All servers are now unlocked after this morning's update. Patch notes from this downtime may be found here: #PlanetSide2
@planetside2: [ALERT] PC Hotfix - All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Wednesday, May 26, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CES…
[ALERT] PC Hotfix - All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Wednesday, May 26, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 3 hours. #PlanetSide2
@WrelPlays: At this point we're locked in for a Wednesday morning hotfix release. It'll go an hour longer than usual due to some backend…
At this point we're locked in for a Wednesday morning hotfix release. It'll go an hour longer than usual due to some backend maintenance taking place at the same time. Notes will be posted tomorrow. #planetside2
Are you born ready? Check out these sweet battle plays by @CAMIKAZE78 !
@Game_Dev_Carto @Usernamehere321 Absolutely, go for it.
@Ipdan6 @planetside2 Not yet, unfortunately.
This is the last day to get your double EXP! Log in and rack up that XP, soldier! #planetside2
@Laytonmobile We may bring it back every so often, but it'll be gone from the shop on June 1st.
@YuJay_1 Only there to celebrate the holiday currently, doesn't do anything beyond beep. The instinct is correct though, originally tried to do more, but fell out of scope for the update.
@TenebraeAeterna @nichegamer @brandonorselli @Boogie2988 See you on the battlefield, soldier!
What is your favorite moment in PlanetSide history? #planetside2
@King_Recycle Well, "laser guided" is more appropriate. That'd be the Valkyrie's VLG, NC MAX's Ravens, and Engineer's AV MANA Turret.
@MasterJiraiyaTR It probably just beeps.
Targeting Tuesday for a handful of bug fixes from this update. Wire-guided weapons will be a bit defunct until then, which sucks, but it'd be too risky to patch out that fix tonight or Friday. Still investigating the persistent mine/c4 husk issues though. #planetside2
@DrazenGraves We are looking into this matter. Thank you for your patience, soldier!