over 4 years
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I can neither confirm nor deny that 2XP for All might have just been activated on @planetside2 PC and PS4 servers. 👀
Two words: Double Experience. For ALL. (Okay, four words) Celebrate the start of summer with 2XP, 40% off Vehicle Weapons, and the return of Flare Guns & Patriot Camo through Sunday, July 5! 🎆 Details: https://t.co/gpi1IHHWK2 https://t.co/SAuOFwdqG8
@Glanshon Not sure, but the days are colder and more overcast. The sun seems dimmer here, not so blinding as it once was. There's frost buildup on things that should be frost resistant. Even the night time sky seems different, sharper.. like there's a static in the air. #Planetside2 https://t.co/PRbGabRw3r