fix existing issues from respecs or not, so please keep it in mind

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about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

A bit of clarification on this:

The issue is that respec bug was affecting the mechanics so deeply, that we were not able to guarantee that your game will manage to repair itself even after the fix is deployed. I.e. things may be so broken in a given playthrough after respec, that even a fix won't help it. Highest chance to bump into this is with demon and lich mythics, other mythics have a chance to be affected, but it's considerably lower.

It does not necessarily mean your game won't work or that it will suddenly stop working after the patch - it simply means that if it was already broken, there's a chance it will remain such. Thus we recommend to revert back to an old save if possible.

Patch itself is about to come really shortly. Issue is fixed there and respeccing after patch is no longer dangerous.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by iroairoa

Is there anyway for us to check if our saves are corrupted or not before we throw away hours of playtime unnecessarily?

Not that I'm aware of :\ But if everything seems to function fine so far and you're not playing demon or lich, it's probably worth trying to finish the current playthrough.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by meandtheboysss1

does this problem effect the lich transformation problem both visuals and not becoming undead? and is it at any time during act 2 or only after you pick the 3rd rank in mythic path cause i did respec at the start of act 2 and have had 0 problems so far cause of it during my time in act 3 as lich

Visuals and becoming undead is fixed in the upcoming patch. It's a different issue.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Hecuro

When is the next Patch?

Coming in really soon.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by typoking7

Wait... what if I respeced using a mod?

And what if that respec wasn't on my main character?

I'm going Azata so this shouldn't be TOO big of a problem hopefully, but I'm a little worried.

Behaviour of mods in these circumstances is unpredictable, so it's pure luck.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Ananoriel

Wait, was this in the game the entire time since release? I did respec a lot through my playthrough already and I am almost finished with act II. Is that playthrough broken now?

Yes, it was all over. But unless you're demon and lich, you're probably okay.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by ArchmageIlmryn

What is the issue caused that crops up later? When does the game break if this bug does appear?

I know that there's a high chance you won't be able to enter the prison if you respecced as a demon.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by DuErAlleredeDoed

Does it only apply to respecs of the main character? I've respeced some companions a few times but never my PC. Should that be safe, or may their companion quests etc break?

Yes it's only the main character. Companions are ok.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by JaMenUpptaget

Thanks for the clarification. I added it to the OP for visibility :)

Thank you!

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by ArchmageIlmryn

Do you know if it applies only to MC respec or even to companion respec? I.e if I as Lich respecced Wendu in act III but never respecced my main character, should I be fine?

Checked up with the tech team, it's only the MC respec.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Ceegee93

Is there anything we should look out for that might indicate a corrupted save? Also do you know if it's caused by respeccing to a different mythic path, or is it just respeccing in general?

If you see mythic quests behaving oddly in later chapters (uninteractable NPCs, non-appearing NPCs, non-opening locations), that is most likely it. It is reported that demon breaks almost 100% if respecced, lich has a relatively high chance, for others chance to get it broken is more or less minor.

Caused by any respec that touches your main character, not just mythic path respec. Companions are not affected.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Pfitzgerald

Is there anything other than the prison issue? I got past that by using a modded respec (which also got rid of the double campaign map buffs from using the game's respec), but I've since respected using the game's feature several times.

Really don't want to lose out on a 100+ hour save if something like the entire latter acts won't work.

Everyone whose reports I've seen and who played demon either bumped into prison or played without problems to the end. So probably you're ok if you made it past that, but of course it's not a 100% guarantee.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditTotalWar

I know this is a lot to ask - but is there any way you are able to investigate and let us know where the specific breaking points are for the non-Demon/Lich paths?

I.e. Act 4 Mythic Quest for Azata - X NPC does not talk, etc.

I think this will help a lot of current players on the "maybe affected" paths determine if they have to restart/go-back on a specific playthrough. Obviously, it sounds like the Lich and Demon paths are a 100% issue.

I'll let you guys know if I manage to pick out specific spots. But it's not easy to tell among bugs caused by other issues. Only massively painful points like the demon and prison are obvious.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

A fresh update after the patch: while some of the respec issues have been addressed, late-game mythic paths (Legend, Swarm, Gold Dragon, secret one) seem to still be affected. Try to avoid the feature for now, the problem is being worked on with maximum priority now.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by LobsterOfViolence

While I know it's not really your guys' purview, do you know if this bug extends out to respecs done via mods like Toybox?

Doesn't seem to be causing this exact issue, but can cause many others. So use at your own risk.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Jodah

So if I'm reading this correctly, the original issue ones (demon and lich) are fixed now but the ones you listed are not. Is that accurate?

Yes, but the fix for lich and demon is not retroactive, with high probability the game will not be able to repair itself if it was saved after respec.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by iBoMbY

I'm still not clear after this if I can now use an old save, and safely respec, after installing 1.0.3c?

I would recommend waiting until the next update with using respec feature, just in case.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Tsantilas

I see the patch just dropped on steam but it says

Known issues

  • Re-training your character will break late-game Mythic Paths, such as Legend, Gold Dragon, Swarm-that-Walks, a secret path;

Does that mean this patch isn't the one that fixes it, or is that a different issue than the Lich/Demon one?

Partially. Demon and lich should have received their fix, but it seems late-game mythics are still affected. Investigating.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Vargkungen

A fresh update after the patch: while some of the respec issues have been addressed, late-game mythic paths (Legend, Swarm, Gold Dragon, secret one) seem to still be affected. Try to avoid the feature for now, the problem is being worked on with maximum priority now.

Thank you for saying nothing. Come on, man; when and why do they bug out? Give us some f**king specifics so we can ascertain whether we're affected yet or not. What flags are f**ked up, from where and when? And in what ways specifically does it affect us?

We need to know whether we should just shelve the game or not, and you're really not helping by giving non-information. If my game is f**ked, I want to actually know before I waste even more time just to find out that I have to start over from the beginning.

Please keep it civil. If there was a ready list of places where the game breaks, I'd provide it.

Sadly the only way to pick out a specific spot is to receive a wave of reports about it and manually identify that it's caused by respec. Team's trying to solve it globally at the moment.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by sumo_man27

Is it only respec of main characters or companions as well? As I made 30+ hours in ch3 after respec few companions. It would be critical for my time to drop this. Ah ok did not saw reply before which answers my question. So should not be affected by companions.

But other question arrives if I enter the respec of main character and the cancelled it, can it break my game?

Only main character. Companion respecs should not be causing issues. Not sure about the cancelled respec, probably shouldn't.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Lunatic_Owl

Is it possible that issue with companion quests not appearing in Act 3 at all be connected with main character respec?

Hi! Unlikely.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Lurkablo

Hey /u/OwlcatStarrok thanks for the updates - I appeciate you must be getting hammered with questions at the moment.

Do you know when in Act2 the threshold is for when it would be safe/unsafe to respec? There is a big difference between "any time in Act2" and "After you have locked in your Mythic path"

Thanks :)

Seems to be the Siege of Drezen. If you do it prior, you should be fine. Also, a fresh update from the tech team - seems that Legend isn't affected after all.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by sumo_man27

Thx for reply. One more short question if there is known issue with prison and dreams quest of Arue in ch3? As it does not start for me, can it be related to this issue? I'm on Azata path.

Can only guess at this point I'm afraid. Will probably be clearer later.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Valdrax

Out of curiosity, could we get a technical explanation of what the bug was? As a programmer I'm always fascinated to peek behind the curtain at what issues other shops run into with their products.

No hard feelings if the answer is "No" for any variety of reasons.

Afraid I'm not a programmer myself to give exact details, and it's definitely not the right time to distract the tech team itself to give an interview about it. They're extremely busy now.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Valdrax

No worries, and thanks for keeping on top of talking to us all.

Thanks for supporting and stoically coping with all the hardships of the release!

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Eecka

Only massively painful points like the demon and prison are obvious.

The patch notes say "Re-training your character will break late-game Mythic Paths, such as Legend, Gold Dragon, Swarm-that-Walks, a secret path", so I guess the patch notes are more up to date info on this?

Yup, it's a more recent information. Check my other answers in this thread. But note that it doesn't change that some saved games (with demon, lich etc.) may not be repaired retroactively as noted in the original post.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Yogg_for_your_sprog

Really, really appreciate the honesty and communication so we get to make an informed decision regarding our games/saves.


about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by gerudo1164

Any potential ETA for this patch regarding respecs?

Considering how critical the issue is, I'd estimate within a week at worst. Hopefully, within the nearest days.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by savage-dragon

So I respecced in Act 2. Chose Lich mythic till chapter 5. Switched to dragon first chance. Am I f**ked?

If you already switched to dragon, you're probably fine. The problem blocks conversion.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Collegenoob

I think I used respec last week on my azata but I didn't change any of my mythic path stuff just my regular class levels.

How does this bug represent itself? I haven't really had any issues

After post-Drezen respec some endgame mythic quests have issues with uninteractible NPCs, non-working triggers (such as teleport to prison for demon) or non-working UI elements . Most of these have been fixed by the patch, but not all of them can be repaired in your save retroactively. Still, as Azata chance that something will break is minor.

Crusade problems are most likely a different thing.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Accomplished_Ad_2321

Sorry to hijack this, but have you guys looked into the player attributes getting bugged on the Gold Dragon mythic path when you switch gear and also getting attribute penalties that cannot be healed/restored?

Working on it, hopefully getting into the next patch.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Viktri1

Does this mean that, if our save works after the patch, it'll keep working?

Saves will work as they did before. It's only a message that while the fix has arrived, there is a chance it will not be able to repair your game if it was too broken already. Hence we recommend to start a new game if you are in the risk zone. Mostly demon and lich mythics could get their game irreversibly broken.

New playthroughs started after patch should not have the problem.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by IGAldaris


WELL. I'm going Azata, so fingers crossed, but if I actually have to go back to Act II I will be upset. I had planned on a second play through, but not before finishing my first...

With a solid chance Azata should be fine.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Viktri1

Just to clarify: so the fix has already been implemented?

I have a character in act 3 (just ended at 2) and if I respec him, my game breaks. He's trickster path.

Does this mean my save is corrupt? I'm just trying to change his race, not his abilities or class.

I actually reported a bunch of bugs related to it - my game stopped being able to save, the exact same feats could be taken over and over again because the game wasn't recognising the feat on the class page, text was not showing up on screen, only in the combat log, etc.

It was implemented, yes, but if you respecced after siege of Drezen and saved, there's a chance your game is irrepairably broken, unfortunately.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Viktri1

I hope they tell us how to know whether our save has the potential for corruption. I didn't go down either path but I'm playing a bronzeman playthrough so just 1 save, 1 auto, 1 quick save, and no save scumming

You're at a high risk if you played demon or lich and respecced after Drezen prior to yesterday's patch. For the rest risk is minor.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Accomplished_Ad_2321

Crossing fingers the respec can also be fixed. Right now not only is dragon form not giving any attributes, but the respec gets stuck at level 3 mythic and can't progress, so we can't even spec into natural weapons/claws. Essentially the only thing working for me are the immunities and resistances. I'm really struggling on Core and I wouldn't if I had the dragon form stats and proper spec.

Already fixed in the internal build, so definitely coming in the next patch.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Viktri1

I'm trickster and it broke I guess. Not because of quests or anything, the game just kind of stops working - you can't level up, feats that are selected aren't actually working, can't save, etc.

It's hard to say without checking them directly whether they are a result of respec or not. Please report all those as bugs using ALT+B.

Usually we are able to retroactively repair the saves, so perhaps just wait until it's fixed and continue. Meanwhile you can start a new playthrough in another build/mythic etc.

Sorry for the inconvenience.