over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by xaitv

At work so can't check this right now, but does this mean the cold dot damage multiplier stuff already works and is calculated? Or is that still "red text" aka: not calculated in damage output right now?

It does indeed work!

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Fixed; try checking for update.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by TreyChips

Getting this error when trying to change gems on an Essence drain tree.

I've pushed out a quick update to fix that; sorry!

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by TKHC

Wait, didn't you just get home?

Correct. I got the tree data yesterday, so I pretty much had everything ready to go.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Correct; those stats are specifically non-ailment damage, although the Cold version doesn't state it (as there's no ailment that actually deals Cold Damage over Time, and cold-based Ignite doesn't count as such).

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Cadwae

How does that multiplier work anyhow. Is it multipling the base damage, the end result of increases and more multiplier damage? Just wondering how effective or potent it is.

Also guessing this doesn't have the new skill gems yet?

It effectively acts like a "more" multiplier.
I don't have the new skill gem data yet; I'm not sure when I can get that.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Deadtobealive

I want just like to say thank you openarl, now that you have your job with GGG. Still getting timed to work on POB.

I really takes on somebody that comes home from busy day at work. To put time aside and work on something like this.

It also must be frustrating sometimes if people spam you asking when when when? You still siting at work and have to go home, make food and look after yourself.

Thanks for sticking with it :)

You're welcome :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by fyrespyrit

Hey Openarl, I hope you got our energy! Wondering, since now you're working with GGG, will PoB be integrated with the base game or/and the website? At least an official way to download the program.

I wouldn't be able to comment on that, sorry.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by HolySnowXX

I can't create Decay Wands anymore and all my builds that had one cannot load.

Edit: Downloaded the quick fix, it works now. Thank you!

That's fixed now, if you check for update.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


As mentioned in the post, the other changes from 3.5 (including new/changed gems) aren't in yet.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I am indeed paid by GGG, but not for developing PoB; if I'm going to spend some of my spare time working on the program, then I don't think it is unreasonable to accept donations for that time.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Th478512396

Isn’t his job pob? If it isn’t, why tf did ggg hired him? I’ sry, but I rly don’t get it

My job is being a gameplay programmer (like Mark); they hired me because I can code, and I know a heck of a lot about the game, which gave me a big head start on getting into the role.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Lepi3k

Hi Openarl, just thought I'd let you know that Doedre's skin does not work on PoB. The program treats socketed curses as if they are linked to blasphemy (it recognises the supported by lv 20 blasphemy) but not bypassing the curse limit or casted by an effigy.

I haven't had the time to add support for that yet, unfortunately.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I work on PoB in my spare time; it isn't covered by my salary from GGG.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by tddahl

Thanks for the update! I was wondering, how come the watcher's eye mods (discipline recovery rate) never made it into path of building?

I haven't had time to get to it yet; I do have a pending pull request for it though, but I haven't had a chance to review it.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Kiyasa

Minor bug. When you have essence drain and void manipulation socketed and switch to the calc tab, under "Skill Damage over Time: Total More" it's still 0%. Other gems work correctly and total damage over time dps seems correct.

Void Manipulation grants "more Chaos Damage", so it appears in the "Chaos" column; is that where you're looking? Because it's showing there for me.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Kiyasa

Right, but it should also appear on the left under Total More? Or is "All types" "Other types"?

Nope; that only shows modifiers that apply to all damage types.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by BukLauFinancial

I respect the fact that you do this even more now that ggg has hired you but refused to acknowledge all your amazing work by making it official and paying you for it. Good on you for getting a job, but from an outsiders perspective it looks like they’re just kinda jerkin you around.

They advertised for a gameplay programmer, I applied and got the job, so that's what they're paying me to be. And from what I've seen, they need me working on gameplay stuff more than they need PoB to be official, so I'm perfectly fine with the current arrangement.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by CleverTet

Awesome work man! Are you still going to be adding to spectre database?

Yep, I'm always taking requests.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by samhain_36

Hey, random question, doubt anyone will see this. How do you change unique item variants in path of building? I can only see one of three for a particular unique

Which unique?

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by weppe1

Will you be fixing molten strike(balls) dps at some point?

Aye, at some point. There's a lot of other things that need fixing too, though.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Sentinel3901

Is the changes to melee abilities now being dual wield in yet? If not, is there an ETA? You rock, by the way! :D

Nope; just the passive tree.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by qikink

I might be missing it, but is total chill effectiveness calculated somewhere? If not that would be a nice QoL addition. Thanks for all your work!

It isn't, yet.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by theSentryandtheVoid

Do you know what the mechanics are behind the new ailments?

Yep! Not sure if I can detail them yet or not, though.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by SmokeCocks

If you'd like to give me something more tangible than energy

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Open Arl doesn't love us anymore! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

:( <3

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Ephemeral_Being

Hey, small thing. There's a ton of Uniques from the last couple leagues that don't actually have ranges for their rolls. I've had to go and make the items myself in "Shared" to theorycraft.

Would you be willing to implement the (correct) versions of these items if I sent you the templates? The absence of ranges makes sorting by DPS less accurate than it otherwise would be.

If you're willing to do that then that'd be great; I haven't had time to review the new uniques properly yet.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by cbasz

Thanks so much! Unless I’m going crazy, quality of frostbite is decreasing freeze duration instead of increasing it.

Known issue.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by plutonen

Any updates for summoner minions? everything up to date?

Nothing has been updated except for the passive tree; the rest is coming later.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by EzmareldaBurns

Not sure if you already know but it seems cast on crit isnt calculating correctly

How do you mean? The program has never supported CoC fully.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by p4ndi0n

It's possible use PoB on Mac OsX (Im Xbox player and use Macintosh to work)?

As far as I'm aware it runs fine using Wine on Linux, so presumably the same goes for OSX. I do want to make Linux and OSX native versions eventually, though.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by MonochromeMemories

Thanks dude <3

edit: whats it like at GGG Leading up to a league release? Crazy?

Very much so!

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by SamSmitty

Doesn't it work more like a separate "increased" multiplier, since they are all added together, then multiplied against the total?

It's a bit of both, I suppose. Additive with itself, multiplicative with everything else.
Technically speaking, "more" modifiers work the same way if you have multiple sources of a specific modifier, but that never happens.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by ThrowAwaySquanchy

Any plan to add deleve craft mods? Been waiting all leauge...

Now that Delve is sticking around I'll be looking into it at some point, but no idea when.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by muzzol

@Openarl do you plan to make a Linux version of POB?

Eventually; but at the moment it works fine with Wine, so it isn't a high priority.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by kpiaum

Hi, would it be possible in the future to add in the PoE the numbers regarding the conversions that a build has

That info can be found in the Calcs tab.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by CGiusti

Hey thanks again for your great work!!!

Since i am at work I was wondering if the "mainhand" changes to the melee gems are already in there or if there coming with the other gem changes? Can anyone confirm?

Not yet; that'll be coming with the other skill changes.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by elFesto44

So like, are you able to work on PoB while at the office?

Nope, I've been working only on the game there. Too much to do!

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by SamSmitty

Good point. I also noticed a bug earlier. If I have "Increased Duration" linked with something like "Vortex" and then go to look at the duration in the Calc tab, it is listing the "Increased Duration" as "Efficacy".

Took me a second to realize it was the Increased Duration gem and I was confused why it was saying I had Efficacy linked with it.

That's a known issue.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by samhain_36

Volkuurs guidance. Only seeing the lightning version

Are you sure? They're all there for me.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Mofiremofire

When will impale receive support ? Like "have you impaled recently"(for the +1000 armr) and "# of impales on enemy"?

Hopefully some time in the next week.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Ephemeral_Being

I can't simulate any effects outside of what's already present in your engine. I don't know LUA. But, I'm happy to do the item template changes, yeah. What format would be most useful to you? A single .txt file?

Yep, that'd be fine.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by dtm85

Are the discrepancies in the new frigid wake 3 vs 4 seconds and freeze chance on uniques because they changed the patch notes today? Not sure which one is correct now.

PoB is correct there; it was a fairly late change that wasn't reflected in the patch notes.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by pyrozlol

Have you added the calculations for the Non-Ailment Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier yet?

Thanks for updating this while working for GGG. Appreciate this alot. ;)


over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Zunow

Hi there !

I wanted to thank you for this amzing tool !

When do you think you'll have time to implement new gems in ? theorycraft demons are crying inside !

I'm working on it now.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by pyrozlol

So how and where would i see how much that stat specifically increases my damage? I'm looking at the possibility of doing Essence Drain/Contagion LL Occultist. I've looked at calcs and its breakdown of increases but im getting the feeling it's only counting the increases in Spell Damage and Chaos Damage but not the Multipliers.

The multipliers aren't shown in the Calcs tab yet, except in the breakdown for each DoT.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Ciubhran

It looks to me like they're added in the tool as additive modifiers.

That's incorrect, right? They're additive with each other, but together act as one more modifier. Otherwise I don't understand why it's called a "multiplier".

They are definitely multiplicative with other types of modifiers (more/increased).

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Ciubhran

No no, I meant that they seem to be purely additive in PoB.

For instance if I look at Decay DPS in "Calcs" when I link it to one of my skill gems, it lists all the new multipliers in the "Total Increased" table, but it should be added together and displayed as a single modifier in "Total More", no?

Might just be a display bug tho.

I know you're referring to PoB, and as I said they are 100% working as intended in the program; I've triple-checked the code. And I don't see them in the Total Increased table, either.

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Ciubhran

Here's what I see, when I check my "Total Increased" Decay damage

EDIT: I just noticed the values are much higher than on the nodes in the tree (most say 10, but in the tree they're worth 3), so I assume you've already done some calculation "per node" before each individual modifier is shown in this table?

That looks correct; what's showing up there is the generic "Chaos Damage" that is on those nodes, whereas the multiplier (if it actually appeared in such a list) would read "Chaos Dot Multiplier".

over 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Morgan_Pain

Hi! first: i love you. Second: I cant seem to find a place in the builder to add numbers of impale on the enemy. To be used with the "master of metal" ascendancy for champion.

I haven't added support for Impale yet.