almost 5 years ago - /u/Wrel - Direct link

We'll be re-adding the cert/ISO rewards from meltdown alerts in an upcoming hotfix, and it was a misstep to remove them during this update. Current plan is to eventually move these two rewards off of alerts (though the big experience chunk might come back,) but there are some things that need to happen before we do that.

  1. Black Market vendors need to be more fleshed out with more diverse and desirable item rewards.
  2. Mandate system needs to make its way into the game (currently being worked on.)

We want currencies to primarily be gained through intentional actions, and feel more rewarding when you do get them. Certification gain is an example of a currency that has traditionally been problematic for a progression system that mostly revolves around it. We have a lot of random sources of bonus experience, exploitative behaviors, wildly varying skill levels, and playstyles that greatly influence how much or how little players earn over time. These chasms tend to leave new players and less infantry-farm oriented playstyles with less experience and cert gain than they should be getting.

Mandates will be a method we lean on to help level the playing field, and it will allow us to offer more satisfying chunks of rewards in a controlled manner. Most of the complaints prior to this update about alert rewards were centered around not getting enough ISO, the RNG on rare rewards (or the prevalence of decal filler,) and to a lesser degree, not needing to participate in continent events, but still receiving rewards at the end anyway.

These issues we'll be addressing in a way that feels less happenstance and more gratifying in a future update. Until then, yay, ISO/Certs from alerts again.

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