about 4 years ago - Henry_GGG - Direct link

" Mojar wrote: Enabling the Vulkan Renderer causes my cursor to be invisible. Switching back to DX11 immediately restores cursor.

Occurs on fullscreen and windowed fullscreen. Game restart does not bring the cursor back.

RTX 2070. No flux or anything else running.

Hello there,

Thank you for trying the Vulkan beta and making a bug report.

Before we can properly diagnose your issue, can you please provide us with some additional information.

DX Diag: This can be obtained by pressing Windows Key + R and typing in "dxdiag" - then, click the 'save information' button to output the results. Either post your results in this thread, or send me a Private Message on the forum, with a link to your post.

Client Log: Browse to \Path of Exile\logs\Client.txt
We just need a small snippet from the log file. The part of the log we need, looks like this: Spoiler

2020/05/28 14:34:21 ***** LOG FILE OPENING *****
2020/05/28 14:34:38 1136516562 8a [INFO Client 15028] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136516906 24b [INFO Client 15028] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136516906 142 [INFO Client 15028] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 of \\.\DISPLAY1
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136516921 142 [INFO Client 15028] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 of \\.\DISPLAY2
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136516921 8a [INFO Client 15028] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136517015 24b [INFO Client 15028] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136517265 832 [INFO Client 15028] [DEVICE] Type: DirectX11
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136517609 27e [DEBUG Client 15028] CreateSwapChain: SetFullScreenState 0
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136517640 19e [INFO Client 15028] [DirectX] Runtime version = 11.1
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136517640 19f [INFO Client 15028] [DirectX] Feature Level = 11.1
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136517640 1a0 [INFO Client 15028] [DirectX] Driver Command Lists = YES
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136517640 1a1 [INFO Client 15028] [DirectX] Driver Concurrent Creates = YES
2020/05/28 14:34:39 1136517640 1a2 [INFO Client 15028] [DirectX] Driver Constant Buffer Offsetting = YES
2020/05/28 14:35:14 1136552578 863 [DEBUG Client 15028] [SHADER] Load shader cache: ShaderCacheVulkan
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556328 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = {}
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556328 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = {}
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556328 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = {}
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556328 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = {}
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556328 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = {}
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = {}
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = {}
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 0, property = { DeviceLocal }
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 0, property = { DeviceLocal }
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = { HostVisible | HostCoherent }
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 4a9 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 4af [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory heap: size = 2007 MB, flags = { DeviceLocal }
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 4af [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Memory heap: size = 8150 MB, flags = {}
2020/05/28 14:35:18 1136556343 200 [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] ASTC unsupported
2020/05/28 14:35:20 1136558375 50d [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Present mode: Immediate
2020/05/28 14:35:22 1136560671 28a [INFO Client 15028] [VULKAN] Restore pipeline cache
2020/05/28 14:35:51 1136589546 b7 [INFO Client 15028] Async connecting to login.pathofexile.com:20481
2020/05/28 14:35:51 1136589609 de [INFO Client 15028] Connected to login.pathofexile.com in 32ms.

After providing us with this information, we'll investigate the issue further. In the meantime, ensure that all your drivers are up to date.

about 4 years ago - Jatin_GGG - Direct link

Thanks for your reports, we're managed to reproduce this and we'll get this fixed when we can. Sorry for the inconvenience.

For now, turning off Mouse Trails will solve the problem (as mentioned be ava2206).