over 4 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link

The Harvest expansion launches in just two days! To help you plan your builds even further, we've prepared gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all the new and changed gems in 3.11.0. Check them out below:

New Gems

Skill Gems

Support Gems

Updated Gems

Skill Gems

Support Gems

over 4 years ago - Mark_GGG - Direct link

" IceColdPorkSoda wrote: Does arcanist brand support channeling skills? If so, how long will they channel and what’s the cool down between channeling.
Channelled Skills cannot be triggered.

over 4 years ago - Mark_GGG - Direct link

" wazabi41 wrote: I hope that the brand damage bonus applies to the skill being used by arcanist brand
It does, there is reminder text on "Brand Damage" modifiers explaining this.

" diabloyd wrote: it says when wintertide brand is removed, it applies dot to "each nearby enemie", does this include the previously main target?
If it is still there to be affected, yes.

" mucker wrote: So does the attacks that repeat just mean multistrike or is it also stuff like double strike and lacerate?
Those do not repeat.

over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2489876169930735975]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
The Harvest expansion launches in just two days! To help you plan your builds even further, we've prepared gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all the new and changed gems in 3.11.0.

Check them out in this news post! [www.pathofexile.com]
over 4 years ago - Mark_GGG - Direct link

" polimeris wrote: The wording on enduring cry let me believe there is no way to scale the healing part, and that only the resistance/reduction part scales with skill duration.
That is correct. It uses the same mechanic as Lifesprig - the life regen is a fixed amount over 1 second, unrelated to the buff Enduring Cry also grants.

over 4 years ago - Mark_GGG - Direct link

" rami1337 wrote: What does the "up to +9 to energy spread radius, scaled by distance from brand" on penance brand mean. Is the maximum spread radius only 9 radius from the brands position, or can the energy spread infinitely, as long as there are nearby enemies?
Penance Brand's activation makes each energised enemy spread energy to a non-energised enemy. The range is can spread is goes up with gem levels (the +9), but the total range it can spread from any given enemy is scaled down based on how far that enemy is away from the actual Brand.

" kileras12 wrote: What is bonus buff for exerted attack of Genera's Cry? It say attack count as exerted but don't specify what buf it have. Does it use up your own stacks? Or it don't burn them and just have this bonus?
General's Cry does not exert any attacks, and thus does not apply any bonus to attacks it exerts.

" robintysk wrote: Regarding the Generals Cry Support:

"Attacks with supported skill count as exerted"

Does this mean all my regular attacks counts as exerted?
No, only attacks with the supported skills, which are only made by Mirage Warriors.

" Ydoum wrote: Do I understand this correctly:

Arcanist brand can be both used as a standalone skill to just cast the linked spell, or as a support to an existing brand spell to also cast additional skills?
No. Only the first case is correct. Arcanist Brand's support effect is just that it triggers the linked skills from it's brand. If you support Brand skills with it, then the Arcanist Brand would be triggering those brand skills.

over 4 years ago - Mark_GGG - Direct link

" DistantBliss wrote:
" Mark_GGG wrote:
" polimeris wrote: The wording on enduring cry let me believe there is no way to scale the healing part, and that only the resistance/reduction part scales with skill duration.
That is correct. It uses the same mechanic as Lifesprig - the life regen is a fixed amount over 1 second, unrelated to the buff Enduring Cry also grants.

Thank you for confirming this, as i was having the same question. Do the healing and res get affected by warcry buff effect normally?
The life regen and the buff are entirely separate. The life regen is a fixed amount over 1 second. It is not a buff and not affected by buff modifiers. The buff grants resistances per endurance charge and additional physical damage reduction per endurance charge (the same base stats players have to benefit from the charges). This is scaled by buff effect modifiers, and it's duration is scaled by buff duration.