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As you may know, the newest patch has added a beta for new renderer, Vulkan, as a second option to directx11. This was surely an overlook by GGG, becuase as it's aim was probably to improve overall experience for all players, the META speedy headhunter farmers actually received an unintentional massive buff becuase of that.

Think about this. We, poor reddit farmers were stuttering indeed, but somehow I think that the game was still bearable and playable. Freezes were annoying and crashes were kinda rare. Now imagine that chad of a guardian with headhunte moving at a MACH 5 who was severely damaged by even a milisecond of a freeze, usually causing them to loose 2 maps worth of clear in that time. Now, we are truly doomed.

With this total lack of hinderance in their clear speed, not only exalts but also mirrors will get printed in the matter of seconds, with inflation growing to the point that even city vendors will call for 5ex per scroll of wisdom. The dark times have come in a disguise of a bright new future.

PS Credit to my buddy Khaydarin for an idea

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