over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 1 year ago - cjdxn - Direct link

Welcome back ghost hunters, we've got some news for you.

  • Halloween Event 2023 has been added, instructions can be found in-game on how to receive this year's spooky ID-card badge and trophy! The event will last around 2 weeks!
  • Maple and Prison are temporarily unlocked at level 1 to allow new players to complete the event

  • Maple Lodge Campsite has had a complete layout revamp, featuring a new reception building, two separate campsite areas, new assets and areas, more hiding spots and greatly improved performance
  • Added new rain sounds in both campsites when inside tents, inside the toilet block or under draped tarp
  • Added Temporal Anti-Aliasing option in the journal (Provides a higher quality AA method than FXAA and SMAA, but lower quality than MSAA)
  • The EULA has been updated (2.2, 7.1, 7.2 and 10.4)

  • Several icons have been replaced across the main menu and contract selection screens
  • You can no longer light objects using 'Interact' (default: Mouse 1)
  • To help with performance in the truck, the CCTV monitor will now only turn on when you are standing nearby, and it will now display a screensaver when disabled

  • The Monkey Paw now has the correct textures again
  • You can now take a photo of the haunted mirror on Ridgeview, whilst it is on the wall
  • In Training, you can now open/close the truck doors in VR
  • Several fingerprints are no longer visible when you don’t have UV evidence
  • Crucifix T2 should now consistently give both “interaction” and “burned crucifix” photos
  • The haunted mirror will no longer get detected on the parabolic microphone or sound sensors if not being held or used
  • The Camp Woodwind entrance gate will no longer say “Maple Lodge campsite”
  • Video cam no longer breaks if swapped into inventory when CCTV is on the last camera
  • Lighters can no longer light some candles, firelights and the campfire when not lit
  • Summoning circle photos will no longer take priority over other photos as often
  • If you die in foggy weather, future games in foggy weather now show the fog correctly
  • Many performance improvements, especially in multiplayer and in the truck
  • Placing equipment on the wall in some areas of Sunny Meadows will no longer teleport the equipment back to the truck
  • Bone photos will now work more reliably
  • Firelight T2 now correctly lasts 5 minutes instead of 3 minutes

Known Issues
  • The in-game version number will show as
  • Terrain is currently showing inside Sunny Meadows
  • Ghost footstep sounds are currently sometimes incorrect in Maple Campsite
  • The bear trap interaction photo does not work

If you experience any issues or want to give feedback, please join the official Phasmophobia Discord: https://discord.gg/phasmophobia
The Kinetic Games Team