@BoildownAH It's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, like you mention.
@MNMSpeedy Season isn't dynamic, stays the same regardless of the amount of outfits signed up. Only requirement as far as match-up is that matches have at least one of each faction. We create these schedules per server, so we can possibly scale length by hand in the future if needed.
@MNMSpeedy You wouldn’t get the satisfaction of making the cutoffs, but your placements and rewards would still differ to some degree. Rewards based on placement are pretty lenient this time around, but we can tighten that up based on expected participation in the future.
@MargaretKrohn @AshesofCreation That doggo, ohmigoodness
@MobeusBill lol, all good. Definitely something we’ll need to keep hammering away at, at any rate.
@CDPROJEKTRED Hang in there, @CDPROJEKTRED. Most of us know you’re doing what you can.
@MobeusBill Made specific mention of server-related performance fixes in my post. This is part of what that refers to. Definitely not an Emerald-only problem. We’ll need to determine next steps after these fixes go live, and continue to widdle down the performance troubles as they arrive.
@BoildownAH The score of the championship match gets rolled into the final scoreboard, so things can look a bit weird on that compressed of an OW schedule. The score differences should be more apparent with more matches played.
@Charoplet1 Should be three or less, it's only the start time that changes between platforms.
@Nick21223536 They won't be in tomorrow's update, but should come later this month. Still locking all of that down though.
@PS2Battles @NathanielFackl1 The way that the current schedule is set up, that’s correct, Friday and Saturday are the only days with matches this season. Looping in @Robo_Esq as well, as I misspoke during our convo a few weeks ago.
@PS2Battles @NathanielFackl1 Matches mainly take place during server prime time hours, though there are an array of time slots available. Sometimes a match will be on a Friday, sometimes on a Saturday. Teams will know their match times well in advance.
@NathanielFackl1 The old spawn system is still enabled on the Public Test Server, but won't go Live.
ICYMI: Wrel has some additional comments for our fresh patch notes. 💥#planetside2
Patch notes are in, update is being delivered, Outfit Wars is a go. In this update there are a bunch of fixes for reported issues that didn't make last weekend's PTS publish, as well as some server-related performance improvements as well. #planetside2 https://t.co/2rLpXEvpbF
@WrelPlays: Patch notes are in, update is being delivered, Outfit Wars is a go. In this update there are a bunch of fixes for reported i…
Patch notes are in, update is being delivered, Outfit Wars is a go. In this update there are a bunch of fixes for reported issues that didn't make last weekend's PTS publish, as well as some server-related performance improvements as well. #planetside2
Soldiers, are you ready to brave the dangers of Desolation for Outfit and Empire? 🌑 All PC servers will come down tomorrow, Tues Feb 9, at 6am PST (3pm CET) for the new Outfit Wars update. Downtime ~3 hours. For riches and glory eternal... https://t.co/VrCHbrcl2h https://t.co/UkIZTdzafS
Soldiers, if you chose to accept your missions on the Playstation 4, your downtime begins at 8am PST (5pm CET.) and is expected to last ~3 hours.
Find your patch notes below!
Soldiers, are you ready to brave the dangers of Desolation for Outfit and Empire? 🌑
All PC servers will come down tomorrow, Tues Feb 9, at 6am PST (3pm CET) for the new Outfit Wars update. Downtime ~3 hours.
For riches and glory eternal...
Didn't know I wanted this until now. So cool. #planetside2
I have long wanted to make such a picture. This is a lenticular print. @planetside2 @WrelPlays https://t.co/TMrQzSmx7s
This is looking great. @WalshWaltz's trailer for "Sensory" is out now: #planetside2