@MNMSpeedy Yeah, shouldn’t have done that. I’ll speak with the team on Monday.
@lord_mags It's currently being investigated.
Amazing match from [1TR], [VKTZ], and [RCN6]. So much fun to watch. #planetside2
@GroundTrooper @planetside2 This downtime is just for the campaign dates. There will be another later in the week with various fixes, though that list and timing isn't finalized yet.
All PC servers will come down for a new game update on Monday, March 8, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CET). Downtime for the update is expected to last up to 2 hours.
As some have speculated, Chapter 03 is indeed going to have a later start date. The new facility (and more changes to Esamir) is a pretty big deal that we want to get tested and have time enough to respond to feedback on. Information inside: #planetside2
@PS2Battles Doh.
@PS2Battles: The matches get more intense with each passing week! Our ever growing roster of casters will be covering 16 OW matches this…
@ArsheeTv: Playoffs Round 1 - OUTFIT WARS Showcase
The Best of ASIA Server: SOLTECH - 3/05/2021
Playoffs Round 1 - (Friday) - Who w…
@Squiizzy3 @SystemShockGame Would love to see one, personally.
@MNMSpeedy I'd say "yes" in Season 01, since it will need to be a lot more deliberate. But no current plans for the Alpha Cycle. A lot of outfits signed up accidentally, or would have fallen off already if the tiebreaking wasn't broken in the first round. But intention matters, ultimately.
@GeneralGreen8 I got it, delete this tweet please, as account info is sensitive.
Some clarification on our stance as it relates to Outfit Wars and double-teaming: #planetside2
@PS2Battles: Lane Smash Semi-Finals are over, so that means this upcoming weekend will be the last round of battles for the season.
@Gamepro03 This is much appreciated, thank you.
@TRJoeSMokes If you could link some footage, we can review that as well.
@CaptainCoxPS2 @N7jpicard @ArsheeTv Haven't seen that either. Belittling the community casters and taking a dump on the development was heartbreaking though.
Arshee is hosting a feedback panel with folks who participated in Outfit Wars this weekend. Go share your thoughts. Can find it here: #planetside2
Outfit War Breakdown - Coming Up Next! Game: Planetside2 All leaders and representatives are welcome from all servers to share 1-2 mins of your points of view from this weekends events. #planetside2 #BREAKDOWN #GamingNews https://t.co/oFhccplBUb
@N7jpicard @ArsheeTv Definitely disappointing to see someone promoting a culture of toxicity. That said, one behavior doesn't pardon the other.
Amazing ...Defector...ball... goal? Love these sort of player-made events: #planetside2