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Questions Thread - December 12, 2019

This is a general question thread on December 12, 2019. You can find the previous question threads here.

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The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

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about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Koervege

u/mark_ggg , How will the new unique, Fury Valve, interact with projectile skills that hit the ground? (Molten strike, cremation, magma orb, etc.)

Splitting is an on-collision effect, just like fork, chain, pierce and most forms of returning. Projectiles that don't collide with enemies can't split.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Koervege

So those skills would just fire one projectile?

All skills would only fire one projectile.

Those ones wouldn't get that projectile splitting into lots of projectiles on collision, since it won't collide with objects.

This item is therefore likely subotimal with such skills.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by loldan79

But does split come before or after chain in the order of operations? You weren't sure about it in this comment a few months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/cv0v91/here_is_one_more_special_notable_passive_skill/ey1a9p7/

I'm excited for Fury Valve if it splits before chaining because that sounds like a huge aoe explosion of hits coming from a single arrow. Especially with awakened chain support :o

Pierce -> Fork -> Split -> Chain -> Return.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Ajido

u/mark_ggg If a player was firing Explosive Arrows with Elemental Proliferation linked, and the player also has ballistas firing Explosive Arrows that don't have Elemental Proliferation linked to it, would the player have to hit an enemy first before the totems for the Ignite to spread?


about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by gaming_survivor

u/Mark_GGG with the new awakened fork adding a second fork does the first forked projectile retain the remaining fork? assuming all projectiles hit, 1 becomes 2 and then 2 becomes 4?

assuming that is correct, can a monster be hit with more that one forking projectile? or is it like chain were the second projectile trying to hit the target would just pass through?


With any forking (and splitting) the projectiles are continuations of the original projectile - they are thus part of the same firing and cannot both hit the same enemy.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


It doesn't explode when forking.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Symbiosic

A more specific case: hows the interaction with fury valve - barrage gem - volley fire.

Fury valve should enable only 1 hit, which means that one hit is both first and last. What happens to the volleyfire portion? Added to Nova i assume

Pretty sure that gets around it - the number of projectiles you're going to fire in the barrage has to be worked out first so it can know which ones are first and last, so those will be added afterwards and you'll fire 1 set of 3 projectiles, all of which will split based on all your other modifiers to number of projectiles.

The volley fire +2 isn't even actually treated as a modifier to number of projectiles internally (you won't see it reflected in the skill tooltip where it gives a total number of projectiles to fire).

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by edubkn

Was the question regarding Explosive Arrow?


about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by modernkennnern

What happens if the enemy dies before the arrow explodes? Does it fizzle or does it explode (either immediately, or when it should be, based on where the enemy died).

That feels to me like an important detail to know; If it just fizzles then attacking white mobs is really bad (assuming there are rares nearby) otherwise attacking white mobs could be quite good for clear, because it'll just explode immediately

Same as currently, enemy dying causes explosion to occur early.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Thezanlynxer

u/Mark_GGG with the new manastorm shield, does the added lightning damage buff stack if you cast multiple times, and thus sacrifice your mana multiple times?

Strongest one applies

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by ThatOneParasol

Wait, that seems odd. I had a fireball build that I played just the other day and the balls exploded on fork. It was the whole reason I was using snakepit. Is this a new change?

Fireball has never exploded when forking. There is a longstanding (and extremely tricky to solve) bug where some projectiles play ending animations when they fork, which might be the source of confusion? but there has never been any actual mechanical explosion when forking.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by javelinwounds

In that case, does the effect have a cooldown? Or is it every time you cast a spell?

Every time.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Nacho21

When a limited range projectile such as Galvanic Arrow or Tornado Shot Secondary projectile chains, splits, or forks etc is the"lifespan" or duration reset to max?


about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by aggixx

Do the changes to the ascendancy notables Unwavering Faith and Commander of Darkness mean that % increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills no longer applies to them?

Prior to 3.9 the per-aura bonuses granted by those nodes was a stat added to each of your auras. Since it was a stat granted by an "aura from your skills", its effect was increased by those modifiers. In 3.9, that stat is no longer granted by your auras but rather by a single seperate aura that is not an "aura from your skills".


Patch note excerpt follows:


  • Commander of Darkness now grants the increased Attack and Cast Speed aura as a single combined aura rather than a separate aura for each other aura skill you had. This matters for effects that care how many buffs you have, such as Mantra of Flames.


  • Unwavering Faith now grants the Physical Damage Reduction and Life Regeneration aura as a single combined aura rather than a separate aura for each other aura skill you had. This matters for effects that care how many buffs you have, such as Mantra of Flames.

It looks like there may have been an internal miscommunication about what was changed. Those specific bonuses which add effects to your auras ("Auras from your skills grant... ") are unchanged. Those are not separate from your aura, they cause the actual aura itself to grant extra bonuses, and as such those are modified if the aura's effect is modified. These bonuses also apply to each of your auras, so if you have multiple auras, each one will apply the stat.

None of those bonuses have changed in any way.

What did change was the way that effects granting extra bonuses not from your auras "You and Allies affected by your Auras have/deal....". These are not stats granted by the aura and have never be affected by changing the effect of the aura - they're granted at the stated value to anything affected by one of your auras. Because these are just granted to objects if that object is affected by any of your auras, these only apply once, regardless of how many auras you have.

These are the ones that have actually changed internally (but not in a way that affects how much bonus you get from them - if you're not using Mantra of Flames, nothing is different).

Internally, these are applied by extra infinite-duration effects - previously a separate one for each such stat, now a single one for all such stats you have. Those effects were flagged to count as buffs*, and so the consolidated single one currently is as well**. This has a mecahnical impact on Mantra of Flames, so was patch noted, but it seems at some point which type of modifiers it applied to was confused.

So taking Commander of Darkness as an example, since it has modifiers of both kind, this has no effect on the "Auras from your Skills grant 3% increased Attack and Cast Speed to you and Allies" stat, but changes how the "You and Allies affected by Auras from your Skills have +20% to Elemental Resistances" and "You and Allies affected by Auras from your Skills deal 30% increased Damage" stats apply internally. There is no mechanical change to the amount of those bonuses you recieve, only to the number of things on you considered "buffs". Unwavering Faith has not actually changed, as it does not have any modfiiers of the type that changed.

*I believe this to have been a bug - they are not described as buffs, and do not display as buffs. I'm pretty sure they were flagged as such by mistake.

**For now. As noted, the original effects should in theory never have been considered buffs. I have an issue assigned to me to review this, and whether there will be any negative consequences to fixing this. The implementation details of how these work behind the scenes should ideally never have been affecting your buff count, and there may be other unintended interactions with some rare modfiers as well.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by PastyNoob

does triggering a spell with CoC count as casting for this shield?

A spell being triggered is not you casting a spell.