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I was talking with someone and they claimed Item Rarity Support does not work with ignite. I looked at the wiki pages for rarity and Item Rarity Support and was not able to find anything to substantiate this and the person that told me this could not prove a source as they heard it second hand.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by asstalos

Ok so this is complicated.

I'm absolutely not sure how this interaction works with general DoT kills, but in particular socketing the IIR gem into Arakaali's Fang will transfer the IIR bonus to the debuff that the Spiders apply and the IIR will apply if this debuff is what kills. This was a comment made by /u/Mark_GGG a few days ago. Intuitively, one would assume that the IIR bonus would only apply if the Spiders kill, but most of the time Spiders don't directly kill but instead kill with poison, and DoT kills are player kills in terms of attribution.

Now, I cannot tell you if including IIR into the link of a hit-skill that then applies a DoT will apply the IIR to the DoT if the DoT kills for a player situation, but this is a pretty recent comment confirming that, at least for one specific DoT interaction,it does seem to work.

This isn't a confirmation at all for you, but rather just pointing out something a little more recent.

I cannot tell you if including IIR into the link of a hit-skill that then applies a DoT will apply the IIR to the DoT if the DoT kills

I can and it will. All DoT applied by skills have this behaviour, and have for a very long time.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by daman4567

How does this work with multiple instances of a dot where only one applies its damage?

Some scenarios, mob hp = 500:

  • only one ignite applied, iir linked and 600 damage left

  • two ignites, one iir linked with 400 damage and 2 seconds, the other not linked with 400 damage and 4 seconds left (the former will apply damage until its duration runs out, then the latter will kill the mob)

  • two ignites, one not linked with 600 damage left and 4 seconds, the other iir linked with 300 damage left and 4 seconds

One last scenario, with poisons where all apply damage simultaneously but the bulk of the damage is dealt without mf stats:

  • two poisons, one iir linked with 10 damage left over 10 seconds, the other not linked with 800 damage left over 4 seconds (both apply their damage because poison)

Based on my understanding it would be yes, no, probably no, yes.

Only the currently running debuffs can even be considered for this - the ones that are ticking down in the background but not currently applying because of a stronger one of the same type aren't even looked at here.

Only the ones currently dealing damage, of a type that technically could have removed the last life, are looked at, and the first one found that fits the above is assigned the kill.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by daman4567

So if there are 100 poisons on a target and one has magic find stats applied, but other conditions are all unknown, there's essentially a 1% chance for it to get assigned the kill and apply its quant/rarity?

Yes. Only one poison can be assigned the kill. In practice, it will be the oldest one, because that will be earlier in the list and thus found first (may not be the case for some debuffs with more complicated behaviours, but poison is nice and simple, new ones are just chucked at the end of the list).

over 2 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Furied

Sorry to message you on this old topic but do you know if poisons proliferated on death by Master Toxicist or Bino's kitchen knife would inherit the item rarity support effect from the skill that applied the poison chosen to be spread, supposedly the single highest poison but only 2 seconds of duration on it?

Those mechanics do not proliferate poison, they cause you to poison enemies when you kill a poisoned enemy. The magnitude of the poison will be the same as the highest-magnitude poison affecting the killed enemy, but the new poisons are not in any way the same as the poisons on the killed enemy, and their source is the player with the effect that's causing them. That player's generic IIQ/IIR modifiers will apply.