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On January 7 at 11am (PST), we will announce Path of Exile's 3.13.0 expansion which includes new end-game content, a new challenge league, new skills, items and more. Alongside our regular announcement page, we'll be revealing in-depth details of this expansion via an exclusive livestream at www.twitch.tv/pathofexile. This post contains all the information you need to know before it starts.
Before we jump in, make sure you check out the teaser video for 3.13.0!
What should I expect?
The livestream will start at 11am (PST) which is Jan 07, 2021 11:00 AM (PST) in your local time. We'll showcase the official expansion trailer followed by a deep dive into the expansion's new content and features.On the livestream, we will reveal almost everything* the expansion has to offer in quite a lot of depth. For example, for new gems, we'll show each one in action alongside its tooltip with an explanation of its mechanics.
*For the sake of brevity, we won't discuss every single balance change, but you'll certainly get a good idea of the direction of the changes. The patch notes the following week will contain the full details.
Players have often asked for a look at the type of material that we cover on expansion press tours with journalists, so we're quite interested to see what you think of us presenting the new expansion to you directly in this way.
Following the deep dive, Ziggy will join Chris Wilson for a Q&A with questions from the chat.
Where can I watch?
Tune in at www.twitch.tv/pathofexile to watch the reveal live. We'll also post standalone videos on YouTube. Our announcement page will unlock once information has been revealed in the livestream. Streamers are also welcome to restream the livestream and enjoy it alongside their viewersWill Twitch Drops be enabled?
Yes, Twitch Drops will be enabled for any channel streaming in the Path of Exile category during the duration of the livestream. We'll reveal more details about how that will work and which rewards will be up for grabs.Can I still view the reveals if I miss the livestream?
Yes, we'll have our regular announcement page that showcases everything revealed, links to journalist coverage, and videos up on YouTube alongside the livestream.What language will the livestream be in?
The livestream will be presented in English. The individual videos will have translated subtitles on YouTube and much of the English text in the video content will be translated. These will go live at around the same time as the subjects are presented in the livestream so you shouldn't have to wait too much longer to get access to this information.The live Q&A portion likely won't have subtitles once it's on YouTube but we'll create a news post within a few days that includes a written summary of the information discussed.
As usual, we'll also have a fully-translated announcement page in Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, German, French, Thai and Korean.