Here's another angle for your viewing pleasure.
What's old is new again, as the NS Scorpion is added to the #PlanetSide2 arsenal on May 20th.
What is your favorite part of the latest chapter in The Shattered Warpgate campaign? Let us know! #PlanetSide2 📝
This slick gold-trimmed NS-66 Punisher will be making its way to the Depot for the PlanetSide Legacy event, starting May 20th! #PlanetSide2
@Maelstromeous Indeed, just a typo. Sorry about that, soldier!
On May 20th, we will begin celebrating the legacy of PlanetSide with new weapons, cosmetics, and double experience for ALL. More details to follow! #PlanetSide2
@planetside2: On May 20th, we will begin celebrating the legacy of PlanetSide with new weapons, cosmetics, and double experience for ALL…
@absolutelyrad1 Yeh, I made this one. Was about four years ago:
To celebrate... have this infinitely falling Grunt gif made forever ago: #MassEffect
One Day Left...#MassEffect
@Aeflicc I need this one so that people can't see how much hair I've lost through stress and malnutrition.
@planetside2: Look familiar? A dash of classic with a pinch of new. Drop your speculations in the comments, soldier! #ComingSoon #Planet…
Look familiar? A dash of classic with a pinch of new. Drop your speculations in the comments, soldier! #ComingSoon #PlanetSide2
@planetside2: Maintenance has concluded, and all servers are now unlocked. Our patch notes from this morning's update can be found here:…
Maintenance has concluded, and all servers are now unlocked. Our patch notes from this morning's update can be found here: #planetside2
It's Tactical Superiority time on @StarcraftWinter's stream: #planetside2
@planetside2: [ALERT] PC Hotfix - All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Wednesday, May. 12th, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm…
[ALERT] PC Hotfix - All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Wednesday, May. 12th, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours. #PlanetSide2
Hotfix tomorrow, mostly bug fixing, quality of life, and continued polish: #planetside2
The greatest musical achievement of our generation. #planetside2