about 6 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

At the beginning of this week our Hideout Competition concluded. Over the past few days we've visited hundreds of unique and creative hideouts submitted by the participants and today we're finally ready to announce the winners!

Check out the video with the top five winners below!

Top Three Winners

Prize pool

  • Custom avatar of a portion of the hideout

  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge

  • Brutus Print

  • Shaper T-shirt

  • Choice of an Armour Set from the list

  • Hideout Decorations: Arcane Throne Decoration, Infernal Throne Decoration, Malachai Heart Decoration, White Lights x 2, Fire Gale x 2, Rain x 5, Blood Rain x 2, Falling Leaves x 5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x 5, Solaris Throne, Wisp Swarm Decoration x 5, Whale Skeleton, Ice Gale Decoration x 2, Burning Corpse Pile, Automaton Lightning Decoration x 2, Automaton Beam x 2, Sin Cathedral x 2, Innocence Cathedral x 2

  • Hideout Bundle: Energy Dome Decoration, Fireplace Decoration, Cauldron Decoration, Lightning Coil Decoration, Ice Bricks Decoration x 2, Fire Bricks Decoration x 2, Oriath Citizen, Automaton Decor, Beetle Pet x 3, c*ckroach Pet x 3

Top Five Winners

Prize pool

  • Brutus Print

  • Shaper T-shirt

  • Choice of an Armour Set from the list

  • Hideout Decorations: Solaris Throne, Wisp Swarm Decoration x 5, Whale Skeleton, Ice Gale Decoration x 2, Burning Corpse Pile, Automaton Lightning Decoration x 2, Automaton Beam x 2, Sin Cathedral x 2, Innocence Cathedral x 2

  • Hideout Bundle: Energy Dome Decoration, Fireplace Decoration, Cauldron Decoration, Lightning Coil Decoration, Ice Bricks Decoration x 2, Fire Bricks Decoration x 2, Oriath Citizen, Automaton Decor, Beetle Pet x 3, c*ckroach Pet x 3

Top Ten Winners

Prize pool

  • Brutus Print

  • Choice of an Armour Set from the list

  • Hideout Decorations: Automaton Lightning Decoration x 2, Automaton Beam x 2, Sin Cathedral x 2, Innocence Cathedral x 2

  • Hideout Bundle: Energy Dome Decoration, Fireplace Decoration, Cauldron Decoration, Lightning Coil Decoration, Ice Bricks Decoration x 2, Fire Bricks Decoration x 2, Oriath Citizen, Automaton Decor, Beetle Pet x 3, c*ckroach Pet x 3

Underground City of Refuge by 0p3r8t0r


Hideout by elka_v


The Overtaken Templar Research Laboratory by Phoniks7


Four Ruins by paps


Hideout by ukune99


Top Thirty Winners

Prize pool
  • Hideout Bundle: Energy Dome Decoration, Fireplace Decoration, Cauldron Decoration, Lightning Coil Decoration, Ice Bricks Decoration x 2, Fire Bricks Decoration x 2, Oriath Citizen, Automaton Decor, Beetle Pet x 3, c*ckroach Pet x 3

Congratulations to all the winners! We'll be contacting you early next week to arrange your prizes. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted your hideout!

Have a great weekend everyone!

about 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
At the beginning of this week our Hideout Competition[www.pathofexile.com] concluded. Over the past few days we've visited hundreds of unique and creative hideouts submitted by the participants and today we're finally ready to announce the winners. Click here to watch a video with the top five winners and be sure to check out this news post to view the rest of them!

Click here to check out the top thirty![www.pathofexile.com]
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Last week we concluded our Hideout Competition. Over the past several days we've checked out hundreds of impressive and creative hideouts and are ready to announce the winners today!

Check out the video with the top five winners below!

Top Three Winners

Prize pool

  • Custom avatar of a portion of the hideout

  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge

  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb
    , Shaper
    , Untainted Paradise
    or Solaris/Lunaris

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of a Hideout from the list below

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "Synopsis' enchanting, Lothlorien-inspired hideout managed to impress me with not only its visuals but the skill with which it was constructed. It's not an easy task to balance thematic visuals against practical playability concerns, but Synopsis made them work in harmony instead. In fact the hideout is filled with artistic flourishes that help players interpret and navigate the space.

You most notice these around the edges and transitions between different elements of the level. If the plants at the edge of the paths had been placed haphazardly all over the grass, they might have been glossed over as visual noise. Instead they help to divide up the space, without any reduction in visual quality. When Synopsis had to build staircases and platforms it could've looked like a mess, but clever use of lighting and misdirection encourages the player to gloss over those parts and prevents them from breaking the illusion.

For example the Watch Tower made of Betrayal shelves could have been distracting if you saw them from above where their geometry would intersect. But instead they're lit from below, they have a tree covering them, and your eye is drawn to Alva and her ladder. The result is an extremely convincing workaround for the limitations of the medium.

Synopsis has made some really impressive hideouts, and I definitely recommend checking them out! I have a lot of fondness for the original Fable, so I particularly enjoyed the authenticity and creativity that went into the Oakvale hideout."

Dan A., Level Designer: "What impresses me most about this hideout is not the elaborate, complex collages that we often see from DerroK, but just how coherent the entire visual style of this hideout is. The extravagant, glowing fountain is like a more complex version of the lonely archways we see in the water. The style of the outer border made of ruins and coral is consistent, and full of subtle variation and complexity, while maintaining a clear visual language. DerroK knows what the visual points of interest in the hideout are, and the entire rest of the hideout is dedicated to creating a backdrop that reinforces and enhances them.

The way this hideout is built out of clear edges and iconic motifs make it a template you could build a really beautiful Path of Exile level from, and a lot of it is down to the restraint with which it was created. By letting background elements be part of the background, DerroK is able to focus attention to the functional and interesting parts of the Hideout which would benefit gameplay.

I definitely recommend checking out DerroK's other hideouts. Aside from looking consistently fantastic, they're full of effects and set-pieces that are worth studying and taking apart to figure out how they work."

Ben K., Level Designer: "Masterful use of form and lighting to bring out a really creepy theme. My favourite of all the submissions."

Dan A., Level Designer: "The Dracula entombed in this hideout clearly makes no secret of his vampiric nature - it's a macabre fortress full of his victims, both posed ceremoniously and mercilessly discarded.

The designs and detailing on the floor draw the eye and frame the scenes. I love how well integrated each of the decorations are and I appreciate a secret backstage route that leads behind the painting of Dominus. No doubt the perfect way to spy on unsuspecting guests, if only this wasn't the single most suspicious manor in the world."

4th - 5th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "A wonderful Halloween themed hideout, full of creepy, atmospheric scenes. It does a great job at once again turning a building into a very naturalistic area. The different types of lighting create distinct scenes with distinct moods, but I was particularly impressed by the Witch's grave. I also quite appreciated the short story that went with this one!"

  • The Demonic Crypt by Max34

Dan A., Level Designer: "This hideout would be impressive enough if it were just a bleak Gothic edifice, but it takes advantage of the Luxurious Hideout's lighting and room structure to enhance the impact of its visuals. The demonic blood and fire surrounding the map device are all the more striking because the rest of the hideout has such a muted colour palette. It almost lulls you into a false sense of security with its serene atmosphere before giving way to nightmare."

6th - 10th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, White Statue x2, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Lioneye's Watch by TallBird


Inferno Gate by SolPoe


Remains Of A Hidden Sea by rvdeh


Untainted Paradise by lexblack


Minas Morgul by ZakkPerish


11th - 30th Place

Prize pool

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Congratulations to all the winners! We'll be in touch with you very soon to arrange your prizes.

We're very happy with how this competition turned out and due to a huge amount of high-quality submissions we will also reward more runners-up next week. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted your hideout!

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Last week we concluded our Hideout Competition. Over the past several days we've checked out hundreds of impressive and creative hideouts and are ready to announce the winners today!

Check out the video with the top five winners below!

Top Three Winners

Prize pool

  • Custom avatar of a portion of the hideout

  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge

  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb
    , Shaper
    , Untainted Paradise
    or Solaris/Lunaris

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of a Hideout from the list below

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "Synopsis' enchanting, Lothlorien-inspired hideout managed to impress me with not only its visuals but the skill with which it was constructed. It's not an easy task to balance thematic visuals against practical playability concerns, but Synopsis made them work in harmony instead. In fact the hideout is filled with artistic flourishes that help players interpret and navigate the space.

You most notice these around the edges and transitions between different elements of the level. If the plants at the edge of the paths had been placed haphazardly all over the grass, they might have been glossed over as visual noise. Instead they help to divide up the space, without any reduction in visual quality. When Synopsis had to build staircases and platforms it could've looked like a mess, but clever use of lighting and misdirection encourages the player to gloss over those parts and prevents them from breaking the illusion.

For example the Watch Tower made of Betrayal shelves could have been distracting if you saw them from above where their geometry would intersect. But instead they're lit from below, they have a tree covering them, and your eye is drawn to Alva and her ladder. The result is an extremely convincing workaround for the limitations of the medium.

Synopsis has made some really impressive hideouts, and I definitely recommend checking them out! I have a lot of fondness for the original Fable, so I particularly enjoyed the authenticity and creativity that went into the Oakvale hideout."

Dan A., Level Designer: "What impresses me most about this hideout is not the elaborate, complex collages that we often see from DerroK, but just how coherent the entire visual style of this hideout is. The extravagant, glowing fountain is like a more complex version of the lonely archways we see in the water. The style of the outer border made of ruins and coral is consistent, and full of subtle variation and complexity, while maintaining a clear visual language. DerroK knows what the visual points of interest in the hideout are, and the entire rest of the hideout is dedicated to creating a backdrop that reinforces and enhances them.

The way this hideout is built out of clear edges and iconic motifs make it a template you could build a really beautiful Path of Exile level from, and a lot of it is down to the restraint with which it was created. By letting background elements be part of the background, DerroK is able to focus attention to the functional and interesting parts of the Hideout which would benefit gameplay.

I definitely recommend checking out DerroK's other hideouts. Aside from looking consistently fantastic, they're full of effects and set-pieces that are worth studying and taking apart to figure out how they work."

Ben K., Level Designer: "Masterful use of form and lighting to bring out a really creepy theme. My favourite of all the submissions."

Dan A., Level Designer: "The Dracula entombed in this hideout clearly makes no secret of his vampiric nature - it's a macabre fortress full of his victims, both posed ceremoniously and mercilessly discarded.

The designs and detailing on the floor draw the eye and frame the scenes. I love how well integrated each of the decorations are and I appreciate a secret backstage route that leads behind the painting of Dominus. No doubt the perfect way to spy on unsuspecting guests, if only this wasn't the single most suspicious manor in the world."

4th - 5th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "A wonderful Halloween themed hideout, full of creepy, atmospheric scenes. It does a great job at once again turning a building into a very naturalistic area. The different types of lighting create distinct scenes with distinct moods, but I was particularly impressed by the Witch's grave. I also quite appreciated the short story that went with this one!"

  • The Demonic Crypt by Max34

Dan A., Level Designer: "This hideout would be impressive enough if it were just a bleak Gothic edifice, but it takes advantage of the Luxurious Hideout's lighting and room structure to enhance the impact of its visuals. The demonic blood and fire surrounding the map device are all the more striking because the rest of the hideout has such a muted colour palette. It almost lulls you into a false sense of security with its serene atmosphere before giving way to nightmare."

6th - 10th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, White Statue x2, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Lioneye's Watch by TallBird


Inferno Gate by SolPoe


Remains Of A Hidden Sea by rvdeh


Untainted Paradise by lexblack


Minas Morgul by ZakkPerish


11th - 30th Place

Prize pool

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Congratulations to all the winners! We'll be in touch with you very soon to arrange your prizes.

We're very happy with how this competition turned out and due to a huge amount of high-quality submissions we will also reward more runners-up next week. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted your hideout!

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Last week we concluded our Hideout Competition. Over the past several days we've checked out hundreds of impressive and creative hideouts and are ready to announce the winners today!

Check out the video with the top five winners below!

Top Three Winners

Prize pool

  • Custom avatar of a portion of the hideout

  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge

  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb
    , Shaper
    , Untainted Paradise
    or Solaris/Lunaris

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of a Hideout from the list below

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "Synopsis' enchanting, Lothlorien-inspired hideout managed to impress me with not only its visuals but the skill with which it was constructed. It's not an easy task to balance thematic visuals against practical playability concerns, but Synopsis made them work in harmony instead. In fact the hideout is filled with artistic flourishes that help players interpret and navigate the space.

You most notice these around the edges and transitions between different elements of the level. If the plants at the edge of the paths had been placed haphazardly all over the grass, they might have been glossed over as visual noise. Instead they help to divide up the space, without any reduction in visual quality. When Synopsis had to build staircases and platforms it could've looked like a mess, but clever use of lighting and misdirection encourages the player to gloss over those parts and prevents them from breaking the illusion.

For example the Watch Tower made of Betrayal shelves could have been distracting if you saw them from above where their geometry would intersect. But instead they're lit from below, they have a tree covering them, and your eye is drawn to Alva and her ladder. The result is an extremely convincing workaround for the limitations of the medium.

Synopsis has made some really impressive hideouts, and I definitely recommend checking them out! I have a lot of fondness for the original Fable, so I particularly enjoyed the authenticity and creativity that went into the Oakvale hideout."

Dan A., Level Designer: "What impresses me most about this hideout is not the elaborate, complex collages that we often see from DerroK, but just how coherent the entire visual style of this hideout is. The extravagant, glowing fountain is like a more complex version of the lonely archways we see in the water. The style of the outer border made of ruins and coral is consistent, and full of subtle variation and complexity, while maintaining a clear visual language. DerroK knows what the visual points of interest in the hideout are, and the entire rest of the hideout is dedicated to creating a backdrop that reinforces and enhances them.

The way this hideout is built out of clear edges and iconic motifs make it a template you could build a really beautiful Path of Exile level from, and a lot of it is down to the restraint with which it was created. By letting background elements be part of the background, DerroK is able to focus attention to the functional and interesting parts of the Hideout which would benefit gameplay.

I definitely recommend checking out DerroK's other hideouts. Aside from looking consistently fantastic, they're full of effects and set-pieces that are worth studying and taking apart to figure out how they work."

Ben K., Level Designer: "Masterful use of form and lighting to bring out a really creepy theme. My favourite of all the submissions."

Dan A., Level Designer: "The Dracula entombed in this hideout clearly makes no secret of his vampiric nature - it's a macabre fortress full of his victims, both posed ceremoniously and mercilessly discarded.

The designs and detailing on the floor draw the eye and frame the scenes. I love how well integrated each of the decorations are and I appreciate a secret backstage route that leads behind the painting of Dominus. No doubt the perfect way to spy on unsuspecting guests, if only this wasn't the single most suspicious manor in the world."

4th - 5th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "A wonderful Halloween themed hideout, full of creepy, atmospheric scenes. It does a great job at once again turning a building into a very naturalistic area. The different types of lighting create distinct scenes with distinct moods, but I was particularly impressed by the Witch's grave. I also quite appreciated the short story that went with this one!"

  • The Demonic Crypt by Max34

Dan A., Level Designer: "This hideout would be impressive enough if it were just a bleak Gothic edifice, but it takes advantage of the Luxurious Hideout's lighting and room structure to enhance the impact of its visuals. The demonic blood and fire surrounding the map device are all the more striking because the rest of the hideout has such a muted colour palette. It almost lulls you into a false sense of security with its serene atmosphere before giving way to nightmare."

6th - 10th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, White Statue x2, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Lioneye's Watch by TallBird


Inferno Gate by SolPoe


Remains Of A Hidden Sea by rvdeh


Untainted Paradise by lexblack


Minas Morgul by ZakkPerish


11th - 30th Place

Prize pool

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Congratulations to all the winners! We'll be in touch with you very soon to arrange your prizes.

We're very happy with how this competition turned out and due to a huge amount of high-quality submissions we will also reward more runners-up next week. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted your hideout!

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Last week we concluded our Hideout Competition. Over the past several days we've checked out hundreds of impressive and creative hideouts and are ready to announce the winners today!

Check out the video with the top five winners below!

Top Three Winners

Prize pool

  • Custom avatar of a portion of the hideout

  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge

  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb
    , Shaper
    , Untainted Paradise
    or Solaris/Lunaris

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of a Hideout from the list below

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "Synopsis' enchanting, Lothlorien-inspired hideout managed to impress me with not only its visuals but the skill with which it was constructed. It's not an easy task to balance thematic visuals against practical playability concerns, but Synopsis made them work in harmony instead. In fact the hideout is filled with artistic flourishes that help players interpret and navigate the space.

You most notice these around the edges and transitions between different elements of the level. If the plants at the edge of the paths had been placed haphazardly all over the grass, they might have been glossed over as visual noise. Instead they help to divide up the space, without any reduction in visual quality. When Synopsis had to build staircases and platforms it could've looked like a mess, but clever use of lighting and misdirection encourages the player to gloss over those parts and prevents them from breaking the illusion.

For example the Watch Tower made of Betrayal shelves could have been distracting if you saw them from above where their geometry would intersect. But instead they're lit from below, they have a tree covering them, and your eye is drawn to Alva and her ladder. The result is an extremely convincing workaround for the limitations of the medium.

Synopsis has made some really impressive hideouts, and I definitely recommend checking them out! I have a lot of fondness for the original Fable, so I particularly enjoyed the authenticity and creativity that went into the Oakvale hideout."

Dan A., Level Designer: "What impresses me most about this hideout is not the elaborate, complex collages that we often see from DerroK, but just how coherent the entire visual style of this hideout is. The extravagant, glowing fountain is like a more complex version of the lonely archways we see in the water. The style of the outer border made of ruins and coral is consistent, and full of subtle variation and complexity, while maintaining a clear visual language. DerroK knows what the visual points of interest in the hideout are, and the entire rest of the hideout is dedicated to creating a backdrop that reinforces and enhances them.

The way this hideout is built out of clear edges and iconic motifs make it a template you could build a really beautiful Path of Exile level from, and a lot of it is down to the restraint with which it was created. By letting background elements be part of the background, DerroK is able to focus attention to the functional and interesting parts of the Hideout which would benefit gameplay.

I definitely recommend checking out DerroK's other hideouts. Aside from looking consistently fantastic, they're full of effects and set-pieces that are worth studying and taking apart to figure out how they work."

Ben K., Level Designer: "Masterful use of form and lighting to bring out a really creepy theme. My favourite of all the submissions."

Dan A., Level Designer: "The Dracula entombed in this hideout clearly makes no secret of his vampiric nature - it's a macabre fortress full of his victims, both posed ceremoniously and mercilessly discarded.

The designs and detailing on the floor draw the eye and frame the scenes. I love how well integrated each of the decorations are and I appreciate a secret backstage route that leads behind the painting of Dominus. No doubt the perfect way to spy on unsuspecting guests, if only this wasn't the single most suspicious manor in the world."

4th - 5th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "A wonderful Halloween themed hideout, full of creepy, atmospheric scenes. It does a great job at once again turning a building into a very naturalistic area. The different types of lighting create distinct scenes with distinct moods, but I was particularly impressed by the Witch's grave. I also quite appreciated the short story that went with this one!"

  • The Demonic Crypt by Max34

Dan A., Level Designer: "This hideout would be impressive enough if it were just a bleak Gothic edifice, but it takes advantage of the Luxurious Hideout's lighting and room structure to enhance the impact of its visuals. The demonic blood and fire surrounding the map device are all the more striking because the rest of the hideout has such a muted colour palette. It almost lulls you into a false sense of security with its serene atmosphere before giving way to nightmare."

6th - 10th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, White Statue x2, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Lioneye's Watch by TallBird


Inferno Gate by SolPoe


Remains Of A Hidden Sea by rvdeh


Untainted Paradise by lexblack


Minas Morgul by ZakkPerish


11th - 30th Place

Prize pool

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Congratulations to all the winners! We'll be in touch with you very soon to arrange your prizes.

We're very happy with how this competition turned out and due to a huge amount of high-quality submissions we will also reward more runners-up next week. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted your hideout!

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Last week we concluded our Hideout Competition. Over the past several days we've checked out hundreds of impressive and creative hideouts and are ready to announce the winners today!

Check out the video with the top five winners below!

Top Three Winners

Prize pool

  • Custom avatar of a portion of the hideout

  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge

  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb
    , Shaper
    , Untainted Paradise
    or Solaris/Lunaris

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of a Hideout from the list below

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "Synopsis' enchanting, Lothlorien-inspired hideout managed to impress me with not only its visuals but the skill with which it was constructed. It's not an easy task to balance thematic visuals against practical playability concerns, but Synopsis made them work in harmony instead. In fact the hideout is filled with artistic flourishes that help players interpret and navigate the space.

You most notice these around the edges and transitions between different elements of the level. If the plants at the edge of the paths had been placed haphazardly all over the grass, they might have been glossed over as visual noise. Instead they help to divide up the space, without any reduction in visual quality. When Synopsis had to build staircases and platforms it could've looked like a mess, but clever use of lighting and misdirection encourages the player to gloss over those parts and prevents them from breaking the illusion.

For example the Watch Tower made of Betrayal shelves could have been distracting if you saw them from above where their geometry would intersect. But instead they're lit from below, they have a tree covering them, and your eye is drawn to Alva and her ladder. The result is an extremely convincing workaround for the limitations of the medium.

Synopsis has made some really impressive hideouts, and I definitely recommend checking them out! I have a lot of fondness for the original Fable, so I particularly enjoyed the authenticity and creativity that went into the Oakvale hideout."

Dan A., Level Designer: "What impresses me most about this hideout is not the elaborate, complex collages that we often see from DerroK, but just how coherent the entire visual style of this hideout is. The extravagant, glowing fountain is like a more complex version of the lonely archways we see in the water. The style of the outer border made of ruins and coral is consistent, and full of subtle variation and complexity, while maintaining a clear visual language. DerroK knows what the visual points of interest in the hideout are, and the entire rest of the hideout is dedicated to creating a backdrop that reinforces and enhances them.

The way this hideout is built out of clear edges and iconic motifs make it a template you could build a really beautiful Path of Exile level from, and a lot of it is down to the restraint with which it was created. By letting background elements be part of the background, DerroK is able to focus attention to the functional and interesting parts of the Hideout which would benefit gameplay.

I definitely recommend checking out DerroK's other hideouts. Aside from looking consistently fantastic, they're full of effects and set-pieces that are worth studying and taking apart to figure out how they work."

Ben K., Level Designer: "Masterful use of form and lighting to bring out a really creepy theme. My favourite of all the submissions."

Dan A., Level Designer: "The Dracula entombed in this hideout clearly makes no secret of his vampiric nature - it's a macabre fortress full of his victims, both posed ceremoniously and mercilessly discarded.

The designs and detailing on the floor draw the eye and frame the scenes. I love how well integrated each of the decorations are and I appreciate a secret backstage route that leads behind the painting of Dominus. No doubt the perfect way to spy on unsuspecting guests, if only this wasn't the single most suspicious manor in the world."

4th - 5th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Signed Brutus Art Print

  • Foam Exalted Orb

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Dan A., Level Designer: "A wonderful Halloween themed hideout, full of creepy, atmospheric scenes. It does a great job at once again turning a building into a very naturalistic area. The different types of lighting create distinct scenes with distinct moods, but I was particularly impressed by the Witch's grave. I also quite appreciated the short story that went with this one!"

  • The Demonic Crypt by Max34

Dan A., Level Designer: "This hideout would be impressive enough if it were just a bleak Gothic edifice, but it takes advantage of the Luxurious Hideout's lighting and room structure to enhance the impact of its visuals. The demonic blood and fire surrounding the map device are all the more striking because the rest of the hideout has such a muted colour palette. It almost lulls you into a false sense of security with its serene atmosphere before giving way to nightmare."

6th - 10th Place

Prize pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)

  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below

  • Hideout Decorations: Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, White Statue x2, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Lioneye's Watch by TallBird


Inferno Gate by SolPoe


Remains Of A Hidden Sea by rvdeh


Untainted Paradise by lexblack


Minas Morgul by ZakkPerish


11th - 30th Place

Prize pool

  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2

Congratulations to all the winners! We'll be in touch with you very soon to arrange your prizes.

We're very happy with how this competition turned out and due to a huge amount of high-quality submissions we will also reward more runners-up next week. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted your hideout!

over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2925613388088945455]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
Last week we concluded our Hideout Competition. Over the past several days we've checked out hundreds of impressive and creative hideouts and are ready to announce the winners today!

Check out the video with the top five winners below!

Click here to view the rest of the winners.[www.pathofexile.com]
over 3 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Last week we concluded our Hideout Competition. We've spent the last few days checking out all of the creative and impressive hideouts and are ready to announce the winners!

Check out the video with the winners below!

Top Three Winners

Prize Pool

  • Custom forum avatar of a portion of your hideout

  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge

  • Signed Path of Exile Art Book

  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)*

  • Chaos Orb Keychain

  • Brutus Art Print

  • Your choice of an Armour Set (any Armour Set from the store)

  • Your choice of a Weapon Effect (a Weapon Effect from the list below)

  • Your choice of Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)

4th - 5th Place

Prize Pool

  • Signed Path of Exile Art Book

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)*

  • Your choice of an Armour Set (any Armour Set from the store)

  • Your choice of a Weapon Effect (a Weapon Effect from the list below)

  • Your choice of Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)

  • Hades Gate by Max34

  • Flowers of the Dross by G4nzo

6th - 10th Place

Prize Pool

  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)*

  • Your choice of a Weapon Effect (a Weapon Effect from the list below)

  • Your choice of Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)

11th - 20th Place

Prize Pool

  • Your choice of a Weapon Effect (a Weapon Effect from the list below)

  • Your choice of Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)

*Please note that T-shirt style is subject to size availability and may be substituted for a T-shirt in another style. In this scenario, we will work with you to meet your preferences.

Microtransaction Prize Pool

List of Weapon Effects List of Helmet Effects

Congratulations again to all of the winners! We'll be contacting you soon to arrange your prizes. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted their hideouts!

over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 3 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Last week we concluded our {LINK REMOVED}Hideout Competition. We've spent the last few days checking out all of the creative and impressive hideouts and are ready to announce the winners!

Check out the video with the winners below!

Top Three Winners
  • Custom forum avatar of a portion of your hideout
  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge
  • Signed Path of Exile Art Book
  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)*
  • Chaos Orb Keychain
  • Brutus Art Print
  • Your choice of an Armour Set (any Armour Set from the store)
  • Your choice of a Weapon Effect (a Weapon Effect from the list below)
  • Your choice of Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)
  • Sunken Lair of Arakaali by {LINK REMOVED}MadMurphy123
  • God Hand Sacrifice by {LINK REMOVED}SoLPoe
  • Ye Ol' Tavern by {LINK REMOVED}Myra9

4th - 5th Place
  • Signed Path of Exile Art Book
  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)*
  • Your choice of an Armour Set (any Armour Set from the store)
  • Your choice of a Weapon Effect (a Weapon Effect from the list below)
  • Your choice of Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)
  • Hades Gate by {LINK REMOVED}Max34
  • Flowers of the Dross by {LINK REMOVED}G4nzo

6th - 10th Place
  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)*
  • Your choice of a Weapon Effect (a Weapon Effect from the list below)
  • Your choice of Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)
  • Waterworld by {LINK REMOVED}TallBird
  • Northern Town Adventurer's Guild by {LINK REMOVED}OrcFace
  • Mystical Forest (Moonlit) by {LINK REMOVED}Zhaoj12
  • AzureTech: The New Source by {LINK REMOVED}SoLPoe
  • Endless Sands Hideout by {LINK REMOVED}Synopsis

11th - 20th Place
  • Your choice of a Weapon Effect (a Weapon Effect from the list below)
  • Your choice of Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)
  • Celestial Lotus Theme by {LINK REMOVED}predator0220
  • Aether Generator Room by {LINK REMOVED}hibikiltd
  • Chayula's Sanctum by {LINK REMOVED}keldemahll
  • Eldritch Blood God by {LINK REMOVED}jazael
  • Ice Tower by {LINK REMOVED}Max34
  • Space Expedition Hideout by {LINK REMOVED}PussyGuard
  • Kalguuran Hall by {LINK REMOVED}Susihukka5
  • Night of the Hunt by {LINK REMOVED}Twenty2wo
  • Pool of Creation by {LINK REMOVED}dr4gone
  • Tane's Expedition by {LINK REMOVED}Fightmusician
*Please note that T-shirt style is subject to size availability and may be substituted for a T-shirt in another style. In this scenario, we will work with you to meet your preferences.

Microtransaction Prize Pool List of Weapon Effects

List of Helmet Effects

Congratulations again to all of the winners! We'll be contacting you soon to arrange your prizes. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted their hideouts!