Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

25 Aug

    Dan_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there,

We're currently looking into why it's not showing up, but today's Daily Deal should be the Seraph Wings for 200 points. If you email us at [email protected] we can arrange this for you manually.

02 Jul

Hey there,

This is usually related to the language profile of your keyboard.
Switching it to US/UK English, removing the other language profile then adding it again should fix this crash.

If that doesn't help, can you please try 'Verifying Game Cache' and letting us know where this error message occurs?


05 Jun

Hey there,

This is not currently possible but we will be adding this option at some point in future.

05 Feb

    Mike_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

Just to clear something up:

New accounts cannot trade currency items or uniques items away to other accounts until they have reached level 25 on at least one character. They can receive any incoming items just fine.

Once you hit 25, trading should become available instantly, but if it doesn't work, it may be worth logging in again before reporting it to Support. In very rare cases, the trade restriction may not lift at level 25. If this occurs, you should contact [email protected] for assistance.

For users who can't trade magic or rare items, you should contact [email protected], as there shouldn't be anything preventing you trading these items.

- Mike

25 Oct

There might be an option to run the game with your dedicated card when you right click on the shortcut. Please check out a post about this on our forum here:
    76561198111793727 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Apologies I don't speak polish. Currently we don't have official support for polish in game but we are hoping to add different languages in the future.

Translated via google translate:
Przepraszam, nie mówię po polski. Obecnie nie mamy oficjalnego wsparcia dla polskim w grze, ale mamy nadzieję, aby dodać różnych języków w przyszłości.

23 Oct

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys,

We are currently looking into this issue! I apologize for any inconvenience that this may be causing you.

    76561198111793727 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there,

We may be looking at offering support for this some time after release, but I am not yet able to confirm any specifics about this.

You could try using WINE to run Path of Exile on your Linux set up. You can find more information about this here:

19 Oct

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


Mpro wrote:

no israeli corner? :)

Hi there,

You are more than welcome to start a thread to connect with other Israeli community members. Once you have done this, please let me know and I will update it to the list :)

01 Oct

    Rhys on Forums - Thread - Direct

" liquidSG wrote: So how are currency drops factored into this? Does it roll it before the "is it unique/rare/magic roll first?

It rolls rarity first, because if it rolls Unique it handles that differently (not caring about base type). If it isn't Unique, then it rolls a random item "normally". If that item doesn't care about rarity (e.g. currency) then the rarity is ignored.

" ...
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    Rhys on Forums - Thread - Direct

" Mark_GGG wrote: Any arbitrary drop has a certain chance to be upgraded to magic, any drop that does has anohter chance to upgrade to rare, and any rare drop then has another chance to upgrade to unique. IIR increases the first chance - the chance an item will drop as (at least) magic. By doing so, this has a knock-on effect on the other rarities - if twice as many items drop as at least magic, and N% of magics upgrade again to rare, then, twice as many items will drop as rare, since the same n% is applied to a greater number, and the same again for uniqe.

Actually, it ha... Read more

" Malone wrote: Does it mean that base item is decided before the rarity ? If I remember well, GGG staff said the contrary before...

No, the rarity is decided first using the method Mark described.

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

" mekakat wrote: The wording of Increased Item Rarity leads me to believe that each equipable item has an associated numerical "rarity." Each time an item drops, a random rarity is determined and then multiplied by your IIR. If this rarity is above a certain threshold (but below the next), it will be a magic item, or if it is above a higher threshold it will be a rare. I suspect Unique items may have different drop mechanics, so they will be disregarded.
No, rarity is not a numerical value. There are four rarities in the game: Normal, Magic, Rare, and unique. "ra... Read more

01 Jun

Various posts removed for breaking the rules.

Please keep the thread on topic and don't resort to name calling/baiting/trolling.
Your post will be removed and if you keep doing it, we'll put you on probation.

10 May

" davidozzo wrote: I have red your post, but when you say "reset your password" do you mean to change password? I don't know how to reset it.

Yes sorry, reset = change :)

" davidozzo wrote: I receive now this PM:

from: Account_Security
title: Account Report has been filed. #410239

" Hello,

Your account has been filed under : in game spam.
Please check your account status here:
Failure to respond may result in permanent ban.

If the report has been wrongful filed, you can choose to file against
the reporter who initially filed the report.

Please remember to visit the link above to protect your account. ...
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To keep this forum from getting too cluttered with stickies we're consolidating a number of excellent threads to be accessible from this post. Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to these topics.

~Keeping Informed~

FAQ Read This Before Asking a Question
An extensive list of answers covering multiple topics such as skills, quests, items and general info about Path of Exile, by Dark0mens

[Dev. Commentary] ... Read more

To keep this forum from getting too cluttered with stickies we're consolidating a number of excellent threads to be accessible from this post. Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to these topics.

~Keeping Informed~

FAQ Read This Before Asking a Question
An extensive list of answers covering multiple topics such as skills, quests, items and general info about Path of Exile, by Dark0mens

[Dev. Commentary] ... Read more

To keep this forum from getting too cluttered with stickies we're consolidating a number of excellent threads to be accessible from this post. Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to these topics.

~Keeping Informed~

FAQ Read This Before Asking a Question
An extensive list of answers covering multiple topics such as skills, quests, items and general info about Path of Exile, by Dark0mens

[Dev. Commentary] ... Read more

To keep this forum from getting too cluttered with stickies we're consolidating a number of excellent threads to be accessible from this post. Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to these topics.

~Keeping Informed~

FAQ Read This Before Asking a Question
An extensive list of answers covering multiple topics such as skills, quests, items and general info about Path of Exile, by Dark0mens

[Dev. Commentary] ... Read more