Hello, I am contacting you with a request. My problem is that I have a fps drop is there something like it is at the beginning, how could it be fixed after the 2 matches?
Hello, I am contacting you with a request. My problem is that I have a fps drop is there something like it is at the beginning, how could it be fixed after the 2 matches?
Originally posted by Tqcofied: After updating my graphics card drivers to the latest version (451.67) my fps have dropped from 160-100 to 80-90 maximum. What do i do?
@Miylo13 Hi, and welcome to the forum !
I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that FPS drops are impacting your experience in Rainbow Six: Siege !
The thread has been moved to the dedicated Player Support section, to bring it the best possible visibility.
For the purpose of our investigation, in order to isolate the Issue, I invite you to let us know the following : Platform where the drops happen
This will help us determine the best possible solutions suited to the platform where the problem is occurring.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions, or for any other issue !