about 5 years
ago -
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We’ve just added the Titan Weapon skin to our store. This ornate weapon skin replaces the appearance of any equipped one or two-handed sword, axe, mace or staff. It also has unique skins for all different types of two-handed weapons. Due to the hefty size of the weapon skin, the intricate patterns featured along its metal work really stand out. To see it in action, check out our video below and if you'd like to, you can purchase it here.
If you’d like to make an outfit that complements the Titan Weapon skin, we suggest the Zenith Body Armour and Scarab Shield for their detailed metal work. To fill out the rest of the look, we can use the Zenith Character Effect Sin and Innocence Wings, Sin and Innocence Boots, Illusionist Helmet, Wasteland Gloves and Assassin Halo Helmet Attachment.
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