over 1 year ago - Dknighter - Direct link
Hey, please post your specs and graphics settings.

Do you lag before turning on lights? Realtime lights are by far the most performance intensive feature in games and Phasmophobia uses a lot of them. None of the games you listed uses this which makes sense to why you don't lag in those.
over 1 year ago - Dknighter - Direct link
Originally posted by I throw Hatchets:
Originally posted by Dknighter: Hey, please post your specs and graphics settings.

Do you lag before turning on lights? Realtime lights are by far the most performance intensive feature in games and Phasmophobia uses a lot of them. None of the games you listed uses this which makes sense to why you don't lag in those.
1070ti graphic card
I5 12400 CPU
16 gig ram
The lags happen anytime i can see anything in vr, during the loading screens it looks fine but when the game trully appears, it's down to 10 fps, while i can play high end vr/non vr games without problem

What VR headset are you using? Are you playing with the correct OpenXR runtime? So for Oculus headsets you need to use the Oculus OpenXR runtime and not SteamVR.
over 1 year ago - Dknighter - Direct link
Originally posted by I throw Hatchets:
Originally posted by Icetrias: You used to be able to get better frames from turning off some of the post-processing effects in settings, Iirc ambient occlusion or anti-aliasing had a really high performance cost to it, but this game has always been hella laggy in VR. If you get above 60 FPS, you're probably playing on desktop or you're lying. This game could really use a VR rework, since there are so many issues with playing in VR that don't occur in desktop mode, putting you at a massive dis-advantage.
I litterally go for the lowest graphics, and lower the resolution in steam vr to 20, which i don't think i can go lower, and i can't go over 30 fps while i can play asgard wraith with like 80 constant fps :hunted:

Do you get this same lag in singleplayer?
over 1 year ago - Dknighter - Direct link
Originally posted by I throw Hatchets:
Originally posted by Dknighter:
Do you get this same lag in singleplayer?
Even in the pre lobby yes, but on non-vr mode i can play with the best graphics at +120 fps

What's your monitor resolution? Have you tried lowering that?