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Throughout the halls filled wails and screaming, while in shadows hunters' blades are gleaming. Crossbows, hatchets, and tricks abound, to sting and slice and silence sound.
Nanite of the Living Dead (Oct. 01 - Oct. 31)
This year's Nanite of the Living Dead event runs through all of October! Spooky sights, sounds, and SpacePumpkins will make their way to Auraxis. Details below!
A Shadowy Sanctuary
The Sanctuary social hub has received a seasonal makeover. Sights, sounds, and mask-wearing denizens abound.
Trick or Treat!
Upon entering Sanctuary, you'll receive a mission to learn more about the Halloween event! Along the way, unlock holiday masks that provide bonus experience when worn!
SPRK-33 is unimpressed.
Squash the SpacePumpkins!
The SpacePumpkins have returned to Auraxis! Throughout the battlefields, seek and destroy these gigantic gourds to earn experience and progress toward a new Halloween directive!
The massive (and powerful!) Galact-O-Lantern may occasionally be found lying in wait... what are these foul creatures plotting?
Halloween Directive
Gain buckets of currency by stabbing, chopping, and resurrecting your way through this year's new Halloween directive!
Those who conquer these challenges before the event ends will receive a Terrifying new title, and a deadly new camouflage pattern.
Monster Slayer's Best Friend
Meet the Heavy Crossbow, a new primary weapon archetype available to the Infiltrator and Light Assault classes.
The Seeker HLX is the first of its kind, firing hardlight bolts that turn distant enemies into pincushions.
With Nanite of the Living Dead, we'll also be releasing the Demon Seeker variant, an infernal take on this newest addition.
Seasonal Cosmetics
In addition to the heavy crossbows, the Halloween season brings cosmetics old and new right to your Depot.
Find holiday vehicle horns, engine FX, and contrails; masks, helmets, and camouflage; and a variety of weaponry befitting the witching hours.
Inferno Tire Trails, for the Flash, Harasser, ANT, and Sunderer.
Spectral Contrails and Engine FX for the Dervish, Mosquito, Reaver, and Scythe.
Grim, holiday pickaxes for each empire.
And Much More!
Included in the coming update are loads of UI and quality of life improvements, as well as bug fixes and smaller additions. While the event runs from October 1st and on, the update (and much of the content) will land on September 29. Patch notes and full event details are just around the corner. Stay tuned!
We want to hear what you think! What is your favorite part of this update? Let us know below!