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My personal ones...


  • Patch notes focusing on actually making a wide variety of skills/ascendancies good rather than the lazy/boring 5% buffs. I want to feel like a kid in a candy store of build ideas

  • QOL

  • QOL

  • QOL

What are yours?

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about 4 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Poincare_Confection

I would like them to increase the drop rate on exalted orbs so that we could slam items more often. Exalted orbs are such rare currency that you don't feel like slamming your gear with them during the middle stages of your character and I think that makes the game worse.

about 4 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Poincare_Confection

I'm impressed by how deep into YouTube you must delve to find such random videos

Delve but into YouTube league confirmed.