over 4 years
ago -
Kinetic Games
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Here are some steps you can take to fix the voice recognition. This will get updated as more info is found.
Please make sure you don't skip a step.
1. Make sure your input device on windows is the microphone you want to use.
2. Go into "Speech Settings" on windows and download and install the English US language package. This will install the necessary voice recognition drivers.
3. In "Speech Settings" at the top check the box "Recognise non-native accents for this language".
4. Select your language as your voice language.
5. Under language settings click on your language, go to options and then download the speech package.
6. Go into "Online Speech Recognition" on windows and make sure that is turned on.
7. Go into "Microphone privacy settings" and make sure Phasmophobia has permission to use your microphone.
8. Go to "Cortana Language Settings" and apply your language at the bottom.
9. Update your windows 10. Go to "Check for updates" and make sure you are on version 2004.
10. Do not run Steam as Admin. For some reason this is breaking the voice recognition.
11. Head into the "other" page in options on the main menu and set your voice language there.
12. Go to the audio options in the main menu and use the voice recognition test to check if it is working.
13. If it still isn't working some people have got it working by moving the game onto their main hard drive.
14. Make sure no other application on your computer is taking control of your microphone before playing.
15. If it still doesn't work at this point try using the English UK voice pack instead.
Please make sure your voice recognition is setup and working in Windows 10.
Please make sure you don't skip a step.
1. Make sure your input device on windows is the microphone you want to use.
2. Go into "Speech Settings" on windows and download and install the English US language package. This will install the necessary voice recognition drivers.
3. In "Speech Settings" at the top check the box "Recognise non-native accents for this language".
4. Select your language as your voice language.
5. Under language settings click on your language, go to options and then download the speech package.
6. Go into "Online Speech Recognition" on windows and make sure that is turned on.
7. Go into "Microphone privacy settings" and make sure Phasmophobia has permission to use your microphone.
8. Go to "Cortana Language Settings" and apply your language at the bottom.
9. Update your windows 10. Go to "Check for updates" and make sure you are on version 2004.
10. Do not run Steam as Admin. For some reason this is breaking the voice recognition.
11. Head into the "other" page in options on the main menu and set your voice language there.
12. Go to the audio options in the main menu and use the voice recognition test to check if it is working.
13. If it still isn't working some people have got it working by moving the game onto their main hard drive.
14. Make sure no other application on your computer is taking control of your microphone before playing.
15. If it still doesn't work at this point try using the English UK voice pack instead.
Please make sure your voice recognition is setup and working in Windows 10.