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All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Thursday, July 01, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 3 hours.
"Alright, but why are they here? We've never had problems on the station before."
"With those reports of employees going missing, can't say I blame them for cranking up the security."
"It makes me feel uneasy. They seem so... lifeless, and I've never seen them talk to anyone."
- Recovered from memory chip, recorded conversation between two civilians on Sanctuary.
The robotic fourth-faction re-emerges with advanced technology, new equipment, and shifting allegiances. In the _Integration update, we've released two new vehicles, 16 new vehicle weapons, 35 new infantry weapons, and 11 new directive trees for NSO players to pursue. On top of that, the NSO faction has become FREE TO ALL PLAYERS.
Unlocking NSO
Visiting Sanctuary with a BR20+ character will provide you with a mission to learn more about the Nanite Systems Operatives faction. Completing that mission will flag your account with access to the NSO faction, and you'll be able to create NSO characters from there on out.
Pre-existing accounts can log in with any BR20+ characters, or an NSO character of any Battle Rank, and still receive this mission.
Welcome, Freelancers
An NSO character without membership enters the "Freelance" status. A Freelancer will be assigned to the lowest populated faction on the continent to help them turn the tides of battle. Changing continents will reassign you as needed.
Freelancers are unable to create or join Outfits, and will need to select a "Home Faction" to do so.
Choosing a Home Faction
Players with All Access Memberships will be able to select a Home Faction by talking to a new NPC, Emerson, on Sanctuary. Aligning yourself with the Vanu Sovereignty, New Conglomerate, or Terran Republic, will allow you to create, join, and manage an Outfit within that empire.
You can also enter into a Freelance state on Sanctuary at any time, even while in an Outfit, and you won't be kicked. While fighting for an opposing faction, however, you won't have access to War Assets, Outfit communication, or representation. You can disable this state on Sanctuary as well.
If All Access membership lapses, you'll be dropped into the Freelance state mentioned above until membership is reinstated. You won't be kicked from an Outfit you're currently a part of if this occurs.
Lastly, if you ever want to shift faction allegiances, you can leave your current Outfit, assign yourself to a new Home Faction, and join an Outfit there instead.
Existing NSO Outfits
With this update we begin winding down support for "factionless" NSO Outfits. This summer we'll be providing a window for those Outfits to move to a Home Faction of their choice, and keep their members intact. This change requires additional tech to be created, and the timeline for that is still TBD. During this timeframe NSO Outfits will be unable to use War Assets, cannot recruit new members, and will adhere to other Freelance rules. Outfits can always be disbanded and reformed within a Home Faction to bypass the wait.
Arsenal Overhaul
NSO has become more defined as a faction with the introduction of new vehicles, weapons, and equipment.
Dervish Heavy Fighter
The Dervish is a two-seat vehicle that sacrifices agility for durability. The pilot operates nose-mounted forward guns, while the second seat is devoted to a top-gunner with a swiveling turret. This vehicle operates primarily as an air superiority fighter, and has limited ground support capabilities.
- DV-22 Raycaster - All-rounder machine gun that fires photonically propelled tungsten slugs.
- DV-21 Lotus - A high rate of fire gatling gun that shreds light aircraft at close range.
- DV-XE - A charge-based six-round particle projection barrage that can dispatch heavy aircraft.
- DV-22T Lightweaver - A machine-gun top turret that functions similarly to the Raycaster, and can deal with any threat.
- DV-LAT Pixie - An anti-aircraft lock-on turret that launches a stream of homing missiles at tracked targets.
- DV-XAT - A heavy charge-up cannon that fires a concentrated photon blast for high damage.
- CT-135 - A balanced main cannon suited to both anti-infantry and anti-vehicle roles alike.
- CT-150 Cyclops - A high-velocity anti-vehicle cannon capable of long-range combat.
- CT-102 Satyr - A mid-range cannon capable of firing five rounds before reloading.
- CT2-20 HCG - A versatile heavy chaingun turret with effectiveness in all combat situations.
- CT2-8M Siren - Fires smart micro-missiles with anti-aircraft proximity tracking.
- CT2-XP - A charge-up photon weapon that can demolish heavily armored vehicles.
- CB-100 - The standard-issue carbine with balanced reloads and rate of fire.
- CB-X75 - A CQC carbine with better hipfire and faster aim down sights movement speed.
- CB-200 - Slow rate of fire, hard hitting carbine with good accuracy.
- AR-100 - The standard-issue assault rifle with balanced accuracy, rate of fire, and reload speed.
- AR-101 - A harder hitting assault rifle with above average reach and accuracy.
- AR-N203 - A 3-round auto-burst assault rifle that delivers high damage beyond the range of other assault rifles.
- XMG-100 - Standard issue, high rate of fire, and moderate-high capacity.
- XMG-155 - Increased per-bullet stopping power and magazine size.
- XMG-200 - High damage output in exchange for a less robust magazine size.
- PMG-100 - High rate of fire and magazine size at cost to per-bullet damage.
- PMG-200 - High overall damage output with a low magazine capacity.
- PMG-3XB - A hard-hitting 3-round auto-burst weapon with better mid-range accuracy than other SMGs.
- SG-100 - Standard-issue shotgun with large magazine size and excellent pellet spread.
- SG-A25 - An automatic shotgun meant for better CQC damage output at cost to accuracy.
- HSG-400 - A "heavy" shotgun that mimics the damage of a pump action, despite being magazine fed.
- BAR-100 - Versatile semi-auto scout rifle with a moderate rate of fire.
- BAR-A75 - An automatic scout rifle with heavy damage output at mid-range.
- BAR-200 - Heavy per-bullet damage with a slow rate of fire.
- SR-100 - The standard-issue semi-auto sniper rifle, adaptable and with easy follow-up shot potential.
- SR-L75 - A lightweight version of the SR-100, with access to lower range optics and 0.75x ADS movement.
- SR-150 - A heavier semi-auto sniper rifle with damage output that nears bolt-action potential.
- JVN-30 Salamander - The baseline machinegun weapon that comes standard with all Javelins.
- JVN-MM N.E.S.T. - Previously an ability option for the vehicle, the N.E.S.T. smart-missile launcher has been converted into a normal anti-armor weapon.
- JVN-X3 Hydra - A split-shot anti-infantry weapon that fires a fan of pellets.
- JVN-50 Celeste - Charge-up, high-damage anti-armor photon projection weapon.
- This vehicle has received a new Directive line.
- Rumble Seat passengers now face forward by default, and can swivel 360 degrees.
- D7 Hummingbird - A modified grenade printer that fires lock-on drones capable of anti-aircraft duty.
- D11 Detonator - A long-range anti-armor artillery shell that increases in damage potential the further it travels.
- The Defector can now equip implants available to MAX units.
- Time Bomb now removes weapon heat when active, and has been given an additional upgrade rank.
- Now has access to the Emergency Repair ability.
- A later update with better match the Defector's hitbox with its new visuals.
- NSO characters can now equip masculine or feminine voice packs.
- All NSO voices have been redone with faction-specific audio filters to help identify which faction an NSO character belongs to.
- NSO characters will now hear unique audio for a variety of stingers and music tracks.
- The Outfit UI screen has been revised to show "Freelance" characters in the Outfit member list.
- The Outfit Browser now shows NSO characters in the image splash.
- Help tooltips have been updated in various Outfit screens to convey NSO-related information.
- Various cosmetic options are available for the Chimera, Dervish, and Javelin.
- Fixed a large degree of NSO-related bugs, listed toward the end of these patch notes.
- NSX Kappa - An SMG that fires three, high-damage pellets per shot.
- NSX Sesshin - A long-range automatic scout rifle with high damage potential.
- NSX Yawara - An automatic pistol with moderate stopping power.
- NSX Kuwa - An automatic hybrid rifle with a short windup and high damage.
- NSX Muramasa - A rocket launcher that fires a barrage of unguided rockets while aiming or from the hip.
- A suppressed variant of the NS Baron G5 is now available in the Black Market for all factions.
- The A7 reward will no longer stop appearing if you possess more than the A7 currency soft-cap.
- Four new vehicle-based mission options with multiple rarities and difficulties associated with them, and one of these will appear in the mission pool each day.
- NSO characters have access to Nanite Auto-Repair as an optional suit slot certification.
- Rank 1 now includes ESF Interceptor variants, and Heavy Fighters.
- Rank 2 now includes the Valkyrie.
- Minimum damage from 125 to 143.
- Must now be reloaded when overheated.
- Heat bleedoff rate from 240per sec. to 200per sec. (1000 maximum heat.)
- Loadout UI now properly states 50 round magazine (not the 65 it's never been.)
- Refire rate from 120ms to 117ms.
- Refire rate while aiming from 75ms to 80ms, now matching its hipfire refire rate.
- Refire rate from 333ms to 667ms.
- First shot recoil multiplier from 1 to 2.66.
- Now increases weapon equip and unequip times by either 15% or 20% depending on size increase.
- Many DBC costs were reduced during this pass to bring them in line with newer attachment pricing.
- Removed storm restrictions on the Lightning Grenade, and it can now be used on all continents.
- Overall damage and area of effect were reduced.
- No longer overloads vehicles.
- Repairing from the rumble seat has been removed for all vehicles.
- Both Battle Rifles and Scout Rifles have been combined under the "Scout Rifles" category.
- A.N.V.I.L.s hologram markers can now be driven through by vehicles, and shot through by infantry and vehicles. The main reason for this change was to prevent exploitation of A.N.V.I.L. holograms killing vehicles when spawned.
- Adjusted continent queue code to account for NSO teams properly.
- NSO characters no longer spawn under the Warpgate floor.
- NSO characters now communicate with the correct teams in proximity voice.
- Engineer's repair beam now points to a Defector's chest.
- NSO's router now colors based on faction.
- Fixed issues with numerous faction-specific jump pads not accounting for NSO teams.
- Merit will no longer be cleared when leaving an Outfit.
- Fixed a memory allocation issue associated with audio events. (This is unlikely to fix the "Audio Bug" caused by longer play sessions.)
- You should no longer see random weapon attachments listed in the marketplace while using the search function.
- Added very small cooldown between grief audio indications to prevent stacking when multiple projectiles hit at the same time.
- NC and NSO Hardlight Barriers can no longer be stacked on top of one another.
- Fixed a particle issue with medical applications point to point visuals.
- Boosts can no longer be purchased with Merit.
- NS-11 "Endeavor" Carbine's 2x optics now correctly uses a 2x zoom range.
- Added missing Vanguard "Warning" horn.
- Vehicle dismount locations are now prioritized based on which seat the player occupied before ejecting.
- Fixed an issue with the "Storm Spotting" mission where placing a buoy wouldn't add progress.
- Biolabs now use teleporters from satellite bases, instead of spawn rooms within the Biolab.
- Fixed an issue with maximum voice channels being set improperly and the setting description being incorrect.
- You no longer auto-join squads in Sanctuary, and auto-join has been disabled by default for new installations.
- NSX Weapon Eval mission can no longer be completed by shooting NPCs.
- Nanite boosts no longer give extra cert rewards.
- Polish on Bastion terminal's "Launch" button disabled state.
- Added gunner kill experience for passengers on the Flash and Javelin.
- Fixed missing collision in the Sunderer Tower asset.
- Flash Basilisk Ammo Capacity upgrade no longer uses incorrect descriptions.
- Updated various gate shield visuals.