- Moved the games room fire gate to stop an unintended hiding spot
- "Lights out" now has UV Tier II instead of Tier I

- Fixed several safe spots
- Spray paint cans now have impact sounds
- You will no longer crash if you have an event badge set if you fail to connect to the unity servers
- Badges will no longer show the unlock popup again if you have already unlocked them
- The tutorial can no longer be chosen as the challenge map
- If you failed to receive your apocalypse badges, you will now receive them after your next game
- The TV in the Point Hope living room will no longer be required to be on to negate sanity drain
- You can now pick up the parrot in VR on Point Hope
- Placing a sound sensor in the closet in the Point Hope living room will now register as the correct room
- You can now place sensors consistently on the blue rug in the Point Hope living room
- The chess pieces in Point Hope now have the correct visuals when placing them
- Players can no longer get stuck inside buckets
- Sounds are now audible on the correct floors in Bleasdale
- Bleasdale hiding spots will now be blocked correctly
- Bleasdale sound sensors, breaker, CCTV camera and player icons will now be set to the correct floor
- Removed Tanglewood's Point Hope riddle
- Photo cameras no longer break when the journal is full, these photos are not counted towards objectives
- Taking a photo of a phantom when the journal is full will now make it disappear
- Firelight III interaction photo will now work
- Igniters and Firelights will no longer blow out in heavy rain in the entry house and maintenance room of Point Hope
- The wood burners in Point Hope will no longer blow out in heavy rain
- Tapping the flashlight button will no longer sometimes fail to do anything
- Tabbing out will no longer turn off other players thermometers
- When reviving, players will now return to 4 equipment slots, instead of 3
The next update will include many more fixes including the swap over to a new voice chat system.
If you experience any issues, please join the official Phasmophobia Discord:
https://discord.gg/phasmophobiaThanks, The Kinetic Games Team