Hey everyone,
I wanted to provide a brief update on a few misc things…
We performed a full client/server update this morning with list of bug fixes and changes that can be found here – https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/march-17-2020-escalation-hotfix-pc.253691/
In our ongoing effort to continue smashing bugs that have existed since pre-Escalation update, we published a client-only hotfix to address a crash related to vehicle physics that has been lingering for quite a while. In addition, we are preparing another client-only hotfix that fixes a long-standing client crash related to vehicles exploding. It should be ready to publish tomorrow (Wednesday) – again, client-only, no server downtime. We will continue chipping away at the backlog of bugs/QoL issues each week.
As I mentioned in my post last night, due to the new work from home policy that was instituted this week, Daybreak’s TechOps team has been inundated with requests to get most employees at all of the sub-studios (Rogue Planet, Darkpaw and Dimensional Ink) setup to work remotely. As a result of this unanticipated mountain of work, they cannot perform the Emerald server hardware upgrades as we had hoped to on 3/18. Instead, this has been pushed back one week to Wednesday the 25th @ 6am (Pacific). More details will be posted once we’re closer to that date, but I’ve been assured that it will not have to slip again. I know, sh*t, another weekend of Emerald at capacity. We will do everything we can to keep it on its feet for one last weekend until the hardware upgrade next week.
Our SolTech to Connery transfer request process for ex-Briggs (AUS) players is officially in place and you can find details here – https://www.planetside2.com/news/ps2-soltech-to-connery-server-transfer-march-2020
To summarize, we are opening a window for ex-Briggs players that are on SolTech a one-time transfer to Connery. The window take place between now and 3/31. Since the character moves require the servers to come down, we will do it in two waves; the first will take place on the morning of 3/25, which will include all of the requests made between now and 3/24, then a second/final wave on the morning of 4/1 for all players that requested transfers between 3/25 and 3/31. Again, the details are listed in the article linked above.
Finally, I’m happy to report that the first day of the team needing to work remotely went fairly smoothly. This is good news because the team is prepping an update for next week that has several Outfit Wars-specific changes that need to go live before the first season of Outfit Wars matches kick off in early April. Also, no hot mics left unmuted or webcams left on by accident for those of you who might be interested.
Stay safe and we’ll see you on Auraxis.
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