about 3 years
ago -
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Enhance the look of your Chaos skills using the Oriath's technology with new Scientist Wither, Contagion, Blight and Bane Skill Effects! These new cosmetics replace the standard visual effects of corresponding Skill Gems with gold and red ones. All four Skill Effects are available for purchase individually and in a bundle which also includes the Scientist Essence Drain Effect. Check out the videos of new Scientist Skill Effects below or get yours in the store.
This weekend we're holding a sale on a huge selection of Weapon and Shields microtransactions! The sale includes every Weapon and Shield cosmetic effect in the store except the new ones which were released since the Scourge launch (they will be included in our daily deals rotation later). In the meantime, have a look at the full selection of discounted cosmetic effects here!
The sale runs all weekend and ends at Dec 06, 2021 7:00 PM (EST) (this is displayed in your local time). In case you need points for this sale, we'd recommend checking out the Scourge Supporter Packs.
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