over 3 years
ago -
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Heya! Been quite a while since we've talked about our plans for the PS4 version of the game.
On August 25th, the _Integration update will make its way to the PlayStation 4, overhauling the Nanite Systems Operatives fourth faction in almost every respect.
Here's a brief look at what's in store for NSO in this release (and with all the bug and balance fixes we made after the July release on PC!)
- 2 New Vehicles
- 4 New Weapon HUD Overlays
- 4+ New Vehicle Weapon Reticles
- 6+ UI Screen Updates
- 11 New Directive Trees
- 15 New Vehicle Weapons
- 36 New Infantry Weapons
- 40+ New Particle Effects
- 130+ New Sounds/Voices/Music Tracks
- NSO becomes Free to Play for all players