@ArsheeTv: @CAMIKAZE78
@ArsheeTv: Playoffs Round 3 for Outfit Wars Alpha v3 is here!
The Best Of US-WEST Is Next Server: Connery Game: #planetside2
48 Player…
A bit of gold and green strikes this new St. Patrick’s Day shotgun. The event runs through the 21st of March, don’t miss your chance! #planetside2
@CMDRCyrious: It's not just #Planetmen out there commanding the forces of Auraxis! #Planetwomen look good in Commander helmets as well.…
@PS2Battles: @planetside2 Thanks for the shoutout <3 the full cast schedule for that channel and our other 3 channels can be found here:…
The Best Of Asia Is Next Server: Soltech Game: #planetside2
48 Players v…
The last round of playoffs for Alpha Cycle 03 is in session all today and tomorrow. Catch all the action on and other community casters! #planetside2
@PS2Battles: Big day of casts going on tomorrow for Outfit Wars! check the schedule here:
We're currently investigating connectivity issues in our EU server regions. #planetside2
The team continues to move forward with Chapter 3 and Wrel would like to share some updates! Check them out right now!
@Rapicas We do actually trigger Mini-Meltdowns when populations are too low, the main issue is that it still requires 100 Empire Strength from a fully unlocked continent to do so. We could probably find some middle-ground where the conditions to trigger it are reduced during the offpeak.
@Maelstromeous @planetside2 Here you go:
Wrel has some notes about unstable warpgates. Check them out. #planetside2
Regarding Unstable Warpgates, the current values stabilize at 350 players. Prior to this it was 333. Seems like most concerns center around playspace on the off continent, which takes longer now to auto-stabilize at low pop. We’re currently working to add a tier 2. #planetside2
Being able to ghost-cap off continents and trigger alerts that you’d then show up for the tail end of when the main continent closes, along with not being able to find decent fights was the original impetus behind the change. Obviously it went a bit too far. #planetside2
@Ryoplanetside2 @huuma_robo Yes, 8 or 8:30pm JST.
Spoke with leadership in [MERC] on Connery a couple days ago, and they've let us zero their playoffs score after bowing out of the competition earlier on. The way they've handled things is appreciated, and we'll have a better system in place next season as well. #planetside2
@huuma_robo You can search for PT to JST. So in this case it'll end up 8pm or 8:30pm matches for SolTech if you're in the JST timezone.
Outfit Wars match times are now displaying correctly in the UI. Visit the Outfit page to check for this weekend's matchups. #planetside2
@maddog197729 We're going to be lengthening the timeline to include closed-group testing of the facility before it hits PTS. I'd like to get a dev note out tomorrow that talks more about this.